Fort McMurray: The Wood Buffalo assembly had their annual conference on the August 23 weekend. Brethren E. Armson, B. Funston, J. Gould, J. Ronald, and S. Wells were present to minister the Word. There were visitors from various assemblies, and it was deemed by some to be our best conference yet.
Grande Prairie: John Fitzpatrick and Gordon Williams had two weeks of tent meetings, with some visitors out each night, but with no special interest shown. At Beaverlodge, there was some interest. A mother, who brought her children, indicated she is saved, and is a good contact. Paul and Jolene Kim, and Becky Casson handled the children’s meetings. The best interest was at Hythe where two older saved couples came each night, an unsaved couple showed a good interest, and several other unsaved ones came. The children’s meetings were taken by Matthew Griffin, and in spite of cold, wet weather, there was a very good interest.
British Columbia
Burnaby: In August, five were baptized and two others received into fellowship of the South Burnaby assembly. A week of DVBS was held August 18-22. About 24,000 invitations were delivered and 86 children were present on the last day.
Langley: On Canada Day, the assembly had a booth at the local community fair and handed out several hundred literature packages in many languages. In August, they had a booth at the Langley International Festival. Over 30 people signed up for a series of video lessons on Romans which were offered, and it is hoped that there will be continued contact with them. One language group we could not provide literature for were Karen refugees (Myanmar) who now live in Langley, of which there are 97 families with more on the way. We also had a small, but very successful, DVBS in August with most of the children having no previous assembly connection.
Vancouver: The attendance at the Pacific National Exhibition in late August was affected by rainy weather, but the Gospel Booth was there as a beacon of light for its 36th year. Many conversations were had, and hundreds of packages handed out. Pray that God will use this effort to reach souls.
Westbank: The conference in August was well attended with many young believers present. Brethren sharing in the meetings were Alex Dryburgh, John Fitzpatrick, Bryan Funston, Dave Richards, Earl Ritchie, Ross Smyth, and Stan Wells.
West Richmond: The assembly ran a DVBS for a week in August. Local brethren shared in presenting a message each day.
New Brunswick
Haut Sheila: In August, Leslie Wells, helped by local brethren, held just over two weeks of gospel tent meetings in this community outside Tracadie. Only one visitor came. The two villages, Leech and Pont la France, were visited with texts and gospel literature.
Kouchibouguac: A community center was rented to preach the gospel for two weeks in August. The meetings were well supported by believers from Sh�diac, and a few attended from the community. Two local brethren helped G�rard Roy in the preaching.
Moncton: Peter Ramsay and Max McLean visited in July. Brother Ramsay gave appropriate and appreciated ministry. Both spoke faithfully at the gospel meeting and the day was blessed with the baptism of four believers.
Shippagan: In July, this fishing town was visited with texts and gospel literature. Leslie Wells, with the help of local brethren, held a short series of tent meetings outside the town. A few unsaved attended, including the owner of the site.
Nova Scotia
Isle Madame: Noel Burden and a local brother completed two weeks of gospel meetings in August in a Community Hall in Petit-de-Grat with interest shown from contacts in the area. Brethren from Baddeck, Blues Mills, and Sydney, with help from saints from Shediac, NB, have continued gospel work in this area with some encouragement. Prayer is requested for continued Saturday evening meetings as the Lord leads.
London: The work with the Chinese pilots continues with blessing. Stephen Vance is to follow this up with a week of gospel meetings at the end of September. Jim Bergsma and Bert Snippe each came from West Lorne for the Sunday gospel meeting, and Larry Buote stopped in for one night of appreciated ministry.
St. Thomas: Brian Crawford and Gary Sharp started tent meetings here on August 10 for three weeks. Tim Woodford had children’s meetings in the morning during the first week. The saints are thankful that a Sunday school girl professed salvation.
St. Marys: The assembly had four weeks of gospel meetings in a tent with Ed Miller and George Patterson. There were a few visitors in from the community throughout the meetings and two people professed salvation, for which we thank God.
