Peter’s appreciation of the faithful Silvanus, John’s appreciation of the lady whose children were walking in truth, and Paul’s many expressions of thankfulness for brethren and sisters who labored with him in the gospel are more than sufficient evidence that we should express appreciation to Christians who have worked faithfully with us. We know that their work has done been in love to the Lord Jesus, and because they love the Word of God and the people of God. We also know that only the Lord Himself is able to rightly value it, but we need to express our thanks in the Lord’s name to them.
Our staff works together with a oneness of heart and mind that gives us great encouragement. Brother Robert Reilly of the Victoria Park assembly in Toronto, has managed the finances of the magazine for 25 years. By very careful monitoring, he has kept us in the black. The income from subscriptions barely covers the costs. Paul and Linda Glenney of Hamilton, Ontario have taken care of the subscription for an equal number of years and we deeply appreciate the quality of their work.
Our sister Rita Dennison of Saginaw has been a great help to us in making final corrections just before the magazines go to the printers. I do not know what we would have done for many years without the professional help of Jeff Spry who superintends the printing.
We are also deeply grateful for the work of Eugene Higgins and David Oliver. These brethren have a large input on every issue. We know that the Question and Answer Forum is the most frequently read section of the magazine. We have been richly blessed by the conversion stories from many lands that Eugene Higgins has provided. He was instrumental in having Philip Broadhead take over the work of producing the Tidings. Brother Broadhead has done an excellent job, and has never failed to meet the deadlines. We also thank God for the contributions of brethren Albert Hull and Peter Ramsay.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buck are still doing the work of mailing the magazines to the U.S., Canada and other lands. The reason that we are given special rates by the postal service is because our brother and sister do the work that would otherwise need to be done by postal employees. They spend many hours each month in wrapping, inserting into envelopes, labeling and putting the presorted and addressed magazines into postal bags which they take to the Post Office. Our brother and sister have been involved in this work for 26 years.
We also want to express our thanks to Paul Trimble and to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Russell. Brother Trimble prints the U.K. magazines and many copies for other countries in his printing shop in Belfast, and mails them each month. Our brother and sister Russell have spent many years collecting subscriptions and taking care of the mailing lists for the U.K. We thank God for them.
Mrs. Mary Beth Potter, in Milton, Ontario, who is the daughter of brother Norman Lorimer, who labored for 50 years on the magazine handles the “Gospel Trust, Canada.” David and Roberta Metcalf of Akron, Ohio, handle the U.S. Trust. These dear believers do a very valuable service for the Lord, His servants and His people in the work of the two Trusts. There are a number of responsible brethren who oversee the Trusts. We believe that everyone knows that this service is done for the Lord’s sake. We believe they will receive the Lord’s “well done,” when we meet Him face to face.