British Columbia
Burnaby: Since the new South Burnaby Gospel Hall opened November 1, 2003, the Sunday School has tripled in number, ten souls have professed salvation, 12 people have been baptized, and four have been received into fellowship. A Vacation Bible Hour was held in the hall for the week of August 13-17 with an average of 90 children and ten unsaved parents coming each morning. Burnaby Bible Hour has recommenced for the Fall session. The first night, 92 children and seven parents attended.
Port Alberni: Alex Dryburgh spent a week with the assembly teaching assembly principles from I Corinthians. It was timely and much needed. There was a heat wave at the time but, while the meetings were all held in the basement, the ministry was from the rooftops. Attendance was very good and the saints were encouraged.
Richmond: Marvin Derksen and Jim Smith completed three weeks of a gospel series on October 3. Attendance was excellent, with many visitors brought by the saints each evening. God graciously visited in salvation and others who attended expressed an exercise to receive God’s salvation.
Brandon: A tent series was held from August 3-29, with the text distribution on the long weekend preceding the meetings. A blimp with writing inscribed, “Eternity,” was aloft for all to see, though somewhat vandalized at one point, and was displayed in different newspapers across the country. The meetings were quite well attended with some blessing. Every household received at least one invitation along with the texts and Via magazines. Those responsible for the preaching were Ross Vanstone and Peter Smith. Children’s meetings were held in the mornings by Peter Smith for two weeks with good attendance.
Winnipeg: A week of children’s meetings in September saw good numbers present each evening. There were usually 75 or more, as well as several parents many nights. There were no professions of salvation but we believe the seed sown will bear its fruit in its season. A series of gospel meetings is planned for October 17-31 with Dan Shutt ofDetroit and Robert Thomson of Glasgow.
New Brunswick
Bas-Paquetville: Two local brethren from the Tracadie assembly had tent meetings from August 15-27 with a little interest.
Haut-Sheila: Leslie Wells and Zol Gautreau (Tracadie Assembly) had two weeks of tent meetings in this neighbouring village during July. A few unsaved contacted by the believers attended the meetings.
Tracadie: The annual conference on the first weekend of August was well attended again this year. The saints were blessed by a variety of ministry given by Leslie Wells, Larry Buote, Grard Roy, and a few local brethren. The Bible reading on 2 Corinthians 5 was also an encouragement to the Lord’s people.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Fogo: The annual conference on Labor Day was a great encouragement to the saints on the island. Ministry was shared by B. Funston, G. Goff, B. Joyce, J.A. Joyce, P. Matthews, and D. Mullett. Bryan Funston (Vancouver) had Bible readings in Fogo, Gander Bay, Sandringham, and New Harbour, a one-night visit in Buchans, and ministry in St. John’s for three nights. Gaius Goff of Oregon continues to visit the NL assemblies and plans to stay for the Fall conferences. During the month of September he visited the assemblies on the west and north parts of NL.
Gander: A weekend of ministry by Lloyd Cain (Halifax) and B. Joyce on the subject of the Holy Spirit, with teaching taken from several NT books, was a profitable time for the saints. B. Joyce was here for ministry prior to this, and also in Gander Bay.
Nova Scotia
Clementsvale: Albert Hull and Peter Ramsay commenced gospel meetings on September 11. There were good numbers attending, and our brethren would appreciate prayer that God will awaken this community as to its spiritual need and deliver many souls.
Clyde: The saints were encouraged September 8 to hear from Jim Bergsma about how the Lord is working in Leamington, ON, and from Steve Kember on his work in Manitoba and Alberta. Frank Sona gave practical ministry on the book of Ruth, September 26-29. Continued outreach to the local community is planned for Thanksgiving weekend with a booth at the Rockton World’s Fair.
Earlton: From July 18-August 1, Alvin Cook and Brian Owen shared in tent meetings at Thornloe, in fellowship with the Earlton assembly. The meetings were well supported by the local assemblies and there were unsaved out on a regular basis. In the last week, a young woman professed salvation. Since the close of the meetings, one woman, for whom the saints had been praying, trusted the Lord as her Savior. In the afternoons, Jason Younan and Barry Potter each took a week of children’s meetings, which were well-attended.
Sarnia: The Sarnia assembly once more used the waterfront pavilion (The Dow People Place) for a 20 night series on the “Greatest Words the World Has Ever Heard.” Eugene Higgins once more joined us for this series. These meetings where exceptionally well attended by the community, exceeding all expectations. The believers were greatly encouraged and unified by the response, and are planning to continue this outreach effort again in the coming year, D. V.
Sudbury: The assembly appreciated ministry given by Fred Krauss, Larry Steers, Steven Vance, and Brian Owen in September.
