Tidings – Canada
British Columbia
Terrace, Gospel meetings commenced on October 22 with Bryan Funston and Dave Richards and a few outsiders were attending. A Newfoundland contact from nearby Hazelton has been saved since their last visit in the area. In September, Hans Bouwman had an appreciated visit with the assembly.
Vancouver, The Thanksgiving conference was very profitable with 10 of the Lord’s servants ministering the Word. The two Bible readings were considered very helpful. Tom Baker and Tom Wright gave reports on the work of the Lord. The gospel was preached on two of the evenings with some from the community responding to invitations delivered in the area. Following the conference, Norman Crawford spent two weeks in Victoria Drive and Woodland Drive, ministering on practical issues of Christian living. Tom Wright spoke at the afternoon ministry meetmg on October 19 in Woodland Drive. Jim Allen was expected for meetings in West Richmond and Woodland Drive in early November.
Edmonton, A nice spirit was evident throughout the recent two day conference with eight brethren sharing in ministry and gospel.
Glen Ewen, The saints enjoyed visits from Craig Saword on August 20, Gordon Hanna on September 3, and Neal Thompson on November 4 and 5.
Melfort, With help from brethren at Thylorside, James Ronald has started weekly children’s meetings here.
Clinton, The Lord was pleased to give a good conference with a very large attendance and a nice spirit prevailing throughout. Ten of the Lord’s servants gave help in ministry and gospel. There was joy following the closing gospel meeting when a young girl professed faith in Christ. A young brother was recently received into fellowship, further encouraging the saints.
Deer Lake, On September 28, the saints enjoyed a one day conference commemorating the 20th anniversary of gathering in the new hall as an assembly. A local brother gave a brief history of the Lord’s work in the Deer Lake area from 1890 to 1977. Five of the Lord’s servants who have laboured in the area gave profitable ministry and three brethren gave their testimonies.
Embro, Lorne Langfeld expected to start gospel meetings in November.
Englehart, In early October, Murray Pratt had two weeks of encouraging children’s meetings.
Guelph, Recent report meetings by Tom Baker and John Wright were appreciated by the saints.
Kenora, Helped by his brother Larry, Murray Pratt visited door to door for one week in late October.
London, Gospel meetings by Gene Higgins closed on October 17 after six weeks of fruitful reaping with souls being saved. On October 23, the saints enjoyed a visit and report by Neal Thomson on the work in Venezuela. The conference in November was a time of blessing and encouragement. T. Bentley, J. Bergsma, A. Dryburgh, R Kember, S. Kember Jr., W. Metcalf, H. Paisley, M. Pratt, D. Rodgers, D. Stubbs and F. Tomaquinclici were present to help. Lindsay Carswell (Brazil) was expected to visit in late November.
Niagara Falls, The conference was well attended with nine of the Lord’s servants giving profitable ministry. The two Bible studies were excellent with good teaching for all. Also, the assembly had the joy of baptizing four young believers and receiving one young brother into fellowship.
Strongville, Norman Crawford had three nights of helpful ministry in early November. Our brother also visited Waubaushene and Midland.
Toronto, On his first visit to the city in Neal Thomson reported on the Lord’s work in Venezuela at various assemblies during October. Lorne Langfeld had a week of encouraging children’s meetings at Rexdale in October. At Eglinton, Jack Yocum had several meetings, using a prophetic chart. On November 2, Jack Nesbitt and Murray Pratt commenced a gospel series at Highfield Road with an encouraging start.
Victoria Road, Lorne Langfeld closed well attended children’s meetings on October 11. Ed Miller was expected for ministry meetings from November 13-16. A baptism was planned for November 15 when three believers would obey the Lord in baptism. During the winter months, the assembly has an evening ministry meeting on the third Saturday of each month.
Wallaceburg, The conference on October 26 was well attended by the Lord’s servants. The ministry given was an encouragement both to local and visiting saints.
Montreal, A weekend of meetings was held at Centre-Sud assembly with help given by Larry Buote, Shad Kember Jr., Gerard Roy and Leslie Wells. A man in his late fifties professed at the gospel meeting.
New Brunswick
Green River, Leslie Wells had two ministry meetings, speaking on some aspects of Solomon’s temple.
Quispamsis, Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio expected to start gospel meetings in a school on November 10.
Shediac, In late September, Noel Burden had four nights of appreciated ministry on the Local Assembly. A large number attended the conference (Oct. 10-12) when L. Buote, A. Grainger, Y. Poirier, G. Roy and L. Wells shared in ministry with local brethren.
Tracadie, On October 26, Leslie Wells and Gerard Roy commenced gospel meetings.
