August 13, 1933 saw the first assembly meeting in Englehart, Ontario, when a group of Christians met in the home of Mr. Tom Houldcroft, the local Ontario Provincial Police officer. Those in fellowship were Mr. and Mrs. John Black, and Winnifred (Mrs. Norman Fergusson), Mr. and Mrs. Porter and Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Edwards, Mrs. E Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Spence, Mr. and Mrs. Art Wood, Blanchard and Louise, Dorothy Bowerman, Mr. Tom Houldcroft, Mr. and Mrs. Yarkie, Mrs. Demerall with Ernie and Violet.
This work started when Mr. Ben Widdifield came north in 1921 to visit his relatives, the Stewart Rodgers family in the Charlton area. He, with help from Mr. David Miller and Mr. Robert Bruce, held meetings and saw a work done for God. One of these, Margaret (Bailey) Rodgers came to work in Englehart and had Bible readings with a few women. Brethren from Earlton also came to help and, as a result, souls were saved and the assembly formed.
In 1940, Mr. Widdifield was provided with a car. This enabled him to get around, and with Aubrey Dellandrea, and then in 1946, Ernie Dellandrea, he worked the area and saw a work done for God.
Others of the Lord’s servants came at different limes. Mr. Mervyn Paul, in 1942 and in 1951 had a long season of meetings with Mr. Wallace Cudmore. They saw 16 souls profess faith in Christ. Mr. Ed Doherty started visiting the area in 1956 and has been faithful to the area ever since. He has seen a number saved and has been an influence in the lives of many, including some who have become full-time workers.
Of those who first met in 1933, Winifred (Black) Ferguson continues. Mrs. Black has children to the fourth generation in assemblies in many parts of Ontario. Mr. Houldcroft’s son carries on in Milton, Ontario and Mrs. Demerall has children in various assemblies still.
The Lord has worked in our midst over the years and one can identify a good number who were saved but never remained gathered to the Lord’s Name, but are members of the denominations around. May we seek to continue on in fellowship with our Lord Jesus Christ.