Assembly Hymn Writers: He Gave Himself a Ransom

The 19th century saw the raising up of a large number of believers who have given us hymns of matchless worth, expressing the glories of Christ and the truth of the Word of God. We would like to encourage believers to submit hymns that they have written. It is understood that if they are used by individuals or assemblies, no changes will be made to them.


Tune – Derry Air / He looked beyond my faults

The harvest’s past, the summer it has ended,
A praying mother rose from bended knee.
Her wandering son comes home to tell his story
I once was blind, praise God I now can see.

So I shall sing of Him who died to save me,
And for the precious blood of Calvary
How vast God’s grace, His power, love, and glory
He gave himself a ransom – set me free,

Away from God yet still he loved me ever,
His grace it followed me along life’s road.
A sinner bound in chains of sin He reached me,
For on the cross Christ Jesus bore my load.

And when I think that on the cross He suffered
And cried My God why dids’t thou forsake Me?
As though I were the only living sinner
He offered there Himself to ransom me.

I walk each road in sunshine or in shadow
And know God gives me grace for every day
Upon the mountain top or in the valley
His word will guide me all along life’s way.