Via Magazine
The latest issue of Via magazine is now available. The front cover is very attractive, but the value of this gospel booklet goes far beyond its appearance. It is truly, as the cover announces, “Bible-based reading for the whole family.” There are twelve features in it, including two pages for children. We strongly recommend it. The gospel is clear in it.
It is packaged in boxes of 680. Part or multiple boxes are also available. Via is intended to be a free resource supplied through the gifts of the Lord’s people for mass distribution or in specialized applications. The may be ordered through:
Via Magazine
Box 551, Portage la Prairie
Manitoba, Canada R1N 3B9
Phone: 204-857-8435
Fax: 204-857-7728
Edmonton: The believers enjoyed a profitable and uplifting week in late January with James Ronald as he ministered on the Garments of the High Priest and the how they present our Lord Jesus Christ.
British Columbia
Vancouver: Earl Ritchie gave a report on February 1 in West Richmond on recent visits to China, Korea, and Mexico. Dave Brandt gave an interesting report on the Ukraine on February 2, and Dave Richards and Jim Smith shared the ministry in Victoria Dr. Dave Richards continued for five nights on Acts 2:41-42. Jim Smith ministered helpfully in Fairview, Woodland Dr., North Vancouver, Deep Cove, Carleton, and Victoria Dr. during the first two weeks of February. Malcolm Radcliffe was expected in Deep Cove during the second week of February, speaking on the Tabernacle.
Westbank: Larry Perkins and Stan Wells commenced here in the gospel February 2.
New Brunswick
Tracadie: Larry Buote and Grard Roy were in their fifth week of gospel meetings in early February. The assembly is greatly encouraged by a time of visitation from God with blessing in salvation.
Green River: Believers from Sainte-Flavie and Green River gathered for an afternoon meeting. The saints were encouraged by ministry given. Larry Buote, Grard Roy, and three local brethren took part.
Newfoundland and Labrador
English Point: The gospel meetings which commenced in early January are very well attended and the saints are refreshed as the gospel is preached by James McClelland and Albert Hull. There is a united burden to see God’s hand move, and this has produced prayer meetings before and after the meetings. It is a joy to see the neighboring assembly of Lanse Au Loup give their full support to the meetings. Pray is valued.
Gander: Ken Taylor gave excellent ministry along with a brief report on the work in Dominica and Haiti. Our brother and his wife were also in St. John’s and Sandringham. Prayer is requested for Kevin March, an elder in Gander who has a heart condition and will need surgery.
Sandringham: Gospel meetings started January 12 with Bert Joyce and David Hunt. There has been a number of unsaved out, some with evident interest. Prayer is needed. Sandy Feltham, an elder in the assembly, had a heart attack, yet seems to be doing better each day.
St. John’s: Prayer is valued for Charles Hiscock, an elder among God’s people in St. John’s, who is undergoing treatment for cancer.
Nova Scotia
Truro: Fred Bartlett and Bill Bingham commenced on January 19 and have been encouraged by good numbers with some strangers attending. Pray for men who have been drugs addicts and alcoholics from Hope Farm that have attended a number of times. God’s mighty grace can transform lives!
Clinton: A visit by Murray Pratt, December 29, with ministry and help in the gospel, cheered the saints. They were also encouraged January 13, when Murray Poidevin gave a very interesting account of labors in the western province of Zambia where he is now located. Stormy weather has hindered attendance at some meetings during January.
Collingwood: The assembly had a recent visit for ministry from Alex Dryburgh. Prayer is appreciated for childrens meetings conducted by local brethren for the first three months of the year. This will be the 25th year for this work. Three months of childrens meetings have just been completed in the Nottawa Community Centre. A tract distribution has resulted in some paying visits to the assembly; one couple is now in happy fellowship. We recently had the joy of a young Christian obeying the Lord in baptism.
Goodwood: The saints received five nights of encouraging ministry from Jim Beattie in the month of January.
Hamilton: The believers were encouraged with the recent two-day visit of H. Paisley. Mr. Paisley will be visiting Lansing, Brock, and Victoria Park assemblies in Toronto, Lord willing.
Lake Shore: Gospel meetings with S. Vance and L. Steers during January were well attended in spite of winter storms, and the Lord’s hand was seen in salvation.
London: Murray Poidevin and Marcus Cain gave interesting reports of the Lord’s work in Zambia and Mexico respectively. Eric Fowler was present for a ministry meeting. Three sisters were received into fellowship in the New Year.
