Christ in the Offerings: Appendix and Biography

Other Offerings

Once again it must be stressed that our meditations in previous papers have been in the five principal Offerings only. These meditations have been but introductory and suggestive. They are by no means exhaustive, for the well is deep! There are other offerings, sometimes termed “auxiliary offerings” but equally important and deserving of careful study, for these too are rich in portrayals of Christ.

The Red Heifer (Numbers 19) 

This is concisely summarized by Nelson’s Bible Dictionary as follows. “A young cow without blemish was slaughtered outside the camp of the Israelites and then burned in the fire. Its ashes were used as a Sin Offering to bring about purification from uncleanness. The need for purification from uncleanness would arise when a person touched a corpse, a human bone, or a grave. The entire heifer – its hide, flesh, blood, and intestines – was to be burned. A priest would cast into the fire cedar wood (symbolic of durability), hyssop (symbolic of healing, cleansing power), and scarlet thread (probably symbolic of the blood that atones for sin). When a case of uncleanness arose, the ashes of the red heifer were to be mixed in a vessel with living (fresh spring) water and sprinkled with hyssop over the unclean person and his dwelling.” This typifies the believer’s constant need for purification from defilement. Such cleansing is based upon the sacrifice of Christ and is made effective by the Word of God.

The Drink Offering 

This consisted of a small quantity of wine which was poured upon the sacrifice or Meat Offering. The Drink Offering was not usually offered alone, but see Genesis 35:14. It was poured daily upon the morning and evening sacrifices (Num 28:7-8) and at other times the quantity of wine varied according to the nature of the offering (Num 15:5-10). It may be typical of the joy of both Christ and His people as both He and they are poured out for God. There may be an allusion to such joy in Philippians 2:17.

The Wood Offering

This is only mentioned twice in our Bible (Neh 10:34; 13:31). It may seem a trivial thing to bring an offering of wood but it was most essential to maintain the fire which burned continually on the great altar. Likewise, the most lowly service of every believer is necessary for the maintaining of worship in the assembly and testimony for God. Our presence at the gatherings, our prayers for the gatherings, and our participation in the gatherings, if at all possible, are all like the humble Wood Offering keeping the fire burning.

Here is a short list of selected works on the Levitical Offerings. These have been a help to the saints. Like the meditations, the bibliography is suggestive only and by no means exhaustive. Other brethren will have other recommendations.

CALDWELL, John R., Christ in the Levitical Offerings. Glasgow. Pickering & Inglis. Undated.

A little volume very true to its title, being full of Christ. A precious meditation.

COATES, C. A., An Outline of Leviticus. Glasgow. Stow Hill Bible and Tract Depot. Undated.

More than ninety of its pages treat the Levitical Offerings which are “precious instruction for us, and intended to be so. They are instruction in Christ and in the knowledge of God” (C. A. C.).

DARBY, J. N., The Collected Writings. Volume 19 Expository No.1. London. Stow Hill Bible and Tract Depot 1872.

Pages 197-253 of this volume deal with “The Sacrifices, The Offerings, The Consecration of the Priests, and The Day of Atonement. It is said that J.N.D. needs to be “studied,” not simply “read,” but such study is always rewarding. He is true to the Person and Work of Christ.

JUKES, Andrew, The Law of the Offerings. London. Pickering & Inglis. Undated.

Considered by many to be the classic commentary on the offerings. Dwells much on the several distinguishing features of the offerings.

KANE, David, Meditations on the Levitical Offerings. Published by David Kane, Belfast. Printed by Gospel Tract Publications, Glasgow 1996.

A most helpful and thorough treatment of the five principal offerings. Both devotional and practical.

KINGSCOTE, R. F., Christ as seen in the Offerings. London. G. Morrish. Undated.

Notes on lectures delivered in Park Street, Islington. A thoughtful volume, easy to read, and with so much of Christ in it.

MACKINTOSH, C. H., Notes on the Book of Leviticus. Neptune, New Jersey, USA. Loizeaux Brothers 1972. Originally published in 1881 as one of six volumes but since 1972 available in one volume, Notes on the Pentateuch, Genesis to Deuteronomy.

The customary sweet style of the beloved C.H.M. breathes love and loyalty to Christ. It has been said that these “Notes” are “worth their weight in gold.”

NEWBERRY, Thomas, Types of the Levitical Offerings. Kilmarnock. John Ritchie Ltd. Third Edition undated.

Deals briefly, but helpfully, with the five chief offerings but also with kindred truths such as the Consecration of the Priests, the Red Heifer, and the Day of Atonement, concluding with several pages of Questions and Answers and an Appendix on words connected with the sacrifice of Christ, as atonement, propitiation, substitution etc .

NEWTON, B. W., Thoughts on Parts of Leviticus. London. Houlston & Sons 1898.

A most thorough work on most of the first thirteen chapters of Leviticus including a very scholarly consideration of the offerings with much reference to the original Hebrew. Will amply repay careful reading.

SOLTAU, Henry W., The Tabernacle, The Priesthood, and The Offerings. London. No Publisher’s name. 20 Paternoster Square. Undated, but has been reprinted.

A well-known and highly-recommended work, prized and enjoyed by many students of the types in Scripture. Approximately 100 pages are devoted to the Offerings.

Other reliable recommendations:

Christ is All, The Gospel of the Pentateuch, Leviticus. The Religious Tract Society.

Heijkoop, H. L., The Glories of Christ as Seen in the Offerings. Gospel Folio Press.

Ironside, H. A., The Levitical Offerings. Loizeaux Bros. Neptune, New Jersey.

Kellog, Samuel H., Studies in Leviticus. Kregel Publications. Grand Rapids MI.