Victoria Road: In September, the assembly had much appreciated ministry meetings by Larry Buote on his chart, “Feasts of Jehovah.” Please pray for Youth Meetings to take place in October, D.V., by Fred Krauss; also Edward Miller is expected for our first ministry in November.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown: Robert McIlwaine is presently very weak and making slow recovery. Please remember him in your prayers.
St. Alexandre: In August, Larry Buote and Leslie Wells were encouraged with some new contacts attending. Some believers from the Montreal assembly, 40 minutes away, attended every night.
Nouvelle: Larry Buote and Grard Roy shared in tent meetings from July 12-28. The villages of Miguasha and Nouvelle were visited with the French Via magazine. Our brethren were encouraged by the attendance of several visitors. Local brethren from Tracadie and Shdiac are giving help in regular bi-monthly gospel meetings as well as a Bible reading to help those who have professed salvation.
Taylorside: The saints enjoyed a short visit from Jack Gould.
Los Angeles: A new Spanish-speaking assembly has been established in Panorama City, located in the northwestern metropolitan area. The Lord has opened up an adequate place to meet, only a few blocks away from the Christian’s home, where the outreach work has been going on for years.
Newington: Albert Hull visited recently with a week of appreciated ministry on Church Truth.
Terryville: The assembly appreciated four nights of ministry in September from David Oliver on “Shepherds.”
Atlanta: Tom Baker writes: Last month we had the joy of meeting with over 350 Spanish-speaking believers for a weekend of conference meetings and for the purpose of establishing a new assembly in Atlanta. The Spanish brethren have been working the area for sometime and there are over 50 in the fellowship. Once again, two full-time native workers accompanied us from Guatemala. There were also two brethren from the Spanish assembly in East Los Angeles.
Cedar Falls: Gospel meetings began September 19 with Al Christopherson and Jack Nesbitt.
Postville: Aubrey Kelly and Tom Baker finished six weeks of tent meetings with a nice number saved. Aubrey is continuing to visit and work in the area. The work began here six years ago.
Methuen: On September 16-18, Dr. A. J. Higgins spoke on the Crisis of His Coming in Matthew, the Consequence of His Call in Mark, the Challenge of the Cross in Luke, and the Comfort of His Conquest in John. The meetings were well attended by the surrounding assemblies, and all appreciated the helpful and challenging ministry.
Livonia: The assembly enjoyed a week of ministry by brother Jack Hay of Scotland.
Jackson: Louis Smith went to the Ukraine for a number of weeks, with the hope of seeing some new believers gathered as an assembly.
Kansas City: The annual Labor Day conference was very good with helpful and needed ministry given by Jim Webb, Joel Portman, Eric McCullough, Robert Orr, Eric Fowler, William Skates, and visiting brethren from other locations. Alan Clark shared with us his work in El Salvador. The gospel was shared by Eric McCullough and Robert Orr on Sunday, and Eric Fowler and Jim Webb on Monday.
Omaha: Art Ward was present at a baptism of six young saints on September 11. Five of them professed to be saved in the meetings held this Spring.
New Jersey
Midland Park: The conference had excellent attendance, with profitable, challenging ministry. The gospel was preached faithfully. Those who took part were Joseph Chung, Alan Davidson, Walter Gustafson, Jack Hay (Scotland), Eugene Higgins, David Oliver, Murray McCandless, and Robert Surgenor. The believers were encouraged at the presence of many saints from other areas. Please pray for gospel meetings, planned to start October 24, with Eugene Higgins, and for a good response to invitations to be distributed in the area. Brother Higgins hopes to preach the gospel on Vital Biblical Questions.
Akron: Ernest Moore gave helpful ministry and a report of the Lord’s work in Chile. Robert Surgenor also was with us giving profitable ministry.
Cleveland: The assembly appreciated a recent visit from Ernest Moore for a Lord’s Day.
Mansfield: Norm Crawford, David Oliver, Larry Perkins, Jon Procopio, and Stuart Thompson were present at the conference, giving instructive, devotional, and practical teaching for the blessing of the saints.
Toronto: The Christians who have gathered together unto the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ at 221 Nth 7th St., Toronto, OH., have sold the hall, and now have become one fellowship with the saints who gather at Park and Adams Sts., Steubenville, OH.
Klamath Falls: There was good interest at gospel meetings with John Fitzpatrick and Dr. David Brandt in July. One soul of 71 years of age professed about week after the meetings closed. There were a good number of reply cards to follow up. By request, there are plans to start cottage meetings in a home, Lord willing.
