British Columbia
Burnaby: During their DVBS August 14-18, the South Burnaby assembly was encouraged by 90-95 children attending each day. The DVBS also resulted in several new children and five new adults attending on the first day of the Burnaby Bible Hour that resumed in the fall.
Vancouver: Following the August tent meetings in Maple Ridge, the Victoria Drive assembly was encouraged by news that a couple who attended on the last night and heard the gospel for the first time both professed to be saved shortly afterwards. A young man also obeyed the Lord in baptism on August 27 at the end of the gospel meeting with local brother Doug Frith opening for John Meekin. On September 26, the assembly started a weekly Mom and Tots Group on Tuesday mornings at the hall to make gospel contacts in the community. They also rented a local ice rink on the September 30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation holiday for two hours and held a Sunday School Friends and Family skate. Brody Thibodeau preached the gospel to approximately 80 contacts during the skating intermission.
Nova Scotia
Pugwash Junction: Because of local interest, the assembly held on short notice a gospel series that began October 2 with David Hierlihy and Jonathan Procopio.
Arnstein: The assembly held a week of gospel meetings October 15-22 with David Booth in the community of Restoule.
Brampton: The assembly commenced gospel meetings September 10 with Jim Jarvis and Murray Pratt. Preceded by a community barbecue on September 9, the meetings were held in the parking lot using an FM transmitter or indoors if the weather dictated, and were also livestreamed via Zoom and YouTube.
Grand Valley: Lorne Langfeld, with the help of believers, set up a gospel booth September 19-23 at the International Plowing Match. This large agricultural event provided opportunities to make contacts and have conversations about the gospel.
Hamilton: The Nash Road assembly convened a Saturday afternoon conference on September 30 in the hall with Dan Shutt and Shawn St. Clair speaking on topics related to “Relationships and the Family.” They concluded the conference with dinner, followed by a sing.
Oro Station: Lorne Langfeld set up a Bible Booth September 7-10 at the Barrie Automotive Flea Market held at a venue called Burl’s Creek near Orillia, ON.
Sudbury: On Lord’s Day, September 10, a young sister was received into fellowship, bringing much joy to the assembly. Regular Sunday School classes and Sunday Bible Study also commenced that day for the first time since March 2020. The assembly appreciated the fellowship lunch prepared by the sisters afterwards.
Phoenix: The Orangewood assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on “The Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include Lindsay Parks (Indiana, PA, September 16), Robert Dennison (Saginaw, MI, September 23), Shad Kember (September 30) and Andrew Chill (Phoenix, October 7).
Cedar Falls: Dan Rudge (UK) visited the assembly on Monday, September 25, for ministry.
Hampton: The assembly appreciated the ministry from Dan Rudge on Tuesday, September 26.
Kansas City: The annual Labor Day conference was a blessing with helpful and much needed ministry from Brandon Doll, Eric Fowler, Jerry Jennings, William Lavery, Murray McCandless, Scott MacLeod, Joel Portman and Frank Sona. The attendance was also very good.
New Jersey
Midland Park: The assembly held well-attended gospel tent meetings for two weeks in July with Kory Crawford and Peter Ramsay. Kory also spoke in Spanish for early PM meetings on the three Lord’s days. A week of VBS meetings with good attendance on the subject of Paul filled the last week of July. The annual conference was well attended, and the speakers, Matthew Cain, David Gilliland and Jonathan Seed, had challenging and encouraging messages for the large audience. The assembly has been holding monthly Spanish gospel meetings following a free meal. Prayer is requested for the assembly activities.
Bryn Mawr: The assembly participated in the annual community Bryn Mawr Day on Saturday, September 9, 2023. It was an opportunity to distribute gospel literature and invitations to hear the gospel. They also enjoyed a week of children’s meetings, using the title Youth Bible Lessons, September 18-22, with help given by younger believers from other assemblies. They are thankful to have some children attending through family connections; however, getting children to attend from the area around the hall has been very difficult. They look to the Lord for guidance.
Arlington: The assembly held a gospel series October 8-22 with Marvin Derksen and Peter Ramsay.
Blue River: Dan Rudge visited the assembly on the Lord’s Day, September 24, for ministry.
Brodhead: Gospel meetings with Ken Baker (Blue River, WI) and Allan Christopherson closed September 15 after four weeks with blessing in salvation.
La Crosse: The assembly appreciated the ministry from Dan Rudge on September 27.
Matilde (Pachuca): The assembly enjoyed a visit from Harrys Rodríguez on September 10. The believers continue with a regular house meeting in Pueblo Nuevo where Eduardo and Nadia show good interest in the gospel, and for whom prayers are appreciated.
Mexico State
Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl: The believers were very thankful for being able to convene their annual conference September 15-17. The fellowship enjoyed with believers from other assemblies and the rich teaching from the Word of God truly were an encouragement to all. Duncan Beckett, Samuel Chesney, Harrys Rodríguez, Timothy Stevenson and Paul Thiessen shared the responsibility for Bible teaching.
Iguala: The assembly celebrated their ninth anniversary in September and appreciated the visit of Henry Carvajal and José Antonio Rodríguez from Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, both sharing in the teaching of the Word of God.
