Tidings – Canada
British Columbia
Abbotsford, Prayer will be valued for gospel meetings which Bryan Funston and Gordon Williams plan to begin early in April.
Port Alberni, Robert Surgenor had five nights of appreciated ministry in early December.
Terrace, Prayer is requested for a series in the gospel which Dave Richards and Bryan Funston expect to commence on March 10.
Vancouver, At Victoria Drive, good numbers attended ministry meetings in December by Robert Surgenor, who spoke from the Book of Ezra. Our brother also visited Woodland Drive for one night. A lady was baptized at Victoria Drive, the continuing result of one man’s salvation at gospel meetings at Fairview over a year ago. Joe Milne (Venezuela) and Jim Webb expected to start a series in the gospel on January 14 at West Richmond. Prayer will be valued for a gospel series which Peter Orasuk and Shad Kember Jr. expect to begin in February at Victoria Drive. On January 6, Joe Milne spoke of the Lord’s work in Venezuela at the monthly missionary report meeting at West Richmond. The following day, brother Milne and Stanley Wells shared in the ministry at the monthly ministry meeting at Fairview.
Portage la Prairie, A good number gathered for the New Year’s Day conference when ministry was given by Robert Boyle, Jack Gould and local brethren.
Burgessville, On January 7, Murray Pratt and Steve Kember started a series in the gospel.
Chatham, The saints enjoyed visits in December by Timothy Kember and George Patterson. Larry Steers and William Seale expected to commence a gospel series on January 14.
Deer Lake, Brian Owen started two weeks of children’s meetings in early January.
Embro, On February 12, Lorne Langfeld expects to begin one week of visitation prior to a week of children’s meetings the following week. A short gospel series will follow the children’s meetings.
Huntsville, Prayer is requested for gospel meetings which William Metcalf and Murray Pratt expect to commence on March 31.
Kenora, In November, Lorne Langfeld spent three weeks here in visitation and children’s meetings. Andrew Bergsma was with the saints for a weekend recently
Mimico, Prayer will be appreciated for a series in the gospel which Eric McCullough and Bryan Funston expect to begin on February 4.
Niagara Falls, In late January and early February, Lorne Langfeld expected to spend three weeks in visitation and children’s meetings. Prayer is requested for a series in the gospel which James Smith and John Slabaugh expect to start in March.
Oil Springs, Robert Surgenor planned to commence a gospel series on January 14.
Orillia, Harold Paisley had a good visit with the assembly and preached the gospel to a large company in the Opera House.
Ottawa, Eugene Badgley and Gerard Roy closed four weeks of gospel meetings on November 17 with a little blessing in salvation.
St. Marys, The saints appreciated recent visits by Albert Hull, Albert Aiken and Jonathan Procopio. They look forward to a weekend visit by A.J. Higgins on January 26, 27 and 28.
Sturgeon Falls, In this new area, Ed Miller started gospel meetings in the Community Center on January 7.
Thunder Bay, The assembly appreciated visits by Jim Webb from November 19 to 22 and by Lome Langfeld on November 27.
Toronto, On a short furlough from Zambia, Gordon Hanna gave interesting missionary reports in a number of assemblies in Toronto and other parts of Ontario, before returning to his field of service in late December. A baptism was held on January 7 at Broadview, giving joy to the saints. A baptism was planned for January 21 at Highfield Road. David Oliver expects to start a week of ministry at Bracondale on February 8.
Unionville, Norman Crawford was expected for ministry from January 20 to 24.
Welland, Fred Krauss and William Metcalf had five weeks of gospel meetings with blessing in salvation.
Windsor, A young believer was received into fellowship on December 3, giving joy to the saints. On December 5, William Lavery commenced four consecutive Tuesday nights, ministering on the Offerings.
Montreal, On December 30, two believers were baptized at Centre-Sud in the assembly’s new baptistry which was completed for this occasion.
New Brunswick
Champlain Heights, Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio, who laboured. in this area in late 1995, have restarted meetings three nights each week because of blessing in one large family
Tracadie, In December, Larry Buote gave appreciated ministry on the Feasts of Jehovah.
Nova Scotia
Truro, Peter Orasuk and Robert McIlwaine had five weeks of fruitful gospel meetings in a rented hotel room. The final week was held in the Debert Gospel Hall.
Prince Edward Island
Crapaud, William Bingham and Noel Burden had five weeks of well attended gospel meetings with some blessing in salvation. Meetings closed on November 26. A man from New Brunswick attended a couple of these meetings and later attended gospel meetings by Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio in Champlain Heights, N.B. This man returned to Crapaud to work for a few days and because of his concern, Murray McCandless and Peter Orasuk had gospel meetings on December 18,19 and 20 and the man professed to be saved on the second night. His wife and teenaged daughter in New Brunswick later professed salvation and others of his large family show concern. Rosebank, Peter Orasuk expected to have Bible readings in the middle of January on the Holy Spirit.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Lanse au Loup, Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio expected to begin a gospel series on January 21.
