British Columbia
Vancouver: A. J. Higgins gave a week of ministry in September at the Fairview assembly on “Principles from the Parables of the Physician.” The 104th conference was held over the Thanksgiving weekend, with many expressing appreciation for blessing received. Ministry and gospel were shared by Willians Alcala (Australia), David Hierlihy (PEI), David Petterson (NC), David Richards (BC), and William Skates (WI). Brother Richards ably led the Bible reading on 1 Corinthians 15, and brother Alcala gave a report of the work in Papau, New Guinea. William Skates gave ministry for one night in Fairview, and two nights in Victoria Drive following the conference.
Burnaby: The South Burnaby assembly’s DVBS ran from August 14-18 with attendance ranging from 88-101 children. On the last day of these children’s meetings there were 45 parents in attendance. An 11-year-old boy professed to be saved the Sunday night following.
Newfoundland and Labrador
L’Anse au Loup: The annual conference went well on the weekend of October 13-15. The brethren attending and giving encouraging ministry were Eric Fowler, Gaius Goff, David Hierlihy, John Meekin, Jon Procopio, and Pete Smith. There were also large numbers in each night as the gospel was clearly preached. Pete Smith visited Charlottetown, Labrador for ministry for a couple nights after the conference and had ministry in English Point on October 18.
Kirkland Lake: In early October, A. J. Higgins and Peter Ramsay had a weekend of helpful ministry on the topic of relationships. Visitors attended from a number of assemblies.
Toronto: On September 17, the Victoria Park assembly had the joy of witnessing four teenagers obey the Lord in baptism. The gospel hall was filled to capacity for the gospel meeting and baptism, with several visitors present who had never been in a gospel meeting. The assembly is praying for the Lord’s blessing on the gospel seed that was sown and for the spiritual well being of those who were baptized that they would seek to live for their Lord in this dark and wicked world. The gospel meetings in Highfield finished near the end of October after almost five weeks. There was good interest, and two souls professed faith in Christ. Near the end of the meetings, a large number were present to witness the baptism of one sister. Another sister was baptized on November 12. Blair Martin from Scotland is expected for two nights of ministry at the West Hill Gospel Hall from December 11-12 at 7:30pm.
Terryville: The annual October conference meetings were well attended and an encouragement to the assembly. The meetings were shared by Paul Barnhardt, Walter Gustafson, Murray McCandless, Dan Shutt, Brody Thibodeau, and Stuart Thompson. Immediately following the conference, Paul Barnhardt and Stuart Thompson commenced gospel meetings. In August, the assembly handed out gospel literature from a booth at the local country fair.
Ankeny: A. J. Higgins was with the assembly for a day of ministry on November 18 to speak on topics related to “Divine Order.”
Dunkerton: Jim Beattie was with the assembly on November 19.
Marion: Frank Sona gave ministry on “Egypt to Canaan” from November 1-12.
Saugus: Joy Muringathery, evangelist from India, visited the assembly for a weekend. He gave a report on the work in the Mumbai region of India, and his visits and work in South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia. The saints enjoyed his challenging ministry, his love for the gospel, and the story of how he found his need for a Savior. He has translated, published, and distributed Norman Crawford’s book Gathered to His Name.
Battle Creek: Venezuelan Relief Fund – Bulk food shipments were sent to Venezuela in October. Pray for their safe arrival and delivery. Many thanks are being communicated from Venezuela about previous arrivals of food shipments.
Fridley: Frank Sona was with the assembly for two nights of ministry from November 13-14.
Dewar: Donnie Grisham and Jerry Jennings had gospel meetings that started in October and continued into November.
La Crosse: Scott MacLeod gave ministry for a week in October.
Ontario: Scott MacLeod ministered the Word from October 23–26.
Chihuahua: A married couple, firstfruits of the work in Ciudad Delicias, 60 miles south of the city, was baptized in October. Also, a sister who was baptized in September was recently added to the fellowship. Gospel meetings commenced in October.
Hermosillo: The assembly appreciated a six-day visit from Carl Knott in October. For four nights, he taught from the book of Ruth, and then, over the weekend, gave several teaching sessions on future events. It was encouraging to see several unsaved attend the meetings, including the aged mother of a sister in the assembly.
Baja California
Mexicali: John Clingen, along with believers from the Westmorland, CA assembly, have been visiting this border city since April to have house meetings every second Lord’s Day. Between 25 and 30 people hear the gospel, and your prayers are valued for this new gospel effort.
Nuevo Leon
Monterrey: On October 8, Shad Kember arrived to start a gospel series with Anderson Hernández.
