The 19th century saw the raising up of a large number of believers who have given us hymns of matchless worth, expressing the glories of Christ and the truth of the Word of God. We would like to encourage believers to submit hymns that they have written. It is understood that if they are used by individuals or assemblies, no changes will be made to them.
Unending Praise
David Burr
Cambridge, Ontario
( BHB #448
He is abundantly able to do
Exceeding above all we ask or dream,
To Him all glory, all honor is due,
Let us therefore His great person esteem.
When we gather at our Lord’s desire,
Setting aside all things of time and space,
Rising above our hearts are set on fire,
Worshipping Him for His amazing grace.
Let there ne’er be a time when praises end,
Let every moment here honor His name.
And then let church and angel voices blend,
For bright unending days extol His fame.