Niagara Falls: The assembly had its annual Sunday School treat on January 26. Allan LeBlanc gave good words to the children and to the 12 unsaved parents present. The following Sunday, three young believers were baptized, bringing great joy to the saints.
Sarnia: Murray McCandless and Frank Sona commenced here in the gospel the first week of February.
Sudbury: The assembly greatly appreciated the visits of Bruce Rodgers and Brian Owen in December, as well as Brian Crawford and David Booth, each for a weekend in January.
Wallaceburg: Gospel meetings are to commence here on April 6 with James Beattie and William Metcalf.
Prince Edward Island
Crapaud: Gospel meetings commenced January 19 with Wallace Buckle, helped by a local brother.
Phoenix: During the months of December and January, the Garfield Street assembly received encouraging visits and ministry from G.P.Taylor, Stan Wells, Ed Doherty, and Victor Doss, a servant of the Lord from Malaysia. Brother Doss and his wife Hanna were with the assembly for the months of December and January while visiting a family member. Their stay was an encouragement to the assembly.
Tampa: We had appreciated visits in December with James Smith and Malcolm Radcliffe of Scotland. The assembly has just concluded four weeks of gospel meetings with Murray McCandless and Darris Barney of Iowa with many responses to the Seed Sower effort at the holiday time. Many outsiders attended and blessing was seen in salvation.
Cedar Falls: The Christians appreciated a visit from Wm. Skates the end of January. After more than 3000 Seed Sower packets were distributed in the city, the gospel was presented plainly and solemnly for six nights from his chart on “Future Events.” A number of first time visitors were present.
Sioux City: On October 23, we had profitable ministry from Robert Orr. On December 8, we enjoyed ministry from Ken Taylor of Canada.
Jackson: Stephen Vance spoke at the annual Sunday School gathering with many unsaved present. He also gave helpful ministry on the Lord’s Day, January 26. A young lady was baptized after the gospel meeting that evening, with Norman Crawford speaking on baptism. Prayer will be valued for a gospel series to begin, God willing, on April 6 with Albert Hull and Norman Crawford.
Saginaw: Dan Shutt gave instructive ministry at our monthly ministry meeting, February 2. The saints were further cheered with the exercise of a young sister added to the fellowship.
New Jersey
Pennsauken: A nice number attended the New Year’s conference. Some excellent ministry was given with quite a number of the messages drawing devotional and practical lessons from the lives of different characters of Scripture. M. Cain, M. Derksen, J. Flanigan, W. Gustafson, D. Oliver, D. Petterson, J. Slabaugh, and J. Smith took part. Brother Flanigan remained in the area, ministering in Bryn Mawr, Barrington, Hatboro, and Pennsauken.
New Mexico
Albuquerque: The saints appreciated four nights of ministry with Stanley Wells in early January on the Dispensations. This was followed by three weeks of gospel meetings with John Slabaugh and Gary Sharp. The saints were encouraged by Gods blessing in salvation. Others showed concern.
Cleveland: The assembly appreciated a visit from Bill Seale and James Smith in January when a teenager was baptized.
Mansfield: Bill Seale and James Smith gave excellent help in January at the area Bible reading and ministry meeting.
Bryn Mawr: Prayer is requested for gospel meetings which started January 12 with David Oliver and Gene Higgins.
Hatboro: James Smith visited for ministry following the Pennsauken conference.
South Dakota
Rapid City: John Slabaugh planned to be here for three nights of ministry meetings at the end of February. This is where our brother Al Christopherson has been faithfully laboring for some time.
Matoaca: The assembly here enjoyed immensely a visit from Marcus Cain who shared with us ministry as well as a report of the work that is being carried on for God in Mexico.
Seattle: The annual Conference was well attended and was a blessing to many of the Lord’s people. We were blessed by nine of the Lord’s servants with us: Hans Bouwman, John Fitzpatrick, Bryan Funston, Tom Hoy, Bryon Meyers, Dave Richards, Jim Smith, Tommy Thompson, and Cap van de Wetering.
Tacoma: Dave Brandt and Bryan Funston shared the monthly ministry meeting in the afternoon and the gospel at night. A few visitors were present from Seattle, as well as a young lady saved a few years ago in Iowa who recently moved to Tacoma.
Black Earth: A young sister was baptized January 5. W. Skates, P. Studnicka, and A. Ward gave helpful ministry at the January 12 all-day meeting.