Nouvelle: Helped by local brethren, G�rard Roy had tent meetings in July. Several believers helped in visiting three villages with gospel texts and invitations. Among the small number who attended, a few came for the first time.
North Battleford: James Ronald has been reaching into this community with the gospel.
Saugus: We were pleased with the attendance and the interest evidenced during our Vacation Bible Hour Children’s meetings. The response to the advertisements and the visitations brought many children, some with parents, who had never been to our Sunday school before. The gospel was faithfully presented, and we trust there will be blessing as a result.
Laurium and Pelkie: These assemblies were visited by Louis Smith to encourage the believers. Being in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan they get very few visiting preachers.
Sherman: The Summer Bible Class in August was encouraging with a number of new children attending. There were also several teens and adults that came and heard the gospel. The theme of the week’s effort was the Genesis Creation and relevant gospel messages. God willing the assembly plans a gospel series to commence October 27, with Larry Perkins and Dan Shutt preaching. Pray for the awakening of souls.
New York
Caneadea: The Sunday School Picnic was held August 2 with a good turnout and favorable weather. The gospel was preached faithfully with many unsaved present.
New York: The saints at Flushing Gospel Hall were joined by Michael and Joy Hughes from Hatboro. Our brother Hughes preached in our monthly gospel meeting for ESL students on August 8. His message and visit were greatly appreciated. We again ask for your prayers in this endeavor. On August 10-13 there was the annual conference held at High Point State Park in New Jersey, at which the saints enjoyed fellowship and ministry.
Indiana: The assembly’s annual Sunday school/Youth Bible Club program was held on May 12. The theme was “God’s Forgiveness.” Darris Barney spoke in the gospel to a good number of adults and children. The assembly had a VBS August 18-22 on Heroes and Heroines of the Bible. Five different young brothers gave the messages, and young sisters helped with the games and crafts.
The assembly had an outreach on Saturday, September 13, on the campus of Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Hand-made Scripture texts, bookmarks, fridge magnets, Bibles, New Testaments, Via Magazines, Ultimate Questions, CD’s of Peter Orasuk’s testimony, and other gospel literature were passed out. Please pray that God’s Word will be blessed.
The assembly has been able to take advantage of a unique opportunity for the spread of the gospel about an hour away. With Bill Seale helping with the layout, Lindsay Parks wrote a gospel paper about the rescue of nine miners from the Quecreek mine below a farm in Somerset, PA, in 2002. At present, a museum is being built over that site. The woman on whose farm the rescue took place, is a devoted Christian, and has requested the tract for distribution there. There are tour buses that pull in every day, and she gives a 1-hour talk about the rescue, giving the Lord much glory in it. Our brethren have made 9000 tracts available for her initial use to give out to every visitor, and intend to maintain a steady supply. Prayer is requested for God’s blessing on this venture, an opportunity that only the Lord could provide.
Arlington: Good numbers attended the Labor Day weekend conference. Preaching brethren taking part were Brandon Doll, Bryan Funston, Gaius Goff, Eric McCullough, David Thompson (Columbia), Neal Thomson, and Stan Wells. The assembly suffered the sudden loss of our beautiful sister in the Lord, Marie Anderson, less than a week before the conference, and was moved by the outpouring of love and support shown to her husband Mark and family.
Ontario: Isaiah Frazier (El Salvador) and William Skates had five weeks of encouraging gospel meetings here in July. Several professed faith in Christ, including a married couple and some of the Christians’ children.
Viroqua: Brandon Doll (Ontario, WI) and William Skates had two weeks of gospel tent meetings. It was an excellent site for the tent with good exposure to the highway. Good numbers from the community attended and one woman confessed faith in Christ.
Chihuahua: The assembly was greatly encouraged by three believers being baptized and received into fellowship in August.
Ciudad Obregon: Helped by several believers from the Hermosillo assembly, David Alves Jr. and Shad Kember Jr. have been preaching the gospel here, following up on contacts from the West Phoenix assembly. So far, one woman contacted in door-to-door visitation professed faith in Christ.