Hardwick: The annual conference in mid-September was marked by the visitation and ministry of several ministering brethren. Believers attended from numerous assemblies and shared a time of encouragement and instruction from the Lord. Ministering and preaching the gospel were Eugene Badgley, Ernest Green, William Lavery, William Oliver, Harold Paisley, and Frank Tornaquindici. Brother Paisley also led a Bible Reading on the Lord’s Imminent Return, and it was to the spiritual profit of all who were present.
Montfort: Jim Frazier and Art Ward finished three weeks of gospel meetings on September 10. Some good contacts were made and a return for tent meetings is expected next year, D.V.
Grard Roy writes: In 1995 two young men returned to their homeland with a burden for their own people. Saved through a gospel outreach of the Shdiac believers while studying in Moncton, they were in assembly fellowship for a few years. Not long after their return, war broke out in the country and one of them was forced to go to Rwanda. Nevertheless God blessed their exercise.
During my first visit in 2000, I found two other young men and a young woman who had professed salvation and bore evidences of divine life. At that time we were able to have a short series of gospel meetings, but were very much restricted because of the war.
Since our visit, these brethren have been carrying out regular gospel meetings and have seen the hand of God at work. A few young men and women have trusted Christ and have been baptized. Accompanied by a couple from the Shdiac assembly, we arrived in Lubumbashi on August 8. We were overjoyed to meet several believers who gave us a warm welcome.
Two days later, we started gospel meetings in this second largest city of the country with a population of close to 2 million. We extended the roof of their meeting place with tarpaulins and provided seating for over a hundred people. From the very beginning every seat was filled. Some of the young brethren gave their testimony during the first week. Mike Kyony and Patrick Thsimanga opened most of the other meetings very acceptably during the remainder of the four weeks. A brother translated in Swahili for the few older people who couldn’t understand French. We were able to visit many homes where amidst much poverty people listened most respectfully to the gospel. Several visits were also made to a large university of 20,000 students, where the brethren contacted a number of people who attended the meetings.
The zeal of the believers to reach others and their clear gospel testimony gave us great joy. Every meeting was preceded and followed by a prayer meeting. It was heart warming to hear these young men pour out their hearts to God in a simple, brief, but real way. God graciously visited us in several souls professing salvation.
The remainder of our six week stay was spent having Bible studies on gospel work, baptism, and the local assembly. After each meeting we had discussions that lasted up to two hours. It was very touching and refreshing to see their hunger for the Word of God and desire to learn. One Saturday afternoon a small crowd gathered on the banks of a nearby muddy river to witness the baptism of a young man and a young woman who had professed earlier this year. It was our privilege to proclaim the glad tidings of salvation to those gathered.
We thank God for his good hand upon us and the full liberty we enjoyed to move about without any restriction from the authorities. This is no doubt an answer to the prayers of so many of the Lord’s people. We look to God for guidance as to another visit and the possibility of forming an assembly in His own good time. Please keep praying.
Puerto Vallarta: Four weeks of gospel meetings were held in the Coapinole hall in which several young teenagers of Christian parents were reached.
Dave and Elizabeth Richards have returned to Yekaterinburg. They plan to move to St. Petersburg by the end of October. Brother Richards expects to work with the two assemblies there, and hopefully see them more warmly united. One of his major exercises is to work amongst homeless children in the city. They are looking to the Lord that one day they may have their own property where they can feed and clothe these children, as well as share the gospel with them.
Conferences D.V.
Oil Springs, ON
November 13-14 with Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the Gospel Hall, Victoria St. All other meetings will be held in the Youth Centre (just east of Hwy. 21 and Victoria St.) Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m., Bible reading 1 p.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Testimony/Gospel Meeting 6 p.m.; Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 1 p.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Corr. Arthur Whitton, RR 3 Oil Springs, ON, N0N 1P0; Tel 519-882-1686.
