Page 6 - February 2025 - Truth & Tidings
P. 6
ome time after the altar in Mamre itance; the sacrifices of the LORD God of
(Gen 13:18), the Lord appeared to Israel made by fire are their inheritance, as
SAbram and said, “Fear not, Abram: he said unto them” (Jos 13:14). The Levites
I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great lived and were supported by the sacrifices
reward” (15:1). What words of comfort of the Lord.
and assurance these must have been to As those who have been redeemed of
Abram. As a shield, the Lord promised to the Lord, our inheritance is based on the
preserve and protect him. As his exceed- sacrifice of the Lord Jesus. He is our inheri-
ing great reward, the Lord promised to tance, our exceeding great reward. Peter
provide for him. reminds us that based on the resurrection
From this first mention of the phrase of the Lord Jesus, there is an inheritance,
“fear not” to the last mention, “Fear not; reserved for us in heaven (1Pe 1:3-4).
I am the first and the last” (Rev 1:17), we We have everything in Christ. He is our
have God’s promises of protection and advocate (1Jn 2:1). He is our anchor (Heb
preservation as our shield and reward. It 6:19). He is our life (Col 3:4). He is our
is most interesting to notice that the Lord hope (1:27). He is made unto us wisdom
did not promise to reward Abram, but to and righteousness and sanctification and
be his exceeding great reward. The Lord redemption (1Co 1:30). He is our joy (1Pe
Himself was his portion and his reward. 1:8). He is our peace (Rom 5:1; Eph 2:14;
The psalmist Asaph recognized that all Col 1:20). He is our strength (Php 4:13). We
that he required was found in his God: are complete in Him (Col 2:10).
“My flesh and my heart faileth: but God The Lord promised Abram that his seed
is the strength of my heart, and my por- would be more than the stars of heaven
tion for ever” (Psa 73:26). The prophet and that He would give him the land that
Jeremiah said, “The LORD is my portion, he sojourned in for an inheritance. Abram
saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him” believed in the Lord and it was counted to
(Lam 3:24). him for righteousness. We, too, as believ-
The tribe of Levi did not have any in- ers, are counted righteous through faith
heritance in the land of Canaan. The Lord in the Lord Jesus (Rom 3:22).
was the inheritance of the Levites. “Only Abram wanted to know how he could
unto the tribe of Levi he gave none inher- be assured of God’s promises. The Lord
1 Bible quotations in this article are from the instructed him to take a heifer of three
KJV. years old, a she goat of three years old, a
38 TRUTH kTidings February 2025