Page 10 - February 2025 - Truth & Tidings
P. 10
n our last article we began our study this, the Lord discouraged His disciples
of the Olivet Discourse. We saw that from overreacting to events which are
Ithe Lord was asked some questions characteristics of the age (vv5-13). But here
by His disciples (13:3-4), to which He gave He encourages them to react quickly to a
an extended answer (vv5-37). The Olivet very specific sign.
Discourse is recorded in Matthew 24, “But when ye shall see the abomina-
Mark 13 and Luke 21, and the similarities tion of desolation, spoken of by Daniel
and distinctions in each account require the prophet, standing where it ought not,
careful consideration. This article will (let him that readeth understand,) then let
only focus on Mark and present a com- them that be in Judaea flee to the moun-
monly held interpretation of the events tains: And let him that is on the housetop
portrayed. The reader is encouraged to not go down into the house, neither enter
give careful consideration in the light of therein, to take any thing out of his house:
other prophetic Scripture. And let him that is in the field not turn
Having considered the Prelude to the back again for to take up his garment”
Answer (vv1-4) and the Perils of the Age (vv14-16).
(vv5-13), we now turn to: The sign is the setting up of “the abomi-
The Period of Affliction (vv14- nation of desolation, spoken of by Daniel
the prophet,” in the holy place (see Mat
23) 24:15). Daniel refers to the abomination
This is marked by a Special Sign, Severe on a number of occasions (Dan 9:27; 11:31;
Suffering and Satanic Seduction. 12:11). It is a loathsome, detestable object
The Special Sign (vv14-16) which desecrates the temple.
The disciples had asked, “When shall But what is specifically in view? Ac-
these things be? And what shall be the sign cording to 2 Thessalonians 2, it is “that
man of sin … who opposeth and exalteth
when all these things shall be fulfilled?”
(v4). Here the Lord gives a sign. “But himself above all that is called God, or that
when ye shall see … then …” (v14). Before is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in
the temple of God, showing himself that
1 Bible quotations in this article are from the he is God” (vv3-4). But this man cannot
KJV. always be in the temple, so Revelation
42 TRUTH kTidings February 2025