Page 2 - February 2025 - Truth & Tidings
P. 2

35    Editorial
                                                .................................................. David Petterson
        Founding Editor I A. W. Joyce
    David K. Petterson, 4135 Stoney Creek Dr.  36  Tribute to Robert Surgenor
            Lincolnton, NC 28092                ......................................................Joel Portman
                                          38    Lessons from the Life of Abraham
               News Editor
              Eddie Wong                          ......................................................Bernie Payne
                                          40    Four Aspects from Paul
          Treasurer & Subscriptions             Four Aspects of Service...............Mike Renzi
            Andrew Dennison       42    The Perfect Servant in Mark's Gospel
             Associate Editors                  His Destiny..............................David Williamson
        Clive Barber, John Dennison,
        Paul Glenney, Shawn St. Clair     44    Daniel 9
                                                Interpretation................................A.J. Higgins
    Canada (including GST)  ..................$35 CDN  46  Looking to Christ in Philippians 3
    USA .......................................................... $25 US  Our Assured Recompense......Ian W. Gibson
    Overseas (except UK) ........................... $40 US  48  Revival
      Truth & Tidings, 11798 Deer Creek Run
         Plymouth, MI 48170, USA                Assembly Revival...........................Clark Logan
    United Kingdom                        50    More Than Conquerors
       .................. £25 if paid before end of October   The Challenge............................David Richards
    .................. £30 if paid before end of November
       Simon Brown, 20 Fairhill Crescent,   52  The Millennial Kingdom
         Newtownabbey, County Antrim            Israel and the Promised Rest.........Clive Barber
          Northern Ireland BT36 6LT  54   All the Way to Glory
                                                The Great Commission............David Petterson
      NEWS (deadline: 4th of each month)
           Send all by E-mail to:         57    Warnings and Exhortations in Hebrews
               Eddie Wong                       Forsaking the Assembling..........Roger Fraser

       Heather Margerison, 3 Hill Top Trail,   59  ..........................................................Eddie Wong
            Stouffville, ON, Canada
                L4A 3G7
              64    Great Gospel Texts
                                                .....................................................Craig MacKie
     TRUTH & TIDINGS GOSPEL TRUST, USA  Volume 76, Number 2
       Joe Dennison Jr., 37177 White Tail Ct.   TRUTH AND TIDINGS INC (USPS 526-330)Truth and Tidings (USPS 526-330) is
          Farmington Hills, MI 48335    published monthly by Truth and Tidings Inc. Publishing office is at 2030 Jef-  frey Court, Jackson, MI 49203. Periodical Postage paid at Jackson, MI 49202.
                                       Canada Post Publications Mail Contract # 40010223. Postage paid at Windsor,
                                       ON. U.K. postage paid at Belfast, N. Ireland. Truth and Tidings is a non-profit
      organization whose purpose is the dissemination of truth based upon the
       The contents of the magazines from January, 1996 to this issue  Word of God, and to foster inter-assembly fellowship.
      are online at in a searchable database.  Copyright statement: The articles in this magazine are protected by copyright.
                                       For reproduction or other use of these articles, please contact the editor.
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