Page 5 - February 2025 - Truth & Tidings
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full time. His first meetings were in a Continued Efforts
tent in Cresco, IA, with William Warke.
They had some opposition that prepared Brother Surgenor’s labors in West
him for what he would encounter in the Virginia can be read in his book Happenings
future. He had labored in the steel mill up the Hollow. He continued preaching in
with rough men, so he was equipped to different areas of the state with varied
deal with any who might cause trouble. results to the end of his life. I shared many
One woman professed salvation, and efforts with him in Glenville, Buckhannon,
this encouraged them. On the last day of Keyser, New Creek and elsewhere. Living
those meetings, George Graham called. with him in his trailer revealed a different
He wanted him to help in some meetings aspect of his person than what was
in Romney, WV. They could not secure a seen publicly. He was a very easy man
suitable location there but found one in to be with, sensitive to my desires and
Fort Ashby, WV. They were encouraged interests, and easy to share thoughts and
with fruit in the gospel, which indicated understandings of Scripture.
the Lord’s direction for him to labor in He made a regular practice of engaging
that state. in extended prayer three times a day. He
He went to Mannington, WV, the next spent many hours daily studying the
year. His wife was from this area so there Scriptures.
were relatives, and after laboring there He wrote and printed about 283 different
with Oswald MacLeod, some professed tracts. Most of these are still available from
salvation. Robert was encouraged and Tim and Rachel Boddy in New Creek. He
felt that the Lord was directing him also wrote small booklets for believers
specifically to the state of West Virginia. on various topics and a number of larger
In 1970, he pitched a tent south of Keyser profitable books. His bread-making skills
and began to visit homes. He labored were part of his reputation, and, while he
alone for 12 weeks, sometimes with 125 enjoyed it, he also used it to spread the
people attending. Souls were saved, gospel. Officials in his town, including
including many in the Pancake family. the mayor, firemen and policemen, as well
He felt that the Lord was working to form
an assembly testimony. He continued as postal workers, neighbors and many
the work in a schoolhouse south of others received the gospel along with a
where the present New Creek Gospel loaf of bread.
Hall now stands (Claysville School). He In his last months, his strength failed to
preached the gospel and taught New the point that he and his dear wife, Wilda,
Testament principles to believers for 37 entered an assisted living home. The Lord
weeks. They began meeting for prayer, took him home on August 14, 2024. No
then commenced a Sunday School. After doubt it was a reception with the words
teaching 1 Corinthians 11, the saints told “Well done …”
Robert that they were going to break bread Eternity will reveal the results of his
the next Lord’s Day, March 21, and asked labors in different places but especially
if he wanted to join them! They began in West Virginia. May the Lord stir others
with 17 believers in the fellowship that with a spiritual exercise to follow the same
continues to the present. pattern in their lives for the Lord. I February 2025 37 37