Page 8 - February 2025 - Truth & Tidings
P. 8

"       o if there is any encouragement in   believers provide ample opportunity for
                                              us to help. As the word “any” (v1) im-
              Christ, any comfort from love, any
        Sparticipation in the Spirit, any af-  plies, you do not have to solve the whole
        fection and sympathy, complete my joy   problem for the sufferer, but every fellow-
        by being of the same mind, having the   believer is part of the solution. Here are
        same love, being in full accord and of one   four suggestions (v1) for seeking to help
        mind” (Php 2:1-2).                    a distressed believer:
          In the consideration of Scriptures that   1. “Encouragement” is a verbal or non-
        have four distinct thoughts for the believer   verbal action that comforts or consoles.
        to assimilate, these verses have two sets.   Believers underestimate the power of the
        This passage places our attitudes towards   smallest effort here. “In Christ” gives the
        distressed Christians between the admoni-  context of our approach and assures that
        tions of the imprisoned apostle Paul at the   even the “cup of water” of encouragement
        end of chapter 1 – “standing firm in one   will have a positive effect. Doing anything
        spirit, with one mind striving side by side   is only negated by doing nothing.
        for the faith of the gospel” (v27) – and the   2. “Comfort from love” combines the
        staggering humility of the Lord Jesus in   intent of decreasing the pain by giving the
        chapter 2. The mercy (empathy) we show   believer something they need to endure
        is powered by the mind of the Lord Jesus   the suffering. The question “How can I
        in us (1Co 2:16) and among us (v5). His   help make this better or lighten your bur-
        mind in us mandates our attention to the   den?” signals your empathy and desire to
        suffering Christian. His mind among us   show mercy to the afflicted. The believer
        creates an assembly focused on that same   may be so grieved or embarrassed by his
        Christian.                            or her circumstances that your merciful of-
          Every Christian eventually has per-  fer is met with the reply, “Nothing” or, “I
        sonal challenges requiring mercy from   don’t know.” In addition to regular prayer
        fellow-believers. Feeling sorry for their   for the situation, be politely prescriptive
        misfortunes (sympathy) is part of mercy,   if you have something that might help.
        but this admonition to biblical empathy
                                                3. “Participation in the Spirit” considers
        involves our actions to alleviate suffering.   the strength intervening Christians must
        The myriad trials, sin and suffering among   take with them as they approach breth-

        1  Bible quotations in this article are from the   ren in need. Our union in Christ joins us
        ESV.                                  together. Their suffering is my suffering,

        40   TRUTH kTidings   February 2025
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