

British Columbia

Burnaby: The South Burnaby assembly held a week of children’s meetings in the hall August 13-17. They were encouraged to have 96 children attend the first day, as well as a good number of parents, which has resulted in some new children attending both Sunday school and the Monday evening Bible Hour.

Newfoundland and Labrador

English Point: Brody Thibodeau was with the assembly for a week of children’s meetings September 10-14. The hall was nearly full each night with large numbers of children out from English Point, L’Anse au Loup, and other surrounding communities. Also, there were many adults in each night, including parents that never attended a regular meeting. The assembly was encouraged by the turnout and interest. Prayer is requested for those who heard a clear gospel message each night and that this outreach may benefit the Sunday school work. The assemblies in English Point and L’Anse au Loup greatly appreciated ministry by Brody during a weekend in September.

Gander: Gaius Goff was with the assembly for ministry August 22-24. The assembly conducted open-air meetings August 26-29 with David Hunt. On August 30, Matthew Cain gave a word of ministry. All of these meetings were an encouragement to the saints. On September 15, the assembly held a Saturday brunch outreach and was encouraged with over 50 people attending who were contacts of the believers.


Charlton: There were some encouragements after a week of VBS in mid-July followed by a gospel series at the fairgrounds where Murray Pratt, Bruce Rodgers, and local brethren spoke.

Earlton: The assembly was encouraged by the baptisms of a teenager in August and three middle-aged women in September. These three were saved as a result of Bible studies with Alvin and Jackie Cook. The booth at the New Liskeard Fall Fair was fruitful as hundreds answered the questionnaire and several requested follow-up Bible studies. Several new believers assisted with this endeavor. In late October, the assembly plans a Harvest celebration community dinner and gospel presentation.

Niagara Falls: In late August, Seed Sowers distributed 20,000 texts with little response. The community supper at the end of September was an encouragement with about 80 people paying good attention to Rob Kerr (Hamilton) preaching the gospel. Some came as a result of the Seed Sowers effort, as well as others who regularly attend.

Nippissing Junction: In late September a young woman was baptized and a good number heard the gospel, some for the first time. Gary Sharp and Mike Trahan purposed to begin gospel meetings in early October.

Picton: The assembly was encouraged at the end of September with the baptism of a 13-year-old girl who was saved two years ago.

Mississauga: The Applewood Heights assembly appreciated several recent visits from Stephen Vance. The ministry and gospel given were a great encouragement to the assembly. Their annual Bible reading conference was well attended and the teaching given was extremely helpful and a blessing to all who were present. They appreciated the unity and teaching given by A. J. Higgins, Paul Robinson, Dan Shutt, and Shawn St. Clair who led the readings on 2 Timothy.

Toronto: The Langstaff assembly recently completed a mini-gospel series with Stephen Vance entitled “The Story of Christianity.” The meetings were well attended with many unsaved contacts present. The messages will be made available online for those who have expressed interest in them. The assembly is planning to undertake three more gospel efforts like this over the next nine months. The Rexdale assembly enjoyed a helpful and well-attended Bible reading conference on September 22 with the theme “The Glory of God as Seen in the New Testament Assembly Pattern.” The Bible readings were led by Paul Robinson, Larry Steers, and Ken Taylor. The assembly’s hope and prayer is that it was a blessing to all.



Alpena: The assembly was thankful for the Lord’s blessing during the annual conference, September 8-9. On hand to give appreciated help were Eugene Bruley (Black River Falls, WI), Jerry Jennings, William Lavery, Harry Rodriguez, and William Skates. A warm note of thanks is extended to all who attended and supported. A week of gospel meetings followed (Sept 24-28), with Jerry Jennings and local brethren speaking. Some 250 invitations, calendars, and tracts were distributed. A few young adults and children came under the sound of the gospel once again.


Ankeny: The assembly had two weeks of gospel meetings in September with Larry Perkins and Frank Sona. It was a time of sowing. Approximately 30 new people attended and listened to the gospel at least once. Christian Torres (Hampton) spoke one evening to a Hispanic group that came. The assembly looks to the Lord to take His word and re-preach it to these souls. On September 22, the assembly had a one-day conference with encouraging ministry that was exhortative, practical and devotional. John Fitzpatrick, William Lavery, Scott MacLeod, Murray McCandless, Larry Perkins, Daniel Rudge, William Skates, and Frank Sona ministered the Word. Brethren Fitzpatrick, McCandless, MacLeod, Perkins, and Sona stayed for the Lord’s Day as well. On Sunday afternoon, a baptism was held in a public park for two believers.