Nova Scotia
Avonport, William Bingham and David Hunt expected to commence a gospel series on November 9.
Blues Mills, In early November, Fred Bartlett and David Swan completed five weeks of gospel meetings in a home at Inverness, with a number of local contacts attending.
Nineveh, Using a chart on prophecy, Leslie Wells had two weeks of ministry recently.
River Hebert, The assembly was encouraged by visits from Ken Taylor in September.
Sydney Mines, The Cape Breton conference in October was well attended and a real cheer to the Lord’s people. Twelve brethren ably ministered the Word and faithfully preached the gospel each night to a large audience with a good number of unsaved present. Construction on the new Gospel Hall in Sidney Mines continues as the Lord enables.
Newfoundland and Labrador
English Point, Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Murray McCandless and David Hunt expect to start on January 18.
Flowers Cove, Noel Burden gave appreciated ministry in Corner Brook, Daniels Harbour, Flowers Cove, Parsons Pond and Rocky Harbour.
Fogo, Prayer is requested for a gospel effort which Jonathan Procopio and Bryan Joyce plan to have in January.
L’anse au Loup, Encouraging and profitable ministry was given at the annual conference with a good number in attendance. Many unsaved were present each night at the gospel meetings. A boy (age 13) from Ontario professed salvation during the conference meetings and this was a great joy to the saints.
St. John’s, The conference was very well attended with seven of the Lord’s servants present to minister the Word. The saints were recently encouraged when a young man professed as a result of the Mount Pearl effort.
Tidings – U.S.A.
Phoenix, The Sunnyslope assembly appreciated recent missionary reports by John McCann Jr., Marcus Cain, Paul Thiessen and Craig Saword. Prayer is valued for gospel meetings with Norman Mellish starting January 11.
Burwell, From October 26-29, Robert Off had appreciated ministry meetings. Hebron, Arthur Ward and Richard Dudgeon closed their gospel meetings on October 17. One woman, 88 years old, professed and was very bright.
Pine River, A saved lady and her unsaved husband moved here from Wisconsin. At her request, Joel Portman and Jerry Jennings had gospel meetings. Although there was not too much to encourage, our brethren may try here again.
Manchester, The Lord gave two good days of conference meetings. A large number of the Lord’s people attended and 12 of the Lord’s servants were present to help. Some children’s meetings were planned for mid November. Prayer is requested for a series of gospel meetings which Eric McCullough and William Skates expect to commence in January.
West Union, Fred Krauss had appreciated ministry meetings in early November.
Kansas City, Robert Orr had two weeks of helpful ministry in October.
The three fall conferences at Beetown, Blue River and LaCrosse were profitable and were enjoyed by all who were present.
Chippewa Falls, On November 5, William Skates and Mike Van Mill (Stout, IA) began gospel meetings in a Senior Center.
Hurley, Arthur Ward expected to start a gospel series in early November. Osseo, William Skates spent three weeks in this area giving out Seed Sowers but was unable to obtain a building for a gospel effort.
Wonewoc, There was some fruit during four weeks of gospel meetings by Joel Portman and Jerry Jennings in a store.
New Lenox, Three weeks of gospel meetings by Gary Sharp and Allan Christopherson proved to be a time of blessing for the assembly. Twenty-five unsaved attended, some regularly. Follow-up work is being planned.
Deckerville, In October, William Lavery gave a week of helpful ministry.
Jackson, On November 10, Norman Crawford started ministry meetings.
Sherman, William Lavery had a week of appreciated ministry from the Book of Numbers in early October.
Akron, A large number distributed 5,000 Seed Sowers on October 11 with a good response.
Clyde, Norman Crawford is expected for the first area Bible reading on December 13.
Mansfield, During October, the assembly appreciated visits by Dan Shutt, William Seale and Robert Surgenor.
Monticello, Dan Shutt and M. Smith (Jackson, MI) began gospel meetings on November 1.
Cumberland, William Seale was expected for a week of ministry starting November 9.
Bryn Mawr, The assembly had a week of children’s meetings following their annual outreach on the community’s “Bryn Mawr Day”.
McKeesport, At the annual Fall Meeting on November 1, John Dennison and William Seale gave challenging ministry on “Convictions”. On November 3, Tom Bentley commenced three nights of very capable ministry.
New Jersey
The believers were glad to have Tom Wright visit Barrington on October 28 and 29, Hatboro on the 27th and Pennsauken on the 28th.
Midland Park, Tom Wright gave appreciated ministry on October 23 and visited Livingston the following evening.
Pennsauken, Using his chart on the Two Roads, Dale Vitale had three weeks of gospel meetings closing on October 24. Several professed and others showed a good interest. The area Bible reading in October was the largest ever with William Oliver leading the reading on John 14.
