Respected as a Beloved Brother
With a real sense of sadness and loss, we write of the home-call on December 6, 2007, of a beloved brother and servant of the Lord, William McBride. His dear wife and godly help-meet, Doris, and their family need our prayers.
Raised in a Christian home, saved at age 19, our brother devoted himself to the study of the Word of God. Three years later he was commended to full time service by the Manchester, CT, assembly. He married Doris Watson (daughter of Mr. Fred Watson) in 1942 and they lived and served the Lord in West Virginia. They were exercised about serving the Lord in Chile and the way opened for them to go there in 1945. After a year in Santiago they settled in the Talca area and spent a total of 53 years serving the Lord and His people in Chile. Age and service in Chile took their toll and in 1998 Mr. & Mrs. McBride returned to Canada and took up residence in Bethany Courts; they were in happy fellowship in the Unionville assembly.
This was not by any means retirement; our brother, using his perfect Spanish, was a regular speaker at conferences for Spanish believers and shared in several series of gospel meetings for Spanish-speaking migrant workers. He visited assemblies in Ontario, ministering the Word of God to His people and participating in assembly Bible Readings where his help was very much appreciated. But, for our brother and sister, Chile was always on their hearts. They returned on two occasions for lengthy visits involving preaching the gospel and ministering the Word of God to the saints.
Once when a young Chilean brother asked Mr. McBride about the work of a shepherd, the reply was, “In order to care for the sheep belonging to the Shepherd, you must first start by loving the Shepherd to Whom the sheep belong.” This love for His Lord was reflected in his deportment and gracious ways among God’s people.
On a personal note, while we counted it a privilege to do any little favor for our brother, he was always so appreciative. He lived in the spirit of Colossians 3:15, “Be ye thankful.”
A large number attended the funeral service in the Unionville Gospel Hall. Those participating in the service expressed the love and respect of all for our dear brother with these words:
“He was truly a man of God.”
“He was a man of godly character.”
“He delighted in the Word of God.”
“He taught with authority.”
“He was a man of prayer.”
“He poured out his whole life for others.”
“He finished well.”
We deeply cherish the memory of our dear brother and close with three words taken from Hebrews13:7, “Whose faith follow.”