


Edmonton: In spite of the inclement weather, the conference was well-attended by saints from a number of assemblies. Many expressed appreciation for ministry given. Preaching brethren sharing in the meetings were Bryan Funston, James McClelland, Lorne Mitchell, Peter Simms, Peter Smith, Jim Webb, and Gordon Williams. Peter Smith commenced a week of children’s meetings on October 18.

Fort McMurray: Bryan Funston visited here from October 18-20 for three nights of profitable ministry. Peter Smith from Portage la Prairie was here for the Lord’s Day, October 31, followed by five nights of children’s meetings during which numbers growing nightly. A young believer obeyed the Lord in baptism on November 7.

British Columbia

Kamloops: From October 24-29, Peter Smith was here for ministry and an encouraging week of children’s meetings. Between 35 and 50 children came during the week with some parents out as well. A number of new contacts were made.

Vancouver:At the Monthly Missionary meeting on October 2 at South Burnaby Gospel Hall, Matt Scott and Bryan Funston gave accounts of recent visits to Haiti and Newfoundland respectively. The Thanksgiving Conference was profitable with help given by B. Lavery, E. McCullough, N. Mellish, H. Paisley, J. Smith, T. Thompson and N. Thomson. The Bible Readings on Assembly Truths were led by J. Smith and H. Paisley. Two young men professed to be saved during the weekend. H. Paisley ministered the Word in Fairview for one night, Brother Lavery remained for two more weeks in Fairview and Deep Cove. Two sisters were baptized on October 31 at Deep Cove bringing joy to the saints. Carleton assembly had two weeks of ministry in October on the Dispensations. Ernie Moore of Chile visited a number of assemblies in the city during the first week of November and addressed the November Monthly Missionary meeting at South Burnaby. The South Burnaby Gospel Hall is planning a Seed Sowers outreach from December 27 to January 1, 2005 with the intent to cover all of South Burnaby and New Westminster, about 60,000 in total. This outreach will be done with a view to a gospel series starting mid-January. The assembly will provide all of the meals, and there will be activities for the helpers each evening. All customary Seed Sowers guidelines regarding dress and behavior will be in effect. You can direct your questions to Rob & Lynda at lynda@smythca.com.


Winnipeg: The West End assembly had a 16-day series of gospel meetings with Dan Shutt of Michigan and Robert Thomson of Glasgow. Local men helped brother Shutt the final four nights when brother Thomson had to return home. The meetings were well-attended with 10-15 young teenagers coming most nights along with others. The gospel was well-presented, and the believers gave good support. About 20,000 invitations were given out in the environs, and about 800 business card-sized invitations were also distributed. Two billboards were rented along major thoroughfares in the city. The invitation can be viewed at www.ready4heaven.com. While there were no known professions, good contacts were made, and the seed faithfully sown will, no doubt, bear fruit in its season.

New Brunswick

Green River: The saints appreciated the visit of Leslie Wells during the last week of October. Grard Roy joined him visiting from door to door in the village of Saint-Jacques with gospel texts and French Via magazines.

Shediac: Leslie Wells, Grard Roy, and local brethren gave help at the annual conference. The Bible reading on the subject of “Fellowship with God” was a particular blessing to the saints gathered.

Tracadie: In spite of much opposition from her family, a young sister was baptized at the beginning of October. The saints were encouraged by her obedience to the Lord.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Flowers Cove: Gospel meetings started October 31 with Eric Fowler and Bryan Joyce. Prayer is valued for this series.

Lance Au Loup: The annual conference was well attended, with profitable ministry given by Wallace Buckle, Eric Fowler, Gaius Goff, Bert Joyce, and Murray McCandless. Kyle Wilson (Vancouver) spoke to the young believers. James McClelland was with the assembly for ministry October 28. He was with the Red Bay assembly for two nights, and also in English Point for one night.

Parsons Pond: The October conference this year was larger than usual, and the believers were encouraged. There were a good number of the Lord’s servants at the conference, including Eric Fowler, Gaius Goff, David Hunt, Jim Jarvis, Bert Joyce, Peter Mathews, James McClelland, Carl Payne, Ken Taylor, and David Swan.