Antioch: Gospel meetings with Jerry Jennings and Roy Weber concluded September 18.

Manchester: The October conference was a time of refreshment, encouragement, and challenge through the messages of Al Christopherson, Jerry Jennings, William Lavery, Eric McCullough, Dan Shutt, William Skates, and Gary Tombs.  Daniel Baker and Dave Sproul had messages for the children, and Jerry Jennings took the gospel Sunday afternoon.

Waterloo: William Lavery gave ministry at the Western Avenue assembly, October 1-3.


Baldwin City: Gospel meetings began October 9 at the Coal Creek Gospel Hall with Jerry Jennings and Roy Weber.


Cass City: The assembly appreciated a visit from Dan Shutt in September. The ministry was encouraging and timely.

New Jersey

Barrington: Colin Hutchinson of Scotland was present September 24-27 and gave excellent ministry on life-altering moments in the lives of several Old Testament characters.


La Crosse: Stu Thompson visited the assembly and gave ministry September 16-19. Dan Rudge (England) was with the assembly on September 20 for ministry. The assembly commenced a children’s outreach on September 11 at the Schuh/Mullen Homes Club building that will run 5:45-6:45pm every Tuesday evening. Gospel meetings are purposed to begin November 4 with Al Christopherson and Brandon Doll.



Hermosillo: The assembly rejoiced when a young man was baptized and brought into the fellowship in September. Although he was brought up in the gospel, he stopped attending meetings in his late teens, but God worked graciously in his life in 2017 to bring him to Christ at the age of 22 – an answer to many prayers.

San Luis Río Colorado: The believers from the assembly are visiting Ejido Colima, a small village less than an hour away, on Sunday afternoons to preach the gospel.


Chihuahua: The Christians were most thankful for another good conference held in September. Duncan Beckett, Shad Kember, and Tim Woodford all shared in the responsibility of teaching and preaching the Word of God.

Nuevo León

Monterrey: Anderson Hernández and Miguel Mosquera continued through September in a gospel series they commenced in late August. The consistent attendance of some has been encouraging.


Santiago Ixcuintla: Recently, four young believers were baptized, bringing much joy to the assembly.


Puerto Vallarta: The Coapinole assembly continues to hold a weekly children’s meeting on Saturday in Volcanes. A good number of children and a few parents attend regularly, for whom the believers would appreciate the prayers of God’s people.


Irapuato: For the third time this year there was a drug-related shootout a block away from the hall. The believers are praying that the increase in violence will be used by God to cause others to search for Him. The grandfather of some Sunday school children recently passed away, and Ricky and Erika Sawatzky were able to spend several hours with the family answering questions about what happens after death.

Mexico State

Nezahualcóyotl: A young sister was recently received into fellowship. The assembly enjoyed a visit from Tim Woodford and also two brethren from Hermosillo recently. All three shared in the ministry and the gospel.

San Lucas: Three believers from this community were baptized on September 22. The attendance of a good number of family and friends from the area was encouraging. Believers from the Iguala assembly continue to visit here regularly.


Iguala: The assembly appreciated the visit of Jorge and Sulay Gómez (Morón, Venezuela) when they came to spend time with their children that reside here. Jorge’s help in the Word was also appreciated.


Oacalco: It has been encouraging to see the hand of the Lord recently in the salvation of souls. This, too, is an outreach work from Iguala.


Veracruz: The assembly is praying and preparing for the Seed Sowers distribution at the end of December, and also for the gospel series that will commence on December 30.


Pennsauken, NJ

January 5-6, in the Haddonfield Middle School, Lincoln Ave. and Chestnut St., Haddonfield, NJ. Prayer meeting Friday, January 4, at 7:30pm in the gospel hall, 6530 Caroline Ave., Pennsauken, NJ. Topical Conference: “Egypt to Canaan: The Believers’ Pilgrimage through an Inhospitable World.” Participants: J. Dennison, E. Higgins, and A. Ussher. An outline will be available at http://www.pennsaukengh.com. A preliminary message, given by E. Higgins, will be posted on the website at the end of December for those who would like some background as to the topic. Corr: Peter S. Higgins, 1208 Sequoia Rd., Cherry Hill, NJ 08003; Tel: 609-605-0698; E-mail: papetehiggins@aol.com.