Ciudad del Carmen: Another three believers were received into the fellowship of this new assembly.
Guadalajara: Four believers obeyed the Lord in baptism during August. With a view to the formation of an assembly in Zapopan, D.V., Paul Thiessen had Bible readings on church truths during the first two weeks of September.
San Juan de Abajo, Nayarit: About an hour’s drive from Puerto Vallarta, a gospel outreach has been carried out here for several years, especially by brethren from the Coapinole assembly, in the home of a rather successful agronomist. More recently, there was an encouraging response of saints and sinners at some very well-attended gospel and ministry meetings. On Lord’s Day, September 7, 24 local believers remembered the Lord for the first time.
Veracruz: Please pray for John and Rebekah Nesbitt (with Moriah, David, and Jacob), as they pioneer in this port city of the Gulf.
Roseisle, MB
October 3-5, with meeting on Friday at 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am, Ministry 2pm and 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 1:30pm, Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel 7pm. Corr: John Dyck, Tel: 204 435-2341.
Edmonton, AB
October 17-19, at Connor’s Hill Gospel Hall with Prayer/Ministry at 8pm Friday. Meetings commence Saturday at 10am, and continue all day Saturday and Sunday. Meals and accommodations will be provided. Corr: Joseph Bowman, 1325 Knottwood Road East, Edmonton, AB; Tel: 780 450-0818.
Arborfield, SK
October 25-26, in the Gospel Hall in Arborfield. Prayer & Ministry on Friday, October 24 at 7:30pm. Contact Floyd Pickering, Tel: 769-8608.
Livonia, MI
October 25-26, with Prayer Meeting on Friday 7:30 pm. All meetings held in the Stark Road Gospel Hall, 9280 Stark Road, Livonia, MI. Saturday: Prayer, Praise, and Ministry 10 am and 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm, Meeting for Young People 8:30 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday School 12:45 pm, Prayer, Praise, and Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Corr: David Vallance, 21600 Currie Road, Northville, MI 48167; Tel: 248 446-9346; E-mail: Hall: 734 425-4910, Accom: Tim Fouts, Tel: 248 476-5013, or
McKeesport, PA
November 1-2. Gaius Goff and Andrew Ussher will take up the subject, “How is a young Christian to live in today’s world?” All meetings to be held at the McKeesport Gospel Hall, Prescott & Broadway St., McKeesport, PA. First meeting will be Saturday at 10am. Accom: Rob Oliver, Tel: 412 664-1004, or For further information: Tom Clark 412 751-5283, or Directions and general information available at
Newington, CT
November 1-2. Saturday: Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 5pm, then supper. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:45am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Brethren walking in and teaching the “old paths” are welcomed to minister as the Lord leads. Corr: Matthew J. Brescia, 81 Cobblestone Way, Windsor, CT 06095; Tel: 860 688-2388; Gospel Hall 860 666-4342.
Saskatoon, SK
November 1-2 in the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road, with Prayer and Ministry on Friday at 7:30pm, Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 1:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Ministry 11:15am and 1:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Inquiries: Murray Buckingham, Tel: 306 477-9117, Hall: 306 249-5044.
Oil Springs, ON
November 8-9, with Prayer Meeting, Friday, 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall on Victoria St. All other meetings in the Youth Center, cor. Hwy. 21 and Victoria St. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am, Bible Reading 1pm (1 Cor 3 – The Uniqueness of the Assembly), Ministry 2:30pm, Testimony/Gospel 6pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Sunday school 1pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm (Gospel Hall). Brethren walking in and teaching the “old paths” are welcome to minister as the Lord leads. Corr: Arthur Whitton, RR3 Oil Springs, ON N0N 1P0; Tel: 519 882-1986.
Oshawa, ON
November 8, in the Gospel Hall, 150 Albert Street. Ministry at 2 and 7pm with supper served between. Corr. Ken Nicholson, Tel: 905 579-7540.
