Editorial: Like a Death in the Familiy

During all the years of Truth and Tidings’ service, Words in Season has been its sister publication. This older sister had about a 40-year head start on the fledgling magazine whose founding editors lived on Canadian soil. That was the biggest difference between the magazines. Through the years both magazines have been driven by a desire to strengthen assembly testimony and to provide food for the Lord’s people.

Some of us who spent our spiritual childhood in the northeastern states had a special interest in Words in Season because of our respect for and acquaintance with Mr. William Ferguson, its previous editor. Through the spiritual benefit we received, we came to appreciate the value and potential of an assembly magazine. And we have continued to receive spiritual profit from Words in Season.

From the time I had the privilege of joining the Truth and Tidings staff, our beloved brother Norman Crawford lead the way in maintaining a relationship of respect and fellowship with the Words in Season staff. On many occasions, communications flew by phone or fax between Norman Lorimer and Fred Hill, the news editors for the two magazines. Fred’s responsibilities shifted to Joe Procopio and then Bill Breccia, Norman’s to Phil Broadhead; the spirit of cooperation continued. Both magazines have shared material for obituaries of the Lord’s servants. As the responsibility of editing the magazine has shifted in more recent times, the Truth and Tidings staff has continued its desire to maintain a united front for the magazines. Our abiding respect for Mr. Ferguson, for Matt Breccia and his staff, and for the principles they uphold would not allow otherwise. We have appreciated the evidence of reciprocal respect.

The Lord has given both magazines a stewardship of trust. With that goes a responsibility to use that trust within Biblical limits and for the blessing of God’s people. Aware of our liabilities, we have derived great comfort from the balancing presence of a sister magazine, in whose staff we have had such confidence.

For these reasons, and because of our personal friendship with those on the Words in Season staff, when we learned that 2007 will be the last year of publication for Words in Season, it seemed like a death in the family. We deeply regret this but know such a difficult decision was made in the fear of God. Those of us who have received spiritual profit from Words in Season over the years will not forget its standard of excellence, its Biblical steadfastness, its accuracy, its godly leadership, its spiritual edification, and, to the Truth and Tidings staff, its helpful, respectful, God-fearing fellowship and cooperation. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”