What is the primary application of Matthew 21:44?
The words of this verse, “And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it hall fall, it will grind him to powder,” have a primary reference to the relation of Jew and Gentile to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Jews have fallen on this stone, and they have been broken. To the Jew, Jesus of
Nazareth was a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence” (I Pet 2:8) and as a nation they were broken. When Christ comes in judgment upon the Gentiles in their sin and unbelief, He will fall upon them as the “stone… cut out… without hands” (Daniel 2:45) and will grind them to powder. The broken Israel nation will rise again, but the Gentile nations never will.
H.Alves (the only answer in the first “Questions and Answers,” August, 1948)
Who is the person referred to in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 as “He who now letteth will let, until He be taken out of the way”?
There have been many suggestions given as to the identity of this restrainer. It is a spiritual conflict that is in view. We believe then, that a Divine Person is required to satisfy the context of the passage. We feel this rules out the two most common theories, that “He who hindereth” is the Roman Empire or Satan. The first has not the power and the latter has not the purpose. Mark 3:25 says, “If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” We suggest that the Holy Spirit in the Church is the “Restrainer” of Satan’s man of sin. He will “be taken out of the way” (verse 7). We regard this as the Spirit of God going with the Church at the rapture. This does not mean He will cease to operate in the world, but His mode of working will revert to His activity in Old Testament days.
S. Maxwell (our brother’s first answer in “Questions and Answers,” May, 1978)
Is Psalm 24 the outcome of Psalm 22, when the Lord Jesus defeated Satan at the cross or is it the ascension and the Lord’s arrival back in heaven.?
I would say without hesitation that Psalm 24 is the outcome of Psalm 22, but there is a difference. I have no doubt that the Lord Jesus defeated the strong man, Satan, at Calvary, and what a victory that was! In this trilogy of Psalms we have precious truths. Psalm 22 is the Sacrifice, the cross; Psalm 23 is the Shepherd, the crook; Psalm 24 is the Sovereign, the crown.
However, the victory of Psalm 24 is not primarily the defeat of Satan at the cross. The Lord from Bethany went back to heaven (Luke 24:50, 51) and did not require to demand entrance into heaven but was welcomed with these soul stirring words from His Father, “Sit on My right hand, until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool” (Hebrews 1:13). Psalm 24 is not His reception into heaven but His entrance into the city where He was rejected, crowned with thorns and crucified. That day lies in the future and beyond the rapture of the Church. He will come to the air for His Spouse; He will return to the earth for His Scepter. They refused Him His throne at His first coming, but the purposes of God can never be overthrown, and our Lord Jesus shall reign “from the river unto the ends of the earth.” We, as the people of God, should be like David’s mighty men who shared his rejection with words of deepest consecration, “Thine are we, David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse.” This was the language of loyalty in the dark days of his rejection and they looked forward to the day of his coronation. May we also recognize we are members of His Body and subjects in His coming kingdom!
S .Maxwell (September 1989)
What is the meaning of Ezekiel 37:1-10, where we read of the valley which was full of dry bones?
The explanation of this vision is given in verses 11-14 of the chapter. This is a prophesy concerning the national restoration of Israel. God’s earthly people have long been buried as a nation and the ten tribes hidden out of sight in many countries of the world. They are spoken of here as “dry bones,” “very dry.” When the Lord comes back to earth again, these dry bones, so to speak, will be raised and brought to life. Then this prophesy will be literally fulfilled. Israel will be restored to the covenant rights given to that nation by God long ago, and placed and established in the land that God gave to His earthly people.
H. Alves (December, 1963)
Could you please explain the meaning of Matthew 24:28, “For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together’?
Matthew chapter 24 is taken up with apostasy, tribulation, and judgment. The “carcase” no doubt represents the corrupt and apostate part of the Jewish nation, and finally will include all nations. The “eagles” symbolize the judgment of God, and the angels as His instruments of judgment. The imagery seems to be taken from job 39:27-30. There the eagle is seen on “the rock” and “the strong place.” “From thence she seeketh the prey and her eyes behold afar off.” “Where the slain are, there is she.” The verse in Matthew is a picture of sudden, swift, and sure judgment.
H. Alves (February, 1964)