Xalapa: The believers appreciated four nights of teaching by Paul Thiessen in September. Two families attending the meetings said the teaching was helpful and had provoked an interest in learning more biblical doctrine.
Bryn Mawr/Hatboro, PA
November 10-12, annual conference with prayer meeting on Friday, November 10, at 7:30pm in the Hatboro Gospel Hall. All other meetings will be at Christ Home Community Center, 800 Ν. York Road, Warminster, PA 18974. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2:30pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 11:45am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4pm. Speakers expected: Clark Logan, Dale Vitale and Peter Ramsay. Accom: Alan Oliver, Email:; Tel: 215-806-1714 or James Buchanan, Email:; Tel: 445-448-0116. Info: James Coleman, Email:
Maberly, ON
November 25, at Wheeler’s Pancake House. Meetings start at 2:30pm. Directions: Take Hwy 7 to Maberly, take Maberly-Elphin Rd. north to McDonald’s Corners, turn right and follow the signs to Wheeler’s Pancake House. Further meetings to be announced at the conference. For more information, please contact Gordon McLeod, Tel: 613-268-2616; Email:
Tampa, FL
January 13-14, at the Clark family farm. Meetings begin at 10am both days. Speakers expected are Jonathan Seed, Andrew Ussher and Dale Vitale. There will be an activity planned for Monday, January 15, as this is MLK day. For the address, more information, or accommodations, please contact Gordon Armstrong, Email:; Tel: 813-848-4056.
Conferences Previously Published:
Saskatoon, SK – November 4-5
Saugus, MA – November 4-5
Oshawa, ON – November 11
Phoenix, AZ – November 24-26
Grant Hagen of Marion, IA, on August 22, 2023, age 81. He was saved on March 31, 1968, after attending only a few gospel meetings, having been given a Bible and hearing the gospel through his veterinarian. He and his wife, Patricia, came into the fellowship of the Marion assembly in 1973 and have been in happy fellowship since. He was called home from the nursing home he, along with others, had built to care for the aged in 1979. He served as the administrator of Linn Manor Care Center and manager of Linn Manor Apartments for over 40 years. His life was spent serving others and he was always willing to help anyone who had a need. He was always prepared to share his love for the Lord with a gospel tract in his pocket. Allan Christopherson took the funeral service and Tim McCalley spoke at the graveside.
Mary C. Procopio of Middleton, MA, on August 23, 2023, age 92. She was born on January 16, 1931, and born again on June 22, 1941, through John 3:16. Mary was in fellowship with the Christians in Byfield, MA. She leaves behind her devoted children Frank Procopio Jr., Beccy (Paul) Beattie, Cindy Procopio, Sherry Procopio, five grandchildren, one great-grandchild, and her brother Tony Grillo. The well-attended funeral was shared by her son Frank Procopio Jr., and granddaughter Francesca Beattie. Her nephew Glen Smith, family friend Dr. Mark Quitadamo, and son-in-law Paul Beattie prayed at the service. The impact this dearly loved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother had was evident in the words spoken.
Delores Graham of Frostburg, MD, on September 3, 2023, age 96. She was saved at 13 during gospel meetings with Albert Clabunda. Delores immediately began witnessing to others, eventually bringing her stepmother (Mae Evans) to gospel meetings, where she also was converted. Two years later, she rejoiced in seeing her father (Clarence Evans) come to faith in Christ. Delores married George Graham in 1968, a full-time worker from Scotland who spent the remainder of his years serving in the US and Canada until his homecall in 1992. Delores faithfully served by his side. She is remembered for her care for the sick and elderly, her heart for the lost, commitment to the local assembly and love for her Lord. Delores was the last surviving member of her immediate family. Her step-grandson David Petterson spoke at the funeral service, with Kurt Petterson speaking words of comfort and remembrance at the graveside.
Gloria Jean Thompson of Augusta, ME, on September 9, 2023, age 84. Born on January 18, 1939, she trusted Christ during tent meetings in Augusta on July 1, 1981. She and her husband Dave, who predeceased her in 1993, were baptized and came into the fellowship of the Augusta assembly, where they remained faithful for many years. Gloria was at all the meetings, cheerfully helping in any way she could, until infirmity made that impossible. Through a ten-year illness, she was lovingly cared for by her children, particularly her oldest daughter Peggy with whom she lived for some years. She is now free from all physical and mental difficulties and is at home with the Lord. Gloria is survived by seven children and eight grandchildren, many of whom know Christ and await His coming.
Doreen A. (Rawlings) Buck of Jackson, MI, on September 17, 2023, age 89. She was saved before turning 14 years old. Doreen and her late husband Robert were faithful to the Lord and to each other for almost 67 years of marriage. Together they served the Lord through hospitality (she was a wonderful cook), gospel and Sunday School work, Seed Sowers distributions, and mailing and distributing the Truth and Tidings magazine for almost 30 years. Doreen lived out her Christian faith and was a testimony to all those with whom she came in contact. In her later years, she exemplified godly grace and acceptance when afflicted with a debilitating muscle disorder that confined her to a wheelchair. The large funeral was shared by her sons Jim and Kevin, and several grandchildren. David Oliver preached the gospel faithfully. Please pray for those left to mourn, as well as unsaved family members.