Bolton/Brampton, ON
November 20 in the Junior Farmers Hall, Brampton Fair Grounds, 12942 Heart Lake Rd. (Take #410 North and continue to Heart Lake Rd.) First meeting will be at 10 a.m. Young People’s (Bible-based activity, speaker and food) on Friday, November 28 at Humberview Secondary School, 135 Kingsview Dr., Bolton. Corr: Dwight Dyke (Brampton), Tel: 519-853-3090, or Robert Curry (Bolton), Tel: 905-857-0753
Conference Reminders:
Alpena, AR – November 6-7
London, ON – November 6-7
Saskatoon, SK – November 6-7
Arborfield, SK – November 12-14
Bryn Mawr, PA – November 13-14
Oshawa, ON – November 13
McKeesport, PA – November 20-21
Maberly, ON – November 27
Phoenix, AZ – November 25-28
Change of Address
Aubrey and Heather Kelly: Tel: 641-816-3087
Bryan and Rachel Joyce: 15 Prince Albert Court, Richmond Hill, ON, L4E 3W5; email:
Shad Kember: The new Email address is
Change of Correspondent
Seattle, WA (West Woodland Gospel Hall): Andrew Hale, 23810 – 75th Ave S.E., Woodinville, WA 98072; Tel: 425-402-8278; Email:
Steubenville, OH: With the two assemblies in Toronto and Steubenville, OH, becoming one fellowship, the correspondent is Richard W Westlake, 44 Pine Lane, Toronto, OH., 43964; Tel: 740-544-5762. Email:
Change of Address of Correspondent
Brampton, ON: Dwight G. Dyke, 62 Somerville Rd., Acton, ON, L7J 2Z7; Tel: 519-853-3090; E-mail:
With Christ
Mr. Charles Hiscock of St. John’s, NL on May 29, 2004 age 64. Our dear brother was saved at age 19 and was involved in the early days of the work in St. John’s. He was a much appreciated elder and had a gift for the gospel and ministry. In the past several years he had an exercise for the smaller assemblies of Newfoundland and Labrador which he would often visit. While engaged in this exercise he developed lymphoma which ultimately took his life. He battled this illness courageously with his dear wife, Dorothy, by his side. Throughout his illness he accepted the will of the Lord and was a source of inspiration for all the saints. He will be sorely missed. He also leaves behind two children and four grandchildren. The funeral was attended by an overflowing number and was taken by brethren Gordon Williams, David Hunt, and Eric Gill.
Frederick Herring of Victoria Road, ON on June 7, age 79. Our dear brother was born again in June 1934. He gathered in fellowship with the Lord’s people at Brock, Highfield, Brackendale, Lansing, Lindsay, and in later years, Victoria Road. He is survived by his wife, Evelyn, of sixty years, three daughters, two sons, seven grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. He will be dearly missed by all. The funeral was taken by Eugene Badgley.
Lloyd Bruce Parlee of Sussex, NB on August 16, age 64. He was saved at age 55 at the 1995 Fredericton conference through the preaching of M. McCandless on Romans 10:9, after the persistent prayer of Christians for eleven years. He leaves to mourn his wife Marika, four sons, daughter, and five grandchildren, along with his many friends and the assembly who keenly feel his departure. Lloyd’s three oldest sons and their families are not yet saved The funeral, attended by a large number of his relatives and friends, some hearing the gospel plainly preached for the first time, was held in a large tent at the Sussex Gospel Hall. Murray McCandless and Michael Rodgers conducted the funeral service. The committal service was by Jim Stuart and Dave Beckett.
Rose Mitchell (nee Hulcoop) of Unionville, ON on September 4, age 80. In February 1973, it was made real to her soul that she was “saved by the grace of God, and cleansed by His precious blood.” She was a happy Christian with an infectious smile. Pape Avenue was her home assembly from 1976 to 1987. She came to Bethany Lodge in February 2002, and was in fellowship in the Unionville assembly until her homecall. The funeral was shared by her brother-in-law Don Jennings and by George Telfer who spoke a word of comfort and warning to the family. Paul Markle spoke at the graveside. Please pray for two sons and seven grandchildren who are not saved.
Jean Cuvelier of New Hartford, IA on September 5, age 85. Our dear sister and husband were saved in tent meetings in New Hartford in October of 1947. She was in happy fellowship with the Christians at Stout, IA until serious illness kept her from attending. She leaves to mourn her dear husband, Iven, who cared for her so devotedly, a son and daughter and their spouses, four grandchildren and families, two sisters, and one brother, Bud Elliott and his wife of the Stout assembly. Roy Weber spoke the message at the Stout Gospel Hall and grave, and Richard Van Mill prayed.
Leila Olson of Black Earth, WI on September 26, age 80, Our beloved sister was saved at the age of 18 during gospel meetings held by Lorne McBain in Blue River. Lela was in fellowship at Black Earth for 40 years. She was a cheerful Christian, supportive of the gospel, giving godly encouragement to many, and faithful in attendance until illness restricted her mobility the last few years of her life. She was preceded in death by her husband, and survived by two sons. Buddy Bethke of the Black Earth assembly took her funeral service.”
A Reminder Regarding Year End Gifts through the Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust
If you wish your receipt from Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust to be dated 2004, your letter to the Trust must be postmarked 2004 by the Post Office.
Government regulations stipulate that we cannot date a receipt prior to the postmarked date. This means that when letters are postmarked 2005, the receipts must also be dated 2005.
Please mail your letters to us in November if you can, or as early as possible in December.
The addresses for the Canadian and the US Trusts are both shown in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover. Kindly remember that all checks should be made payable to Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust.