Respected as a Teacher
I had the privilege of knowing Mr. and Mrs. McBride shortly after my conversion in the mid-fifities. By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have been greatly enriched through them. Though I had been brought up in a Christian home, I was quite ignorant of the Scripture’s teaching regarding the assembly and particularly concerning future events. So the Lord was pleased to enlighten me through the clear and concise expositions of this gifted servant, as well as others.
Brother McBride frequently and effectively used charts (Two Roads and Two Destinies, Egypt to Canaan, and others) to help listeners understand the truth in gospel meetings or meetings for believers. He was also untiring in pitching his gospel tent far and wide, as many folk who would not enter a gospel hall would, out of curiosity, accept an invitation to a tent meeting.
We greatly miss the Lord’s servants who pioneered the work in Chile. Within a relatively brief period of time the Lord has taken home Eliecer Parada, Richard Hanna, and William McBride. Prayer has been made to the Lord of the harvest to send forth other laborers, and He has done so abundantly, raising up national brethren in number more than ever before. May God preserve His servants in these “perilous times” helping them to maintain the sound doctrine that has constituted the foundation of our faith.