Seal Cove: David Hunt plans several weeks of gospel meetings to begin in early November. Please pray for the Lord’s blessing.

St. John’s: The believers had a good time of fellowship at their annual conference. The preaching brethren were Wallace Buckle, Eric Fowler, Gaius Goff, David Hunt, Jim Jarvis, Bert Joyce, Peter Mathews, Carl Payne, Peter Ramsay, and Ken Taylor. Brother Taylor was to give a report on Haiti following the conference, with two nights ministry from Gaius Goff. Brother Goff and Kyle Wilson have been visiting the NL assemblies during the month, spending one week in each of the following assemblies: Corner Brook, Parsons Pond, Charlottetown (Labrador), Flowers Cove, New Harbour, McIvers, and Seal Cove. Our brethren were to leave the province November 8.

Nova Scotia

Clementsvale: Albert Hull and Peter Ramsay concluded six weeks of well-attended meetings on October 24. The assembly was encouraged, and the spirit of unity and prayer was evident. While we were disappointed that many, for whom a great deal of prayer was made, were not reached, some blessing during the last week was of cheer, and to God we give all the glory.

Hubbard’s Point: The assembly had recent visits from Eric Fowler and Leslie Wells. Brother Wells spent a number of nights in ministry. The visits from our brethren were appreciated.

River Hebert: Noel Burden ministered the Word for two nights in October and spoke to the children the night following. Leslie Wells’ visit for two nights of ministry was also appreciated.


Barrie: Brian Owen was expected for one week of ministry commencing November 7.

Clinton: Attendance at our 36th annual conference in October was somewhat smaller. Profitable ministry and help in the gospel were given by Alex Dryburgh, Harold Paisley, Larry Steers, Elton Fairfield, and Frank Tournaquindici. Bible Readings on “Communication with God, Personally and Collectively” were ably handled by brethren Paisley and Tournaquindici. Many spoke of being helped and encouraged.

Goodwood: The assembly held its first one day conference on May 8. The saints were encouraged with profitable ministry from local brethren from other assemblies as well as from Fred Krause, Lorne Langfeld, Larry Steers, and Ed Miller. In addition, the assembly pitched a tent for two weeks in July just outside the village on the main road where Ed Miller and Lorne Langfeld faithfully preached the gospel. There were unsaved out for most of the meetings.

London: Four weeks of solemn gospel meetings with Elton Fairfield and Jonathan Procopio closed on October 24. There was a blessing for saved and unsaved with several professing. Elton Fairfield remained to give a report of the work in Japan.

Thunder Bay: During the month of September, Larry Steers visited with four nights of ministry and stayed for a weekend. Timothy Kember also spent a weekend with the saints.

Prince Edward Island

Rosebank: The saints appreciated a visit from Larry Buote on October 27 when he gave edifying and encouraging ministry on the subject of “Heaven” in the New Testament. We have been encouraged with the exercise of the saints and the progress as it relates to the construction of the new hall. The exterior is nearing completion and focus will be turned, working on the interior, as the Lord provides.

Rosebank: The saints appreciated a visit from Larry Buote on October 27 when he gave edifying and encouraging ministry on “Heaven” in the New Testament. We have been encouraged with the exercsie of the saints and the progress as it relates to the construction of the new hall. The exterior is nearing completion and focus will be turned to the indoor work as the Lord provides.


Maidstone: The saints in this rural area were encouraged at the Maidstone-Mervin-Paradise Valley Conference held over the Thanksgiving weekend. Help was given from Bryan Funston, James McClelland, Lorne Mitchell, James Ronald, Art Taylor, and Gordon Williams. Following the conference, Bryan Funston, James McClelland, and Lorne Mitchell remained in the area for three nights of ministry meetings.



Terryville: Helpful ministry was given at the conference by Alan Davidson, Walter Gustafson, Eugene Higgins, David Oliver, and Frank Tornaquindici. Following the conference, Brother Davidson spent a week visiting the Connecticut area and Springfield, MA, assemblies with ministry.


DeLand: James Smith and Aubrey Kelly will conduct a series of gospel meetings, commencing February 20, 2005, Lord willing. Prayer would be appreciated for these meetings.