Tidings – U.S.A.
Salem, In December, Allan Christopherson gave an appreciated visit here for one night, ministering to the profit of the saints.
Chico, James Smith and John Slabaugh expected to start a gospel series on January 16.
San Diego, Helpful ministry was given at the conference by Tom Baker, Harold Paisley, G.P. Taylor and Stanley Wells. Tom Cooper gave an interesting report of the work the brethren are doing in Siberia. Following the conference, brother Paisley remained for ministry.
Cedar Falls, Leonard De Buhr and Robert Orr expected to begin a gospel series on January 14.
Hitesville, On January 3, Robert Orr commenced a short series of meetings using his chart on Egypt to Canaan.
Manchester, On December 31, Joel Portman and Arthur Ward started a series in the gospel.
Stout, Prayer is requested for gospel meetings which David Oliver and Marvin Derksen expect to commence on February 18.
Egg Harbor, Door County, The assembly enjoyed four weeks of gospel meetings by Arthur Ward and William
Skates, with George Patterson helping in the final week. Two souls professed faith in Christ. A young married couple, saved last April, were baptized, bringing great joy Prayer is requested for a gospel series which George Patterson and Jerry Jennings expected to start in January.
LaCrosse, Prayer will be valued for gospel meetings which Allan Christopherson and Peter Simms plan to begin on February 18.
Ontario, William Metcalf expects to commence two weeks of ministry meetings on February 8, using his chart on “Egypt to Canaan”.
Waukesha, Arthur Ward gave help in Bible readings in December.
Livonia, Prayer is requested for a series in the gospel which Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio plan to start on March 3.
Akron, The saints expected William Bingham for ministry on January 9 and 10, William Lavery for Lord’s day January 14, and Gary Sharp for the Sunday School Treat on January 20.
Clyde, Norman Crawford was expected to lead the area Bible reading on January 14 on Philippians 2.
Toronto, Robert Surgenor planned to visit Toronto and Steubenville in early January.
Deland, Prayer is requested for a gospel series which William Lavery and Walter Gustafson expect to commence on February 18. Pennsylvania
Bryn Mawr, Carl Payne paid a short visit in the area from December 17 to 20 with Lord’s day and Monday in Bryn Mawr, Tuesday in Longport, and Wednesday with a combined meeting of Barrington and Pennsauken.
Hatboro, Walter Gustafson and Carl Payne shared the monthly ministry meeting on December 17. On January 8, William Metcalf began a week of ministry.
McKeesport, In early January, James Smith had three nights of ministry on assembly truth. William Metcalf was expected for Lord’s day, January 14.
New Jersey
Midland Park, The saints were greatly encouraged during gospel meetings by Gene Higgins and John Dennison. Some professed salvation and there was an excellent response from the neighborhood. Meetings closed on December 17.
Pennsauken, The conference in early January was well attended on Saturday with ministry by A. Hull, P. Kember, O. MacLeod, W. Metcalf, D. Oliver and J. Smith. The gospel was preached by N. Crawford and A. Hull. Blizzard conditions made it impossible for many to reach the school on Lord’s day. A small meeting to remember the Lord was followed by brief ministry. The authorities warned every one that the roads were becoming impassible. In the goodness of God all who had to travel eventually reached their homes safely.
Hartford, Bert Joyce paid an appreciated visit on December 10.
Manchester, David Oliver and Gene Higgins expected to commence a gospel series on January 14. Prayer will be appreciated for a number of loved ones long prayed for.
Terryville, On December 17, David Oliver was present to help at the area Bible reading on Romans 4.
Methuen, Frank Tomaquindici and Dale Vitale expected to start a series in the gospel on January 21.
Tidings – Other Countries
Northern Ireland
Conferences, Despite adverse weather conditions over the Christmas period, the following conferences and Bible readings were well attended and profitable:
Gransha, December 25
Buckna, December 26
Kilkeel, December 26
Belfast, December 26 and 27. Bible readings on Genesis 2 and 3 were conducted by J. Baker and A. McShane.
Belfast, January 1. Bible readings on Ephesians 1 and 2 were led by Leslie Wells and A. McShane.
Newtownstewart, January 1. The Bible reading on John 13 was opened by S. Ferguson.
Ahoghill, January 1.
Gospel, Many of the Lord’s servants commenced gospel meetings early in January in different parts of the province. They value the prayers of the Lord’s people for blessing in the salvation of sinners.
Casa Branca, On December 10, six believers were baptized and Ronnie Watterson was with the saints for this happy event. Previously, our brother had four weeks of tent meetings in Descalvado and was encouraged to see a few of his neighbours coming nearly every night.