Mt. Sterling: We have been having monthly winter Bible readings among the assemblies in Southwest Wisconsin. The subject has been the Upper Room Ministry of the Lord Jesus. They have been well attended and good participation from the local brethren. Lorne Mitchell and Eugene Badgely were encouraged in their third week of gospel meetings, which commenced January 12, with a number of unsaved attending and some new visitors.
N. Ireland
The following conferences were held at years end with good attendance and appreciated ministry: December 25, Gransha, Co. Down; December 26, Kilkeel, Co. Down; December 27-28, Belfast (Balmoral Conference Centre);
December 27, Ahoghill, Co. Antrim; December 26, Buckna, Co. Antrim.
New Year’s Day Conferences were held in Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone where large numbers attended, and Albertbridge Road, Belfast.
Quite a number of the Lord’s servants have commenced gospel meetings in different parts of the province. Weather conditions have been favorable so far.
Neal Thomson writes: Conditions in Venezuela continue in a state of crisis, with anarchy, disorder, and confusion. A national strike by the working class and industrialists declared December 2, 2002 has continued. The petroleum industry, steel and aluminum mills, and main factories, including Ford and GMC, are closed. Only essential food stuffs are available. Gasoline shortage has produced queues waiting 2 and 3 days to get gasoline when it arrives. All transport is thus reduced. Similar queues await entry to banks, and also to purchase cylinder gas for cooking. There are demonstrations by both government supporters and the opposition. All this has produced disorder, violence, injuries, and death. Some embassies have advised missionaries to leave Venezuela. However, all of the assembly missionaries from Ireland, Canada, USA, and Australia have remained. Pray that wisdom be given to the missionaries as well as to the Christians in general.
There has been no impediment to freedom of religion, so all meetings continue as normal, except with less attendance due to the gasoline shortage. But at the prayer meeting, one brother thanked the Lord for being poor, because the poor dont need gasoline; they have no car. However, it is hard to travel and hold special meetings, so the Lords work is impeded. We pray that the problems and distress will cause people to think more about the unseen and eternal realities. We, as believers, cannot lose the enjoyment of our inheritance, unseen and eternal. Pray that the Lord will indicate clearly His will.
Conferences. D.V.
Matoaca, VA
(Please note change of date)
March 1-2 in the Gospel Hall, 6204 River Road, Matoaca. Prayer Meeting Friday, February 28 at 7:30 p.m. The first meeting on Saturday will be at 10:30 a.m. Corr: John Nobles, Tel: (804)590-2988 or email: for accommodations.
Mt. Sterling, WI
March 29-30 with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall. All other meetings in the North Crawford High School, north of Gays Mills. Bible Readings on Hebrews 11-13. Saturday, first meeting at 10 a.m. Lords Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m. Accom: Richard M. Dudgeon, (608)734-3639, e-mail, or Rodney Aspenson, (608)734-3825. Outlines of the readings and order of meetings will be sent on request.
Watertown, MA
April 6 in the Mount Auburn Gospel Hall, 226 Mount Auburn Street, Watertown, MA 02472. Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School 12:15 p.m.; Ministry 2:30 – 4:30; Gospel 4:30 – 5:00. Please note there are no conference meetings on Saturday. Corr: Joe Grillo, 2201 Lewis O. Gray Drive, Saugus, MA 01906-4422; Tel: 781-233-8520; Hall: 617-924-7696; E-mail:
Newbury, ON
April 12 in the Newbury Gospel Hall, 370 Walnut Dr., Newbury. The meetings will be at 2:30 and 6:30 p.m. with a dinner break in between. Corr: David J. Cooper, 82 Goodal Ave., Box 1218, Ridgetown, ON, N0P 2C0. Tel: 519-674-3073, Fax: 519-674-5659, E-mail:
Culver City, CA
April 19-20 at Culver City Gospel Hall, 11138 Venice Blvd. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 10 a.m.(Ephesians 6), Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lords Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 1 p.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Corr. Neil Rodger, 4209 Clayton Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90027-1501, Tel (323)663-5905, Hall (310)559-1588.
April 19 and 20 at Parkview Education Center, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater, NS. Prayer meeting on Friday, April 18 at 7:00pm. in the Gospel Hall. Supper will be served at 5:00 p.m. (in Gospel Hall). Ministry meeting on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Corr. Robert Kaulback, 19 Medway Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 1J8. Tel: (902) 543-5530.