Cedar Falls: Five weeks of gospel meetings with Jack Nesbitt and Al Christopherson were well attended and resulted in the salvation of two precious souls. David Oliver and A. J. Higgins conducted a weekend of studies from Scripture on parenting and a number of related subjects. The average attendance was at least 150 believers, with many younger ones present.

Dunkerton: Gospel meetings began October 31 with E. McCullough and R. Nesbit. The prayers of the saints are appreciated for this effort.

Monticello: Gospel meetings began November 1 in a rented building next to the City Hall. Al Christopherson and William Skates are preaching the gospel.


Augusta: The saints here appreciated a visit from Jim Smith October 24.


Worcester: Alan Davidson from Ireland was with the assembly on October 21 with encouraging ministry.


Twin Cities: A fifteen year-old boy obeyed the Lord in baptism in October. Joel Portman will be visiting the saints a few mid-November nights for ministry and Bible readings.

New Jersey

Barrington: The assembly was visited recently by our brother Alan Davidson of N. Ireland. He also visited Pennsauken, and, while in the area, he visited Bryn Mawr and Hatboro.

Midland Park: Eugene Higgins started gospel meetings October 24 on “Vital Questions and Biblical Answers.” The believers spent three Lord’s Days distributing invitations to homes in Midland Park and adjoining areas, and are praying for the Lord’s hand in salvation in the meetings.

New Mexico

Albuquerque: William Lavery was expected here for two weeks of ministry with a chart on Future Events, November 8-22. Another Seed Sowers distribution is planned over the Christmas holidays followed by a gospel series with Stan Wells and David Hunt.

North Carolina

Lincolnton: Tent meetings were held here for three weeks in October with David Petterson and local brethren. We were encouraged to see a few visitors out most nights, with over 30 visitors in all, as well as many children of the Christians out every night. A woman professed salvation at the end of the meetings.


Bryn Mawr: The assembly enjoyed a three-night series of ministry on the subject of the rapture. Also the report time was most helpful to understand the areas of need for prayer.


Tri-Cities: October 6 was our second anniversary. We are thankful for the Lord’s blessings since we started the work here in 2000. We enjoyed visits from Tom and Ruth Hoy, and John and Linda Fitzpatrick this month. We had two outreaches this past weekend: one in an Hispanic flea market and one at a large community event. We had a van-load of young people from the Vancouver area helping out in the effort. This was greatly appreciated. The response was great. We had about 200 reply cards to follow-up. We are now in a two-week gospel series with Paul Thiessen and Steve Meyers. Paul preaches in Spanish each night and Steve in English.


Black Earth: The assembly enjoyed three weeks of gospel meetings in October. The gospel was faithfully preached by John Slabaugh and Gary Sharp.


Brian Owen and Paul Potter of Berwick, NS, had three weeks of meetings in fellowship with the assembly that meets in the Ebenezer Gospel Hall, All Saints Village. The original plan was to have tent meetings, but because of very heavy rainfall throughout the time, the meetings were held in the hall. The first week was ministry followed by two weeks in the gospel. A few unsaved attended the meetings, but because of the weather conditions it is difficult to follow up contacts. Please pray for the small assembly that they will be encouraged in their service for Him.

Conferences D.V.

Pennsauken, NJ

January 8-9 in Haddonfield Middle School, Lincoln Ave. and Chestnut St., Haddonfield. Prayer meeting on Friday, January 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 6530 Caroline Ave. (at Route 38 near Rte. 70), Pennsauken, NJ. Hall: 856-662-1201. Corr: David A. Curran, 326 Windsor Ave., Haddonfield, NJ 08033-1142; Tel: 856-429-4443; email: dacurran@aol.com.

Deland, FL

February 5-6 in the Gospel Hall, 109 E Rose Ave., east off N. Woodland Blvd. Friday: Prayer Meeting at 7 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m and 3:30 p.m., Bible Reading 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Bible Reading 2 p.m., Ministry 3:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Bible Readings are on 2 Peter. Corr: Fred King, 215 Lake Talmadge Rd., DeLand, FL 32724, Tel: 386-943-4000, Hall: 386-736-1009.