Tokyo, After seven weeks in hospital, Jim Currie was able to return home on December 12. On December 18, he wrote, “Recovery is taking place, but slowly.”
Sam Maze expected to return to this island in January and spend the next three months in Montserrat and one or two other islands in the West Indies.
St. Lucia
Jack Nesbitt expected to arrive in St. Lucia on January 20 and labour on the island for two months. Jack Gould purposes spending the month of February here. Our brethren expect to engage in gospel meetings and assist in the building projects of at least two of the Gospel Halls in St. Lucia.
New Zealand
After spending two busy months in Australia, Eric McCullough spent another encouraging month here before returning to the United States in late December. During his visit, God was pleased to bless in the salvation of precious souls in both countries “down under”.
Dipalata, On December 12, Jack Finegan wrote, “During the past twelve months, a number of men and women have been baptized and added to the assembly here at Dipalata, eight in the month of May and seven others at the end of October. At present, I am having ministry meetings on the Book of Joshua.”
Conferences, D.V.
Langley, B.C.
April 13 in the Gospel Hall, 4775 – 221st Street. Corr. Ken Foote, phone (604) 8564772. Hall phone is (604) 533-0870.
Vancouver, B.C.
April 5, 6 and 7 in John Oliver High School, comer 41st Avenue and Fraser Street. Prayer meeting in South Main hall, corner 60th and Main Streets at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. Corr. Earl Ritchie, phone (604) 277-7019. Following the conference, Bible readings will be held in West Richmond from April 9 through 12.
Kapuskasing, Ontario
April 6 and 7 in Kapuskasing District High School, 61 Devonshire. First meeting on Saturday at 10 a.m. is a Bible reading on Psalm 23. Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 154 Mill Street. Corr. Gilles Plourde, RR 2, Kapuskasing, ON, P5N 2X8, phone (705) 335-4974.
Mimico, Ontario
April 19,20 and 21 in the Gospel Hall, 414 Royal York Road South. Bible reading conference commencing on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Meetings on Saturday and Lord’s day at 10, 2:30 and 7. Corr. William Spencer, 1535 Lakeshore Road E., #1507, Mississauga, ON, L5E 3E2, phone (905) 271-5759. Please note that this conference will be two weeks after the Toronto conference instead of one week as in former years.
Newbury, Ontario
March 30 in the Gospel Hall, 370 Walnut Drive, RR 3, Newbury. Ministry at 2:30 and 7:00. Corr. David Cooper, 234 Cherry St. W, Box 312, Bothwell, ON, NOP 1CO, phone (519) 695-2349.
Toronto, Ontario
April 5, 6 and 7 in Northern Secondary School, 851 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto. Meetings each day at 10, 1:30, 3:30 and 7:15. Three Bible readings on 1 Cor. 15. Prayer meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Pape Avenue hall, 871 Pape Ave. Corr. Don Jennings, 53 Karnwood Dr., Scarborough, ON, MIL 2Z7, phone (416) 757-7019 and Robert Reilly, 30 Caronridge Cres., Agincourt, ON, MlW 1L2, phone (416) 499-0829.
Nineveh, N.S.
April 6 and 7 in Parkview Education Centre, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in Nineveh Gospel Hall. Supper served in the hall Friday at 5:30 p.m. Corr. Robert J. Kaulback, 19 Medway Street, Bridgewater, N.S., B4V lJ8, phone (902) 543-5530. School phone is (902) 543-5536.
Culver City, California
April 6 and 7 in the Gospel Hall, 11138 Venice Boulevard. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Bible reading on John 15. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Corr. Neil Rodger, 4209 Clayton Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 900271501, phone (213) 663-5905. Hall phone is (310) 559-1588.
Palm Springs, California
March 24 in the Gospel Hall, 320 W. Racquet Club Road. Breaking of Bread at 10 a.m. Corr. Charles R. Spataro, no. Box 1444, Palm Springs, CA 92263, phone (619) 322-7090. Hall phone is (619) 325-8815.
Clarksville, Iowa (Antioch Gospel Hall)
April 7. All day meeting in the Gospel Hall, three miles east of Clarksville. Ministry at 10, Breaking of Bread at 11, Ministry at 2 and Gospel at 7:45. Corr. Harry Schmidt, 103 West Rowley Street, Greene, 1A 50636, phone (515) 8235691. Hall phone is (319) 278-4083.
Mt. Sterling, Wisconsin
March 9 and 10. Bible reading conference on Matthew 5,6 and 7 in the North Crawford School, three miles north of Gays Mills on County Road X. Breaking of Bread at 10. Corr. Robert M. Dudgeon, Box 219, Eastman, WI 54626, phone (608) 734-3639. School phone is (608) 735-4311.
