Book Review: Handbook for Bible Teachers and Preachers by Campbell Morgan

coverCampbell Morgan, Handbook for Bible Teachers and Preachers (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1982), 301 pp.

Reviewed by Timothy Cain

While it is true that a little knowledge can be a very dangerous thing, G. Campbell Morgan’s Handbook for Bible Preachers and Teachers goes just far enough past “little” to be truly enlightening and empowering. In no single subject will the Handbook ever produce an expert – it’s simply too broad and too brief to do so. Yet there is a solid, thorough, usable foundation for the entirety of Scripture within the pages of this must-have resource.

In typically Morganesque style – wherein complex subjects become simple, simple truths become profound, and a distinctly readable quality is blended with plenty of weighty dialogue – the Handbook travels book by book through 63 sections and establishes context, major themes and vital truth. “Every book has some direct and living message having application not to its own age merely, but to every succeeding one.”

The Handbook for Bible Preachers and Teachers was also published as Living Messages of the Books of the Bible and Concise Survey of the Bible. G. Campbell Morgan, a preacher at 13 and a friend of Charles Spurgeon, died in 1945.