Toronto, ON
April 18-20 in the Premier Banquet and Convention Centre, 9019 Leslie St., Richmond Hill, ON. Meetings each day at 10 a.m. (except Lords day), 1:30; 3:30 and 7:15 p.m. Prayer meeting on Thursday (April 17th) at 7:30 p.m. in the Langstaff Gospel Hall, 1300 Langstaff, Maple, ON. Bible Readings are on Spiritual Gifts (1) Rom. 12 – Every Member has a Gift, (2) I Cor. 12 – The Privilege and Responsibility of Using Gifts, and (3) Eph. 4:7,8,11-16 – The Recognition of Gift. Corr: Don Jennings, 53 Kamwood Dr., Scarborough, ON, M1L 2Z7, (416)757-7019, and Robert Reilly, 30 Caronridge Cres., Agincourt, ON, M1W 1L2, (416)499-0829. Note: Breaking of Bread will be in the various Gospel Halls.
Vancouver, BC
April 18-20. The 84th Vancouver Easter Conference will be held in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble St., Burnaby, BC. Prayer Meeting 8 p.m. on April 17 in the South Main Gospel Hall. A new voice this year, will be our brother Kenneth Totton (England). Corr: Ashley Milne, Tel: (604) 277-7019.
Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA
April 19-20 (93rd. annual Bible Conference) with Prayer meeting on Friday, April 18 at 7 p.m. in the Western Ave. Gospel Hall, 726 Western Ave., Waterloo. All other meetings will be held at Cedar Falls High School, 11th & Division St., Cedar Falls (Note change of location – take Hudson Rd. to 12th St. East to Division). Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. Lords Day: Bible Reading 9 a.m. (Luke 23:27-38, 44-49), Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. Bible Readings (Colossians) preceding the conference: Monday and Tuesday at Cedar Falls; Wednesday and Thursday at Western Ave. Corr. Richard Orr, 614 Bland Blvd. S.W., Independence, IA 50644, Tel (319)334-3931 and Erwin D. Stickfort, 223 North Francis St., Cedar Falls, IA 50613, Tel (319)266-6271.
McKeesport, PA
April 26-27 in Francis McClure Middle School. Meetings begin at 10 a.m. both days. Prayer meeting in the Gospel Hall, Prescott and Broadway, on Friday at 7:30 p.m. The homes of the Christians will be open for visitors. Contact Rob Oliver, (412) 664-1004,, for accommodations or local motel phone numbers for those wishing to make their own arrangements.
Mimico, ON
April 25-27 in the Mimico Gospel Hall, 414 Royal York Rd. Friday: 7:30 p.m.; Saturday: 10 a.m., 2 and 7 p.m.; Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:45 a.m., Bible Reading 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Subject: History of the Ephesian Assembly: Acts 19-20, Ephesians 1, 1 Timothy 3-4, Revelation 2. Corr: Dr. P. Robinson. Tel: 416-255-4993; email:
Newmarket, ON
May 3-4. All meetings held in the Gospel Hall starting Saturday at 7 p.m. for ministry directed toward young people, with refreshments to follow. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m.; Sunday School & Bible Study 11:30 a.m.; Ministry 2 p.m.; Gospel 6:30 p.m. Bible study is on I Corinthians 3. Assembly info at our new Web site Corr: Timothy B. Scheer, Tel: (905)898-4369; email: TEScheer@Netzero.Com
Prince Edward Island
May 17-18 in the Bluefield High School, Hampshire, P.E.I. Saturday: Prayer and ministry 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m, Gospel 7 p.m. Lords Day: Bible Reading 8:30 a.m. on Psalm 69, Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Corr. Glen McKenna, 15 Andrews Dr., R.R. 6, Kensington, PEI, C0B 1M0, Te. (902)836-3073 or Brian MacDonald, 25 MacRae Dr., Cornwall, PEI, C0A 1H0, Tel: (902)566-3831. Accom: Neil Thompson (902)892-7216, email
Conference Reminders
Palm Springs, CA – March 16
Winnipeg, MB – March 28-30
Stout, IA – April 12-13
Waterloo-Cedar Falls – April 19-20
Kapuskasing, ON – April 19-20
Change of Address
Dennis OHare: 8 rue Jean Richepin, 66000 Perpignan, France; Tel: 0033 468 52 55 62
Paul Glenney: new email address is
Murray Pratt: .