Irapuato: Ricky and Erika Sawatsky have been encouraged to see increased attendance at the gospel meeting as well as the weekly Bible study. Some from the Sunday school asked if they could attend other meetings as well.
Iguala: The believers enjoyed two visits in October, the first being from Carl Knott, when he gave teaching from Revelation. Later, Marcus Cain shared teaching on “The Trinity,” a doctrine attacked by many sects in Mexico.
Veracruz: As of a result of the inauguration of the hall, several people have continued to attend meetings regularly. The outreach works in El Hatito and Cotaxtla continue to encourage the believers.
Xalapa: The believers were encouraged when two were added to the fellowship recently. Timothy Stevenson, along with other believers, continues to preach the gospel in the open air, both in Xalapa and some of the surrounding communities. Several of the believers currently in fellowship were reached by this type of effort over the last four years.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: Timothy and Amy Turkington have been encouraged by increased attendance over the past couple of months. Recently, a man in his 50s professed to be saved, bringing encouragement to the believers.
Northern Ireland
Co. Antrim
Belfast: The Matchett Street assembly had three weeks of gospel meetings in their hall during August with D. McGarvey preaching. The local area was visited, and a number came, some for the first time. The Lord blessed in salvation. In Cregagh Street, East Belfast, the assembly commenced gospel meetings with B. Currie and J. Palmer on October 1. This is a highly populated area with many homes around the hall. In conjunction with the Whitehouse assembly, the gospel series of five weeks concluded with Paul McCauley and David Williamson and resulted in much encouragement. They erected a portable hall in an area called Abbeyville, Whiteabbey. A family who lives opposite and had evidently been searching, attended very well. The husband, wife, and 12-year-old boy professed.
Ballymoney: In the Ballymoney Town Hall, A. Steele and S. Gilfillen commenced gospel meetings on October 1, and blessing was seen.
Broughshane: T. Armstrong and J. Rogers concluded gospel meetings in the gospel hall in mid-October. A large number attended every night with quite a few unsaved out nightly. Encouragement came toward the end with blessing in salvation, while many “long prayed for” seemed unmoved.
Co Down
Shanaghan: S. Nelson and G. Woods commenced a gospel series in the hall.
Ballymagarrick: T. Armstrong and D. Gilliland commenced a gospel series in the gospel hall on October 29, with encouraging numbers in from the beginning.
Co Armagh
Markethill: A. Davidson and S. Nelson had seven weeks of well-attended gospel meetings in a tent in connection with the Glenanne assembly. These ended on September 10.
Tandragee: The Ballyshiel assembly erected a portable hall in the locality and A. Davidson and M. Hunter started gospel meetings on October 29.
Loughgall: A. Colgan and W. Fleck had four weeks of encouraging gospel meetings in the Tullyroan Gospel Hall and rejoiced with the assembly in the Lord’s blessing.
Co Tyrone
Cookstown: E. Fairfield and G. Woods began preaching in the Killycurragh Gospel Hall on September 3.
Magherafelt: J. Fleck and D. Strahan commenced a gospel series on October 22 in the gospel hall.
Co Londonderry
Coleraine: The assembly is meeting in a portable hall in a local Industrial Estate while building a new gospel hall. D. McAllister and G. Woods commenced a gospel series in this portable hall on October 8.
Bellaghy: The assembly hosted the Bible Exhibition in a local Centre during the first week in October. Brethren E. Fairfield and R. O’Neill commenced gospel meetings immediately afterwards.
Limavady: A. Caldwell and W. Martin commenced gospel meetings in a portable hall erected just outside the town and were encouraged to see a number in to hear the gospel.
Monrovia/Downey, CA
December 30-31, with prayer on December 29 in the Monrovia Gospel Hall at 211 S Magnolia. Speakers are Scott MacLeod and Ross Vanstone. Corr: Reuben Thropay, Tel: 626 826-8777; E-mail:
Pennsauken, NJ
January 6-7, 2018. Please note the location change: Conference will be in the Kingsway Learning Center, 144 W. Kings Hwy, Haddonfield, NJ. Prayer meeting Friday, January 5, at 7:30pm in the gospel hall, 6530 Caroline Avenue, Pennsauken, NJ. Topical Conference: “The Lord’s Coming.” Marvin Derksen, John Dennison, and Jack Hay, are the anticipated speakers. Corr. David A. Curran, 326 Windsor Ave., Haddonfield, NJ 08033-1142; Tel: 856-429-4443; E-mail:
Phoenix, AZ
January 12-15, in the Orangewood Gospel Hall, 7245 N. 29th Avenue. Friday: Prayer meeting 7pm, Hymn Sing/Young people’s meeting 8:15pm. Saturday: Missionary report 10am, Ministry 11:15am, Bible Reading 2pm, Ministry 3:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm, Hymn Sing/Young people’s meeting 8:15pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Sunday school 11:30am, Bible Reading 2pm, Ministry 3:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Corr: Andy Feinberg, 4882 W. Kesler Ln., Phoenix, AZ 85226; Tel: 480 329-6841; E-mail:
DeLand, FL
February 2-4, in the gospel hall, 109 E. Rosehill Ave., east off N. Woodland Blvd. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7pm.; Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 4pm, Bible Reading 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Bible Reading 2pm, Ministry 4pm, Gospel 7pm. Bible Reading Sat: “The Seven Sayings from the Cross.” Sunday: “The Resurrection.” Lord willing, there will be a Spanish meeting on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Following the conference, there will be four nights of ministry from Tues-Fri, Feb 6-9. Corr: Fred King, 215 Lake Talmadge Rd., DeLand, FL 32724; Tel: 386 943-4000.
