These All Died in Faith: The Treasure and Treasurer Found

The Ethiopian Eunuch – Acts 8:26-40

The passage opens with a man on his way home from a long journey. The Treasurer of Ethiopia, a most senior servant of Candace, queen of Ethiopia, had gone to Jerusalem to worship. Yet it appears from the account that he did not have his needs met at Jerusalem as he was still reading and searching the Scriptures on the return journey. We’re not told of his religious experience in Jerusalem. All we know is that he was still searching while on his way home. Religion cannot satisfy a longing soul. One has defined religion as man’s attempt to reach God. These attempts, though varied, always end in failure and frustration. God knew that man could not attain to Him so He reached down to mankind in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ and our approach to God is through Him alone. He said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.”

An Honest Seeker

The Treasurer of Ethiopia, on his return from Jerusalem, was searching the Scriptures. He was honestly looking for answers in his life. Like the noble Bereans years later, he wisely sought answers from God’s Word. The Scriptures are like a mirror, revealing our true state before God. Discovering how sinful we really are isn’t pleasant, but getting God’s perspective of our condition is essential to finding a remedy for our sin problem.

An Earnest Student

The Treasurer acquired a copy of Isaiah’s prophecy and was studying it as he traveled along the lonely, desert road. Again, this man was doing the right thing – he was searching the Word of God for answers! Where do you turn when you’re looking for answers to the perplexing issues of life? Is it to some self-professed expert, some confidante, or to the Word of the Living God? The man had already read most of the prophecy by the time he encountered Philip. He was earnest and diligent in his pursuit of answers. What about you? Have you read your Bible to find what God says about your need of salvation? Have you learned that you were born a sinner, and because of that, you practice sin regularly? Have you learned that as a sinner you’re not fit for heaven?

A Puzzled Reader

The Treasurer answered candidly when Philip questioned if he understood what he was reading! Honesty is essential to salvation. He didn’t hide his ignorance but confessed he did not understand. Do you understand God’s way of salvation? For many years I thought I knew how to be saved, but when I tried to be saved, I discovered I was hopelessly lost! After all the verses I had learned, after all the meetings I had attended, and after all the conversations with my dad, I really didn’t know how to be saved! All I really knew for sure was that I was lost!

A Saved Sinner

From Isaiah’s prophecy, Philip explained the gospel message to the Treasurer – the message was about the Lord Jesus Christ! The Lord went willingly as a sheep to the slaughter, in humiliation, to suffer and die for our sins! The message of the gospel is about the Lord Jesus Christ and His work at Calvary. His death has satisfied the claims of God against sin and the needs of man for salvation! His work alone perfectly answers to both needs. God demonstrated His satisfaction with the Lord’s death by the Lord’s resurrection! Are you satisfied with what Christ has done for you? If you are not saved, you are in fact stating that the Lord’s death is somehow not sufficient to meet your need!

A Rejoicing Believer

The man believed God’s Word about His Son! The Treasurer returned to Ethiopia and Candace’s court far richer than when he had left! He had been the treasurer of an earthly fortune when he left on his journey, but he was now the possessor of eternal life! Lasting joy comes in knowing your sins forgiven. He found the answers to all his needs in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. His joy was complete.

An Important Question

Are you saved? If not, seek the Lord earnestly. Don’t just think about it from time to time. Recognize the seriousness of your need and the fulness of God’s provision in the Lord Jesus Christ! Without question, you will never find true peace and joy without the assurance of God’s great salvation! You must seek Him now!