Conferences Previously Published:

London, ON – November 3-4

Saskatoon, SK – November 3-4

Oil Springs, ON – November 10-11

Oshawa, ON – November 10

Blues Mills/Cape Breton, NS – November 10-11

Bryn Mawr/Hatboro, PA – November 10-11

Brampton, ON – November 17-18 (Please see the October issue for the change in location)

Phoenix, AZ – November 23-25

Maberly, ON – November 24

Saugus, MA – December 1-2


Change of Address of Correspondent

Albuquerque Gospel Hall, NM: Duane Pickett, Tel: 505-883-0464; Cell: 505-414-6083; E-mail: dpick58@aol.com.

Lathom Road Gospel Hall, BC: Ralston Atkinson, PO Box 1148, Port Alberni, BC, V9Y 7L9;  E-mail: ralrho@gmail.com.

Change in Meeting Times

Albuquerque Gospel Hall, NM: Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 – 10:45am, Bible Reading and Sunday school 11:15am – 12:15pm (Ministry instead of Bible reading on the last Sunday of each month), Gospel Meeting 6:30 – 7:30pm. Wednesday: Prayer and Bible Reading 7:30 – 8:30pm.


Orma Taylor of Taylorside, SK on September 5, 2018, age 82. She was born on July 12, 1936 to Roland and Olive Seale. At age 12, Orma was led to Christ by her father, and was eventually baptized and received into assembly fellowship. She was known for her hospitality, kindness, generosity, and her interest in others. Failing health of late prevented her attendance at assembly meetings. Orma will be greatly missed, but is now in the presence of the Lord which is far better. Prayer is requested for her husband Ross and their family. The large funeral was taken by her grandson Mitch Taylor who spoke faithful words in the gospel. John Parker spoke at the interment.

Virginia Murphy of Jackson, MI on September 12, 2018, age 90. She was saved in September of 1949 after hearing the gospel just four times. She was convicted of her sin through Revelation 20. A few days later, while reading John 3:16, she realized she HAD everlasting life, not everlasting death, and rested in the finished work of Christ. She had a terrific sense of humor, loved to sing, was a faithful witness to her many unsaved relatives, and had a deep appreciation for God’s assembly. Virginia’s well-attended funeral was a tribute to her godly influence on many. Matt Smith and Paul Wielenga preached the gospel.

Marguerite Meyer of Waterloo, IA on September 13, 2018, age 98. She, along with her family, lived in the Stout area during her younger years, where she heard and believed the gospel. In 1937, Marguerite moved to the Waterloo area and became  part of the assembly that gathers on Western Avenue. For the last 18 years of her life, she was a resident of a care facility. Having never married, Marguerite is survived by one nephew and several cousins. The funeral service was taken by Russ Nesbit.

Richard Van Mill of Stout, IA on September 16, 2018, age 88. He was saved August 15, 1947 during tent meetings in Parkersburg as he was reading Romans 6:23. It was then and there that he realized salvation is a gift to be received. Following baptism, Richard became a part of the Stout assembly, where he was a mainstay for many years. Before his transfer from earth to heaven, he had this testimony that “he pleased God.” Richard leaves behind his wife, Pauline, of 69 years, two sons, one daughter, and a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. His son, Mike, and his grandson-in-law, Tim McCandless, took the large funeral service held in the Stout Gospel Hall, with Russ Nesbit speaking at the grave.

Josephine Rexon of Cherry Hill, NJ on September 30, 2018, age 88. She was predeceased by her husband Bob earlier in the year. Saved at the age of 19, she left a large denomination to gather in simplicity with the assembly in Barrington. Josie leaves behind a son and daughter, Joanne Kessler (Robert) and Robert Rexon, Jr., three grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. She was a kind and sensitive woman, whose protracted illness hindered her from attending assembly meetings in Barrington for several years. Josephine will be missed. The service was taken by A. J. Higgins in the gospel hall and by Dr. Michael Renzi at the interment.