McKeesport, Pennsylvania
April 27 and 28 in Francis McClure Junior High School. Meetings begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday and Lord’s day Prayer meeting in the Gospel Hall, Prescott and Broadway, on Friday at 7:30 p.m. The homes of Christians will be open for visitors. William Seale, phone (412) 863-2949, will assist with telephone numbers for motels in the area for those desiring such accommodation at their expense.
Watertown, MA
March 23 and 24 in the Gospel Hall, 226 Mt. Auburn St. with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Corr. Roger N. Gurney, 426 Bolton Road, Box 81, Bolton, MA 01740, phone (508) 5681083. Hall phone is (617) 924-7696.
Kindly remember:
Matoaca, VA – Feb. 17 and 18
Tampa, FL – Feb. 10 and 11
Change of Address of Correspondent
Augusta, Maine, Jim Thompson, Knowles Road, RR 1, Box 2971, Belgrade, ME 04917, phone (207) 626-2786
With Christ
Mary Matilda Loane of Longport, N.J. on October 23, age 91. Our dear sister came to the Longport Home in July, 1994 from Pennsylvania. She is survived by a son, daughter and grandchildren, many of whom are in assembly fellowship. The funeral was taken by Paul Michener and William Oliver.
James Duffus of Longport, N.J. on November 29, age 76. Our dear brother was born in Glasgow, Scotland and came to the United States at age 33. He was saved in his teens and was active in Sunday School work both in Glasgow and the States. Mr. Duffus came to the Longport Home in 1992 after his wife Lily suffered a severe stroke. She predeceased him in February, 1995. He is survived by a brother in Scotland and a nephew and niece in New York.
Mrs. Mabel McMillan of Kitchener, Ontario on December 3 at Bethany Lodge, Unionville, age 86. Our dear sister was born in Pathhead, Scotland and was brought to Toronto by her parents, where she was saved as a young girl. In 1931, she married John McMillan, who predeceased her in September, 1988. They were in fellowship in Pape Avenue for a time before moving to Kitchener in 1941. Mrs. McMillan was in fellowship in Kitchener for over 50 years before going to Bethany in 1992. She was the daughter of William Baillie, a servant of the Lord in Ontario years ago.
James Elliott of Toronto, Ontario on December 11, age 91. Our dear brother was born in Monaghan, N. Ireland. His grandparents were saved in the 1859 revival and his parents were in fellowship at Armagh. Jim came to Canada in 1927 and was saved during meetings at Pape Avenue by G. Gould in 1931, and was received into fellowship in 1932 at Rhodes Avenue, the forerunner of Highfield Road. Jim was in fellowship at Highfield for 61 years and at Broadview the last two years. He was an elder at Highfield for over 50 years. Jim loved the gospel and preached with power in his younger days.
Mrs. Mary Campbell of Akron, Ohio on December 18, age 90. Our dear sister was saved in gospel meetings by Archie Stewart and Oswald MacLeod in 1953. Her husband never professed salvation. She is survived by three sons and a number of grandchildren, none of whom are in assembly fellowship. Her parents were in assembly fellowship in Glasgow, Scotland prior to moving to the United Sates in 1907. John Slabaugh spoke at her funeral and Ken Webb at the graveside.
Mrs. Violet Taylor of Longport, N.J. on December 18, age 91. Our dear sister was born in Scotland and raised a Roman Catholic. She came to the U.S. as a young girl. She and her husband Roland were saved in 1936 as a result of the testimony of a fellow worker. They were associated with West Philadelphia, Mascher Street and Olney before moving to Florida. She was noted for her pleasant personality and her interest in assembly meetings. Since August, 1994, she resided at Longport. Her husband predeceased her on August 30, 1978. The gospel was preached at her funeral by William Oliver.
Robert H. Diehl of Longport, N.J. on December 29, age 86. Our dear brother was saved in gospel meetings in Everett, PA in 1927. He was baptized and received into the assembly at Everett where he continued with great faithfulness until he and his dear wife moved to the Longport Home about eight years ago. Our brother loved the assembly and was a mainstay of the testimony at Everett. The funeral was taken by H. Clark and K. McCullough. Mrs. Diehl at the Longport Home, two daughters, Lilian and Nellie, and a son, Tom, are left with the blessed hope of seeing their loved one again.
Wills and the Gospel Trust
From time to time, we are asked if the Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust can be named as a beneficiary in a will. The answer is “Yes”. All money received by the Gospel Trust from an estate will be used exactly as a person has specified in his or her will. When no specific directions are given in a will, all estate money is forwarded promptly to commended workers or is used to help in the construction of new Gospel Halls as the need is known by the Gospel Trust. A lawyer will be able to assist you in drawing up a will exactly as you wish it. The addresses for both the Canadian and the U.S. Trusts are shown in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover.