Editorial: Fifty Years

This month marks the 50th anniversary of the birth of the Truth and Tidings magazine. To commemorate it and to mark the year which coincides with the initial year of printing, this issue will be comprised of articles taken from the first year of publication. We will also include a reprint from 50 years ago in each of the next eleven issues.

The brethren who started Truth and Tidings, Mr. Albert Joyce, Mr. Fred Watson, Mr. Gordon Johnston and Mr. Hector Alves were exercised about the need of a magazine for the benefit of Christians gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus in Canada. All five lived in Canada and labored mostly in that country, and recognized several specific needs. First, there was a need for written ministry from brethren who were well known to Christians in the Canadian assemblies and who had first hand knowledge of their spiritual needs. Secondly, it could provide a forum for answering questions about spiritual and assembly matters. They felt a need for a gospel article in each issue. They recognized a need to keep Canadian Christians informed concerning the numerous series of Gospel meetings throughout the country, so they could support them in prayer, and finally, it could provide information concerning the conferences.

The original Truth and Tidings Staff were in their 50’s and 60’s when they introduced the magazine. Since then, God has taken them all home to heaven, one by one, and over the years, the following brethren have joined the staff to continue their work:

Oct. ’74, Mr. John Norris joined the staff as Co-editor and Treasurer.

July ’77, Mr. Norris took over the responsibility as Editor due to Mr. Albert Joyce’s deteriorating health and Mr. Norman Crawford and Mr. Sydney Maxwell joined the staff as Associate Editors.

Jan. ’78, Mr. Norman Lorimer joined the staff as Associate Editor with responsibility for the news items.

Feb. ’79, Mr. Norman Crawford became Editor because of Mr. Norris’s deteriorating Health. Mr. Alex Joyce joined as an Associate Editor and Mr. Robert Reilly as Treasurer and with responsibility for subscriptions.

Oct. ’79, the printing was moved to Jackson, MI. for the convenience of being close to Mr. Crawford’s home.

July ’85, Mr. David Oliver became an Associate Editor.

Oct. ’94, Mr. Albert Hull and Mr. Eugene Higgins joined as Associate Editors and Mr. Paul Glenney assumed responsibility for subscriptions.

Apr. ’96, Mr. David Oliver assumed responsibility for the new Question and Answers Forum.

June ’96, Dr. A.J. Higgins joined the staff as an Associate Editor.

Jan.’97, Dr. Higgins became Editor and Mr. Crawford continued on the staff as Publishing Editor.

During the past 50 years the number of subscriptions has grown from 1800 to over 5400, and the magazine is now being mailed to subscribers in more than 30 countries throughout the world.

We believe that over the past fifty years God has used Truth and Tidings for the spiritual welfare and edification of His people, and our prayer is that God will continue to use it for their blessing until the Lord returns.