Brampton, ON
November 22-23, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, November 21 at 8pm at the Brampton Gospel Hall , 6 Beech St. Brampton, ON. All other meetings to be at the Brampton Fair grounds, Junior Farmers Hall, 12942 Heart Lake Rd, Brampton, ON. The first meeting on Saturday will be for Prayer and Ministry at 10am. Corr: Dwight Dyke, Tel: 519 853-3090; E-mail:, or
Maberly, ON
November 22, at Wheeler’s Pancake House and Sugar Camp. Directions: Hwy 7 to Maberly, take the Maberly-Elphin Rd. (Formerly County Rd. 36) north to McDonald’s Corners, turn right and follow the signs to Wheeler’s Pancake House. Meetings are at 2:30 and 7pm. Corr: Gordon McLeod, Tel: 613 268-2616.
Cambridge, ON
November 28-29, with ministry specifically focused on topics relating to Shepherding in the Assembly. Scheduled speakers (DV) include David Oliver, A.J. Higgins, Jim Smith, and Peter Ramsay. Topics under consideration include: Qualifications and Identification of Elders, Elder�s Responsibilities, Dealing With Tough Issues, Time Management, Encouragement for Wives of Elders, and Legal and Insurance Issues. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7pm. Saturday: Ministry begins at 9am and continues throughout the day. All meetings in the Gospel Hall at 31 South St. Accommodations available at Future Inn, Cambridge. Corr: Phillip Watson, 1183 Sager Road, R.R. #2, Branchton, ON N0B 1L0. Tel: 519-740-1470, Fax 519-651-0431. For more information, E-mail, or for full schedule and details. Those who are, or aspire to be, shepherds in their local assembly and their wives are encouraged to attend.
Phoenix, AZ
November 27-30, with Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 7:30pm. Each day, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Bible Readings 10am (1 Thessalonians), Ministry 2:30pm and Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am. All meetings in the Gospel Hall at 1246 E. Garfield St. Corr: Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Ave., Glendale, AZ 85305; Tel: 623 872-1007; Hall: 602 253-4932.
Saugus, MA
December 6-7, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, December 5 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Remembrance Meeting 10am, Sunday school 12pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. All meetings will be held in the Gospel Hall, 213 Walnut St, Saugus, MA. Tel: 781 233-5570; Corr: Anthony Grillo, 46 Grey Lane, Lynnfield, MA, 01940; Tel: 781 334-6363; E-mail: For accommodations: David Lusk, Tel: 781 942-7006.
Bryn Mawr, PA
The Bryn Mawr brethren have determined that they will not be able to have their regular conference schedule for this year. The conference purposed for November 7-9, 2008 will not be held.
Conference Reminders
Clinton, OH – October 4-5
Mansfield, OH – October 4-5
Sussex, NB – October 4-5
Cape Breton, NS – October 11-12
Maidstone, Mervin, SK/Paradise Valley, AB – October 11-12
Brandon, MB – October 13
St. Thomas, ON – October 11-12
Vancouver, BC – October 11-13
Blue River, WI – October 18-19
L’Anse au Loup, LB – October 17-19
Terryville, CT – October 17-19
Alpena, AR – October 25-26
La Crosse, WI – October 25-26
Wallaceburg, ON – October 25-26
St. John’s, NL – October 31-November 2
Change of Address of Correspondent
Henry Carmichael (Midland Park, NJ): Tel: 973-427-2072 (correction); E-mail: Personal E-mail:
Change of Address
Mr. and Mrs P. H. Harding, 9 Penkiln Court, Minnigaff, Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire, Scotland DG8 6AQ.
