John 1:29
Whenever I read John 1:29 I can’t help but think back to the first Passover scene (Exo 12). On that night the angel was to pass through all of Egypt and the first-born of all the families would die unless covered by the blood of a sacrifice. However, it wasn’t just any blood that would do. There were distinct requirements needed for the lamb. These were types that point us ultimately to the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Recall that the first thing that had to be done was the lamb had to be selected. It was not to be any old, scraggly lamb but one without blemish (Exo 12:5). So too was God’s Lamb, His Son. He was perfect and without blemish or spot (1Pe 1:19). The Word of God makes this clear as it talks of His being without sin (Heb 4:15); He “knew no sin” (2Co 5:21); He “did no sin” (1Pe 2:22); in Him there was no sin (1 Jn 3:5). He was holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners (Heb 7:26). Such was the Lamb that God selected!
The lamb also had to be scrutinized (Ex 12:6). It must be found to remain without spot or else it would never suffice for such an important service. In a similar manner the Lord also was scrutinized. In this process His Father declared Him perfect, a Son in whom He was well pleased (Mat 3:17, Mat 17:5).Those who honestly reviewed His life found Him perfect (John 1:14). His own disciples marveled at Him (Mat 8:27) as did the unbelieving Jews (John 7:46). Recall that even the Gentile Pilate said of Him, “I find no fault in this Man” (Luk 23:4, 14)
When all this was fulfilled it came time for the lamb to be slain. The life of the lamb was sacrificed so that blood could be shed and then applied to their doors. In this way the first-born inside was sheltered by the blood and did not die. So too in the life of the Lord Jesus the time came for Him to be slain. He did not complain (Mark 15:3-4) nor refrain (Luk 9:51) from Calvary. He went as a lamb to the slaughter (Isa 53:7), not just willingly but obediently, knowingly, and lovingly.
Now we see a difference. The Passover lamb was slain, the blood was shed and then it was roasted in fire (Exo 12:8). There was no further suffering for this lamb. However, the Lamb of God first suffered on the cross. He felt the fire of God’s wrath (Lam 1:13) before His blood was shed. We read of His bearing our sin (1Pe 2:24), of crying out under the weight of our sin (Mark 15:34), of suffering the Just for the unjust (1Pe 3:18). What this Lamb did no other lamb ever was able to do. He once and for all time finished the work that His Father entrusted to Him (Heb 10:12). He settled forever sin’s tremendous claims. The Son cried, “It is finished” (John 19:30), and nothing more could be done. On that cross His blood was freely shed (v 34), and without the shedding of blood there could be no remission (Heb 9:22).
The work of the Lamb of God was sufficient to satisfy His Father. No further lamb is needed. There need be no repeat of the Passover tradition. The Father raised His Son from among the dead (Acts 13:30). This Lamb, like no other before Him, lives forever at the right hand of His Father (Eph 1:20).
Now comes the important question: Is He sufficient for you? His blood has been shed but it needs to be applied (just like in Passover time). God’s wrath still abides on all who have not believed on Christ (John 3:36). However God’s wrath can be abated if you will trust His Son (John 5:24)
The plea goes out again: “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). Look to the Lamb to save you. Look only to the Lamb for salvation. Nothing more is needed; nothing less is sufficient.