The Gospel in Revelation: The Last Enemy

And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire… (Rev 20:14, KJV).

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death (1Cor 15:26, KJV).

The Seven Last Enemies

Revelation chapters 17-20 describe the seven last great enemies: 1) Babylon the Great (ch17-18), (2) the Beast, (3) the False Prophet (19:20), (4) Satan (20:7), (5) Gog and Magog (20:8-9), (6) Death, and (7) Hell (20:14).

Death is the condition where the soul and spirit are severed from the body. Hell is the spiritual dimension where the continuation of that separation and detention is maintained until the Great White Throne. The description “Death and Hell” gives the double aspect of cessation of life on earth: the physical and the spiritual. Death is not a “switch” where one merely ceases to function like a machine. Memories, ideas, thoughts, values, wisdom and precious words continue to exist and endure as spiritual realities and testify to the fact of man’s immaterial aspect.

Why Is Death an Enemy?

It is an enemy because it dissolves man’s physical body, and separates him from all his loved ones, his ties, and his possessions. It is impartial, and cannot be compromised by anything on earth, bringing pain to all in its path.

It is an enemy because it entered into the world contrary to man because of his sin, and contrary to God in His desire for man. It has victims, and has held humanity captive.

It is an enemy because its rule does violence to Divine glory. It is against eternal life. It is not natural to man in his original design.

Why Is Death the Last Enemy?

The power of death rests upon foundations which must be removed before this enemy can be dethroned. Death is a consequence (Rom 5:12-21).

The first enemy of the soul was Satan (Gen 3:1), then Sin, and then the Separation called Death. Satanic control over death’s condemnation was nullified by the substitutionary death of Christ for sinful mankind (Heb 2:14). The cross work of the Son of God delivers from the penalty of sin. His risen life preserves the believer from the power of sin. His completed work and eternal position ensure that the presence of sin will be forever obliterated. Death is the last enemy dealt with because the great problems of Sin and Satan have been settled.

Death is the last enemy because the final group to be raised is those who have rejected the offer of Divine grace and love. There is nothing left to be raised after the Great White Throne Judgment.

Death is the last enemy because it is the longest witness to man’s greatest problem. In spite of man’s stubbornness and willful blindness, it is the strongest resistance and opposition to man in his pride.

Isn’t the Second Death an Enemy?

No. God’s holy rule rightly necessitates one habitation with His dwelling and another without. There is nothing else under the control of sin and Satan to assail. What remains is the eternal anguish within man, who excluded God without a just basis, in the lake of fire.

Dear friend, your enmity with God can be forgiven and ended now. God is not your enemy, neither is man God’s last enemy. Christ has died for sin and for sinners, and risen again that you might receive Him as Savior today (2Tim 1:9-10).