Toronto, ON (Victoria Park Gospel Hall): Keith Potter, 8 Allangrove Cres., Agincourt, ON M1W 1S5 Tel: 416 497-8478;
Windsor, ON (Windsor Gospel Hall): Raymond Fairley, 3575 Rockwell Ave., Windsor, ON N9E 2B1; Tel: 519 966-0365; E-mail:
Donald McCandless of Unionville, ON, on May 25, age 92. Saved at 16, he fellowshipped at St. Thomas, Sydney, West Toronto, Rexdale (43 years from its planting), and finally at Unionville. Don loved the Lord. Hospitable, fun-loving, and kind, he was appreciated by both young and old. He mentored several young men over the years who became his good friends. He was predeceased by his first wife, Muriel (Bailey), in 1977, and by his second wife, Elsie (Eaton), in 2006. Everyone loved both couples. George Telfer faithfully preached the gospel at the funeral. He is survived by his sister, Jean, and brothers Allen and Lyle. Please pray for Don’s stepchildren and their families, none of whom show life in Christ.
Lawrence Burtnik of Toronto, ON, on June 24, in his 77th year. He was born in Manitoba and born again in his late twenties. When he came to Toronto, he heard some brethren speaking at an open-air meeting and, through them, was introduced to Christians gathered in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. For the last ten years of his life, he was in fellowship with the saints in the Broadview assembly. He was active in open-air work, tract distribution, and was a great personal worker. No matter the religious or political persuasion of strangers he met, he had a knack for bringing Christ and salvation into the conversation. In large print on the back of his car he had these words: “Salvation – don’t leave earth without it.” A large number of friends and relatives attended his funeral which was shared by Don Jennings and Stephen Vance. Please pray for his loved ones, some of whom are still unsaved.
Mrs. Ruby Bottrell of Arnstein, ON, on August 4, age 89. Our dear sister was saved in meetings with Mr. Widdifield and Mr. Steen in the winter of 1932 when there was great blessing in the area. She was faithful to the assembly until her health began to fail a few years ago. She will be greatly missed by her son Dean and daughter Sheila (Ron), two grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, and one great-great granddaughter, plus the assembly and those in the area who knew her. The gospel was faithfully preached at the funeral by David Booth.
Laura Yade of Welland, ON, on August 9, age 83. Laura Boies was born and raised in East Aurora, NY, where she received God’s salvation during gospel meetings conducted by bre. Lorne McBain and Norman Crawford on October 9, 1947. Laura married Ronald Yade who predeceased her in 2001. She was a loving and gracious sister in Christ, and will be greatly missed by her daughter, son, and grandchildren. The Welland assembly will miss her prayers and encouraging spirit. Laura suffered daily and uncomplainingly with severe arthritis for the past five years. A large funeral attendance gave witness to the influence of her loving-kindness and patient grace in her suffering. James Smith spoke a message in the gospel and encouragement for the bereaved. He was assisted in prayer by David Boies and Lorne Yade.
Ruth E. Gordon of Sault St. Marie, MI, was called home on August 12, age 90. She was the wife of the late Fredrick Gordon, and was the oldest in the assembly where she was faithful in attending all meetings until poor health prevented her. The funeral was conducted by Craig Trotter.
The Two Roads and Two Destinies chart, as well as the Prophecy chart, are now available in digital format at Click on the resource tab to download your copy in the available language. The Biblical Prophecy Chart is available in 65 languages, Two Roads and Two Destinies chart in 41 languages, and the Simplified 2R2D in 12 languages. The original Corel draw files can be supplied upon demand from Olli-Pekka Tuikkala at He can also be contacted directly if you are interested in helping translate the charts into new languages.
Subscription Notice for 2009
The subscription rate for Truth and Tidings, 2009, will remain the same. Differences in rates between countries primarily reflect mailing costs which we incur.
All are aware of increasing costs for both printing and mailing. This will continue to put pressure on us and the current subscription rate structure. To assist us in keeping expenses as low as possible, we would ask your assistance by the following:
1. Please remit as early as possible. This reduces costs incurred by frequent reminders to those who are late or delinquent in paying.
2. Please send any address changes and changes in subscription numbers in by Dec 10th. This minimizes extra shipping costs due to re-sending of individual magazines.
3. Whenever possible, please include your subscription in an assembly bundle as this helps to reduce mailing costs.
Thanks for your cooperation in all these areas.
On behalf of the Board of Truth and Tidings, AJH.