A poll by Angus Reid Public Opinion last July, asking individuals what they believed was the origin of human life, produced alarming statistics: 35% of Americans, 61 % of Canadians, and 68% of Britons believe in evolution. In light of these percentages, it’s not surprising that a young person might ask, “If God created the world, why is there so much suggestive evidence for evolution? Is God trying to trick people?” Let’s briefly examine the key topics in evolution surrounding this issue.
The Fossil Record
The fossil record apparently supports evolution because it contains fossilized organisms of varying complexity in different layers. However, no fossils have been found demonstrating one species transitioning into another. The Flood in Genesis 7, where most living things died and were rapidly buried, provided the necessary conditions for fossilization to occur. In addition, tremendous water pressure, and water moving in different directions as it came up from the fountains of the deep explain the layering effect. In fact, the sudden appearance of numerous animals in the layer known as the Cambrian strata lends support to Genesis 1-2 where God created all living things in three days.
Radioactive Dating
Science textbooks state that the earth is billions of years old. Additionally, rocks and other ancient artifacts are millions of years old based on radioactive dating methods such as potassium-argon, uranium-thorium, rubidium-strontium, or carbon-14. These methods rely on measuring the ratios of unstable (parent) and stable (daughter) radioactive isotopes found in the artifact. However, they are based on assumptions that cannot be verified: (1) that no daughter isotopes were already present in the artifact in the beginning, (2) that no contamination has occurred by rainfall or from compounds escaping from molten lava nearby, and (3) that the rate/time of radioactive decay (i.e., change) from parent-to-daughter isotope has always been constant. Scripturally, Genesis 1-2 tells us that God created the earth and all living creation with the appearance of age at the moment of their existence. For instance, in Genesis 2:7 God created Adam as an adult male and not as an infant.
Miller’s Experiment
In 1953, Stanley Miller repeatedly passed electric sparks through a sealed glass chamber filled with methane, ammonia, hydrogen gases, and water, to simulate lightning in a proposed primitive earth atmosphere. Eventually, amino acids (basic biological molecules) were produced, and evolutionists use this result as support that spontaneous life arose from inorganic compounds. One problem with this experiment is that no evidence exists to prove the presence of all those gases in an early earth atmosphere. Additionally, the process produced both left and right-handed amino acid molecules with no means of both isolating only the left-handed form used in living organisms, and preventing them from reacting with compounds also produced that are detrimental to these amino acids. The complexity of creating and assembling even the simplest of protein molecules from amino acids, is a reminder that only God is able to impart life (Gen 1:11-31).
DNA in Evolution
Evolutionists speculate that helpful mutations in the genetic code (DNA) of a living organism passed onto successive generations over several billion years have produced the biological diversity found in the different ecosystems today. However, mutations in DNA are caused by radiation such as UV, chemicals in the environment, and random copying errors during cell division (once every 107 replications) with the effects being mostly harmful. Therefore, the odds of successive beneficial mutations being passed on to offspring and eventually producing different species of organisms are practically zero. Moreover, the probability of even making DNA through evolution to code for just a basic living cell has been conservatively estimated to be 1 in 10100,000,000,000. Romans 5:12 reminds us that sin leads to death, therefore, mutations can only lead to genetic decay in all living creation which is also why God ultimately disallowed marriages between close relatives in Leviticus 18:6-17.
This principle, defined as change within a species, is based on the premise of survival of the fittest or natural selection where certain organisms have characteristics/genes that offer them an advantage to adapt and survive in a given environment over others in the same species. As a result, these organisms reproduce more, resulting in larger populations possessing those genes in a species. Unlike macroevolution or change between species, microevolution does not contradict Scripture as seen in Genesis 11:8 when man was scattered across the face of the earth and was forced to survive in new environments. Over time, adaptations/variations in traits such as eye color, skin pigmentation, and immunological resistance to microorganisms/germs became visible in the various ethnic cultures. In addition, both man and beast had to adapt to a post-flood world in Genesis 8. Moreover, in Genesis 30:32-42, Jacob successfully used selective breeding to produce stronger flocks than those of Laban.
Comparative Morphology and Vestigial Organs
Comparative morphology attempts to find similarities in body structures and function in different species (living and fossilized) to support evolution. However, just as a bicycle has wheels like an automobile, biological similarities are indicative of one Designer (John 1:3) Who has used common designs in His creation. In contrast, vestigial organs in present day animals appear to have little or no function but supposedly served a purpose in an evolutionary predecessor. At least three possible explanations exist for these so-called “useless body parts.” First, they may have some undiscovered function. Examples of organs later reclassified as useful include the appendix, tonsils, and the thymus. Second, man’s mortality in Genesis 3:19 after the fall in the garden of Eden infers decreased/impaired organ function as life spans began to shorten. Third, God changed the serpent’s anatomy in Genesis 3:14 so that it would slither on the ground, suggesting that serpents once had functional appendages.
The suggestive evidence for evolution is a byproduct of fallen man who has rejected God and His Son (1Cor 1:18-21) and can be better explained and understood in light of the Scriptures.
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