Tylertown, Mississippi

An all-day meeting is planned for Lord’s Day, February 20, 2005. Directions to the Gospel hall are to take Hwy 48, 6.5 miles east from Tylertown to Oral Church Road. Turn left one mile to the hall. Anyone needing accomodations should contact Keith Young at (601) 268 6802.

Change of Address

David Richards: daverich58@mail.ru (Do not use Bigfoot address until further notice).

Change of Correspondent

Hampton, IA: David McMichael, 10478 Riverside Rd., Greene, IA. 50636; Tel: 641-816-3240; E-Mail: savedeph28@aol.com.

Newbury, ON: Mr. Chris Snooks, Box 107 , Bothwell, ON, N0P 1C0. Tel: 519-695-5779; email: chris@newburygospelhall.com.

With Christ

Victor R. McKenna of Freetown, PEI on July 13, age 83. He was saved in March 1955 through the reading of John 3:36 in “The Sword of the Lord” magazine. He was among the first believers to gather in Freetown when the assembly was formed in 1957. He was an esteemed brother with a quiet disposition and a very keen understanding of Scripture. He was very faithful at all the meetings, even in later years with failing health. He is survived by Verna, his wife of 59 years, two daughters, three sons, 11 grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. Prayer is requested for the family, some of whom are not yet saved. The funeral was taken by Robert McIlwaine and Albert Hull.

Kathleen Elizabeth McCann (nee Boston) of Belfast, N. Ireland on August 11, age 86, in Cheshire England while visiting family. Our sister was brought up in the City of Armagh and was saved as a girl of 15 on the November 16, 1933 after attending meetings held by Mr T. Little. In October 1948, she sailed to Brazil to join her future husband, John McCann, and spent over fifty happy years there serving the Lord. Due to her husband’s failing health they returned to Northern Ireland in 1999 and enjoyed fellowship in Portadown assembly until 2001 when they moved to Belfast to be nearer family. Our sister was a faithful member of Bloomfield Assembly until, for health reasons, both she and her husband moved to Faith House in January 2004. For the last few months she enjoyed happy fellowship at Windsor Gospel Hall. She is survived by her husband John, daughter Helen (and Patrick) Lineen and their four children, and son Thomas (and Hazel) and their four children. Those taking part in the funeral service, held in Lurgan Gospel Hall, were B. Turkington, Tom Matthews (Brazil), David Kane, and S. Hawthorn. Sam Ferguson and W. Mayhew officiated at the grave side.

Susana Penner of Straffordville, ON on October 3, in her 67th year. Our dear sister was born in Mexico, and was raised in the traditions of the Old Colony Mennonites. After the tragic death of her granddaughter in 1997, she came to understand she needed the Savior. In 1999, she and her husband Gerhard were invited to tent meetings and Susana learned that she could not only hope, but know that she would be in heaven. After frequent visits in the home, the need of salvation became a priority and she realized all her efforts were useless. During a visit with John Kember and Dave Patten, at her kitchen table in the spring of 2001, Susana put faith in Christ through Romans 5:6. The funeral was shared by Jim Bergsma and Dave Patten. Susana leaves to mourn her husband Gerhard who is in assembly fellowship, ten children and 32 grandchildren.

Gail Tucker of Hampton, IA on October 9, age 95. Our dear sister was saved as a young married woman on June 15, 1932 through the labors of Oliver Smith. She was in the assembly here these many years. She, along with her husband Ray, entertained the Lord’s servants in her home. She loved the assembly and faithfully attended the assembly meetings until health prevented. Gail is survived by one daughter Beverly, a sister, and a number of nieces and nephews. Robert Orr took the service in the Gospel Hall.

Paddy Stillar of Arnstein, ON on October 15, age 67. Our dear brother was saved February 3, 1971 under the preaching of Arnold Adams and Ed Doherty. He was baptized and received into the fellowship of the assembly shortly thereafter and became active in the gospel, a respected elder, and a true pillar in standing for the truth. He is truly missed by all in the assembly and all in the area who knew him. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife Sharon, two sons, two daughters, and seven grandchildren, some who are not yet saved. The large funeral, attended by over 200, attested to the esteem in which he was held. The service was shared by his son Michael, Bryne Foreshew, and David Booth.