Conferences Previously Published:
Chatham, ON – December 2-3
Saugus, MA – December 2-3
Change of Address
Brian & Carolyn Owen: TT 307-7920 McLaughlin Road South, Brampton, ON, L6Y 5V6, Tel: 905 460-0150, Cell: 905 460-7833, E-mail:
Rosalie “Rose” Cottrill of Huntsville, ON, on August 15, 2017. Born in Midland, ON, Rose moved to Huntsville with her mother in her teens and heard the gospel from some friends and from the meetings in the gospel hall. In her last year of high school as she thought about John 3:16 and 36 in her home, she trusted Christ and came into assembly fellowship shortly afterwards. Her mother passed away that same year. Rose was the loving wife of her husband, Vernon, for 58 years, whom she married on November 8, 1958. She was the cherished mother of John (Joyce), Timothy (Shelley), and Ruth. Rose taught Sunday school for quite some time and enjoyed singing with a group at retirement homes. She also enjoyed doing the books for the assembly and helping with cleaning. She had a good testimony on the street where she lived. The funeral service was taken by Albert Grainger.
William Longstaff of Brandon, MB, on September 6, 2017. Bill and his wife Peggy heard the gospel for the first time in 1969 when Jim Webb commenced gospel meetings in the farming community of Cardale, MB. They responded to the invitation and were very impressed with the fact that the Bible was central to the message of the gospel in contrast to the mainstream denomination that they were attending. Both of them accepted the good news of the gospel and were subsequently baptized and received into fellowship in the fall of 1970. Bill maintained a keen interest in the assembly. In spite of pain and progressive weakness due to cancer, he was present at the gatherings until 10 days before his home-call. The gospel was clearly presented at the funeral by Ben Thiessen. Please pray for Peggy and the family as there are some not saved as yet.
Bernice Smith of Manchester, IA, on September 30, 2017, age 96. She was saved in May of 1935 at age 14. Bernice married Dewayne Smith in 1942. She was a quiet, godly sister, and rarely complained during those long years of life. She and her husband Dewayne were in the assembly for many years. She was one of the sister-pillars in the assembly. She loved gardening, baking, and entertaining the Lord’s people. Eric McCullough and Robert Orr spoke at the funeral with commending words.
Fred Feckers of Clarksville, IA, on October 27, 2017, age 91. During the winter of 1961, he, with his family, attended house meetings held in Waverly by Paul Elliott and Robert Orr. Following those meetings Eric McCullough and Norman Crawford began a series in the Stout Hall which the family attended nightly. On March 14, 1962, he was saved, reading Isaiah 44:22, just 20 minutes before his wife was saved reading Genesis 22. Following baptism, they were in fellowship in the Stout assembly for 12 years, and then continued steadfastly in the Antioch assembly which commenced in 1974 and was nearer to their farm home. He is survived by his wife Minnie of 65 years, two sons, one daughter, five grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. Eric McCullough and Russ Nesbit shared the service held in the Antioch Hall, with Robert Orr speaking at the grave.
William and Dorothy Hanley of West Springfield, MA, on August 24, 2017 and March 5, 2017, respectively, age 92 and 87. Together they faithfully served the Lord in the West Springfield, MA assembly. William was an esteemed overseer and was a writer and prolific distributor of gospel tracts for his entire Christian life. Dorothy was a true help-meet to him throughout their life together. They leave a son, David, and his wife Roseann of the West Springfield assembly as well as their three children Samuel, Stephanie, and Simon. They also leave their daughter Esther Hubler and her husband Dan of the Pennsauken, NJ assembly and their children Colin and Erin. Their respective funerals were taken by Paul Barnhardt and David Hanley. Matt Brescia also took part at William’s funeral.