Change of Correspondent
Barrie, ON (Barrie Gospel Hall): Ken Bond, 24 Russell Hill Dr., Barrie, ON L4N 0C4; Tel: 705-733-1225; email:
Kitchener, ON: P. McKinley, 435 Tamarack Drive, Waterloo, ON, N2L 4G9; Tel: 519-884-7035; email:
Manitowaning, ON (Clover Valley Gospel Hall): c/o Alvin Cook, Box 46, Site 3, RR 2, Manitowaning, ON P0P 1N0
Change of Address of Correspondent
Methuen, MA: Daniel Netti, 5 Piper Glen Lane, Haverhill, MA 01832; Tel 978-372-3039; email:
Newmarket, ON: Timothy Sheer – email: TEScheer@Netzero.Com
Change of Assembly Address
Friendship, NY: Christians formerly gathering unto the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ here are now gathered in the Mill Street Gospel Hall, 7449 Mill Street, Caneadea, NY. Corr: Douglas Behen, 9305 Council House Rd., Caneadea, NY 14717; Tel 585-365-2029 or 585-973-2408.
With Christ
Betty Janet Wylie of Windsor, ON on December 2, 2002 . Our dear sister was saved at 22 through Ps. 145:18, and received into the Windsor assembly in 1956, where she remained in happy fellowship until her homecall. Betty was a quiet, gracious, and godly sister who suffered without complaint during a very trying illness. She had a keen interest in the assembly, was much loved by the saints, and is very much missed. She is survived by her husband Robert, daughter Mary (husband Scott), son David (wife Melanie), and two grandsons. William Lavery spoke fitting words and preached the gospel to a large audience at the funeral service. Raymond Fairley had the service at the graveside.
Edna Dickman of Garnavillo, IA on December 18, age 101. Our sister was born in 1901 and saved in 1938. Edna was faithful and consistent in the Garnavillo assembly, until, for health reasons, she moved to Linn Manor Care Center in 1994. She was predeceased by her husband and two sons. The funeral was taken by Joel Portman.
Ephraim Freake of St. John’s, NL on December 25, 2002, age 84. Our brother was saved in 1939. He was a highly esteemed elder and active in the preaching of the gospel for many years. God richly blessed his labors. The large funeral was conducted by Ben Welshman, Albert Joyce, and Jon Procopio, with Wallace Buckle at the grave side. The gospel was faithfully preached. Our brother leaves two daughters and a son to mourn.
Rose Orifici (nee Bilotta) of Long Branch, NJ on December 25. She was born on July 6, 1920, and was saved on August 21, 1932. Baptized in 1935, she soon entered the fellowship of the Long Branch assembly and was a faithful sister throughout the years. Gene Higgins preached the gospel at the viewing. Her funeral service was taken by family members.
Hugo Sarlo of Sault Ste. Marie, ON on January 14. He was predeceased by his beloved wife, December 3, 2002. Hugo was saved in September 1953, baptized and received into fellowship shortly thereafter. He was a faithful, godly brother, who loved the assembly, and attended all the meetings regularly. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him and leaves to mourn his loss four daughters, two sisters, and three brothers. Harold Paisley and Andrew Sarlo spoke to a large number at the funeral, including many unsaved relatives.
Vince Bohrer of Frostburg, MD on January 15, age 76. While a teenager, he was saved during meetings by F. Mehl. Restored to the Lord during R. Surgenors early work in New Creek, WV, Vince had a tender heart for the gospel, the Lords people, and the lost. Tears usually accompanied his worship at the Breaking of Bread. A consistent help, he was an overseer and will be greatly missed in the assembly. After his usual contributions in the mid-week meeting and in apparent good health, he went home suddenly while sitting in his car outside the hall.
Mae Agnew of Hamilton, ON on January 17, in her 91st year, went to be with the Lord from Bethany Lodge. Immigrating to Canada in 1914, she started attending the Ascot Gospel Hall in Toronto. The following year, at
the age of 15, she was saved through the truth of the words of John 3:16. Having moved to Hamilton in 1927, Mae was baptized and received into the Kensington Avenue assembly where she remained until moving to Bethany Lodge in 1991. Her husband Sam went to be with the Lord in 1971. Remember in prayer her four sons and their families.
Mrs. Grace Studnicka of Black Earth, WI on January 22, 2003 entered the Lord’s presence at the age of 89. Grace was saved September 27, 1946 while singing the words “At the Cross, at the Cross where I first saw the light,” in gospel meetings held by Paul Elliott and Oliver Smith. She and husband Ed, who predeceased her, were faithful to the Black Earth assembly. She will be missed. The three children profess salvation along with a few grandchildren. Al Christopherson and Art Ward shared the funeral service.