Terryville, At the recent conference, the saints were encouraged by ministry given by I Bentley, A. LeBlanc, D. Oliver, R. Surgenor, F. Tornaquindici and D. Vitale.
Methuen, Robert Surgenor gave appreciated ministry on October 12 and October 30. Tom Wright visited in October to speak on the work in Brazil. T. Wright, R. Surgenor and F. Tornaquindici were expected for ministry on November 9.
Saugus, Tom Wright visited the area and held house meetings as a result of a Brazilian man’s recent profession of faith in Christ.
Watertown, The saints enjoyed visits by Walter Gustafson on October 8 and James Beattie on November 2. From October 12-17, Robert Surgenor gave helpful ministry on the Priesthood of all Believers.
Hardwick, Tom Wright gave an appreciated visit on October 30.
Augusta, On October 31 and November 2, the saints enjoyed hearing Tom Wright’s ministry and report on the work in Brazil.
Tidings – Other Countries
N. Ireland
Altnamackin, W. Nesbitt and J. Preston have commenced a gospel series in a portable hall with good numbers attending.
Ballyhay, Helped by Ian McKee (Newtownards), J. Martin is having gospel meetings.
Ballymacashon, The annual autumn conference was held in the Gospel Hall with a good number present. Suitable ministry was given by various brethren.
Ballymagarrick, W. Fenton and A. McLean are preaching nightly with large numbers attending.
Belfast, S. Maze and R. Eadie are having gospel meetings in Shankill Road, a very difficult and needy area.
Cloughmills, Local brethren from Clough and Ballynaloob are preaching the gospel nightly in this small, needy village.
Coleraine, Peter Orasuk and Larry Steers are having a gospel series with good attendance and good interest.
Donemana, The hall was almost full for the annual conference. D. Ussher, B. Glendinning, A. Davidson, D. Rogers, J. Martin and J. Wishart shared in the ministry.
Lisburn, J. Hutchison and A. Aiken have been preaching the gospel for a number of weeks in a portable hall outside the town.
Lungs, Attendance was good at the annual conference and profitable ministry was given by A. McShane, A. Davidson, J. Currie, J. Martin and A. Aiken.
Lurgan, The annual conference from Saturday through Wednesday was well attended and considered profitable. Bible readings were conducted by J. Baker, J. Allen, A. McShane and J. Stubbs. Ministry was shared by E. McCullough, J. Stubbs, J. Baker, A. McLean and W. Nesbitt. Missionary reports were given by J. Currie, D. McAllister and J. McCann. The gospel was preached by E. McCullough, S. McBride and R. McKeown.
Portavogie, Brethren Lennox and Currie have started gospel meetings in this large fishing village.
Seapatrick, E. McCullough and A. Davidson are preaching the gospel outside the village.
Brisbane, John McDowell and Norris Stewart had an encouraging tent series with some professing to be saved. This is the third year for the gospel tent in this area of the city with increasing interest. The number of strangers was exceptional for Australia.
Conferences, D.V.
Seattle, Washington
January 24 and 25 in West Woodland Gospel Hall, 516 NW 56th St. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Bible readings at 8:30 a.m. on The Word from God (Saturday) and The Word as God (Lord’s day). On Saturday, meetings at 10:30,230 and 7. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10 with meetings at 2:30 and 7. Corr. David C. Hale, 16813 19th Ave. SW, Seattle, WA 98166, phone (206) 243-0557. Hall phone, (206) 783-1368.
Pennsauken, NJ
January 10 and 11 in Haddonfield Middle School, Lincoln Ave. and Chestnut St., Haddonfield. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 6530 Caroline Ave. at Route 38 (near Route 70). Corr. David A. Curran, 326 Windsor Ave., Haddonfield ‘ NJ’ 08033-1142, phone (609) 429-4443. School phone is (609) 429-9620 or 429-4175.
Kindly remember.
San Diego, CA – Jan. 3 and 4. Note: Bible reading will be on 1 Cor. 11.
De Land, FL – Jan. 3 and 4
Additions to T&T Address List, June 1997
James Hanna, P.O. Box 140083, Kabompo, Zambia
Robert McIlwaine, 97 Parkside Drive, Charlottetown, PEI, ClE 1M7
Miss Alice Turner, Kalene Mission Hospital, Box 10, Ikelenge, N.W. Province, Zambia
Change of Address
Jim Bergsma, RR 6, Aylmer, ON, N5H 2R5
Bryan Joyce, General Delivery, Fogo, Fogo Island, NF, AOG 2130
Vernon Markle, 197 Buckingham Ave., Apt. 404, Riverview, NB, ElB 4X8 (change in apartment number)
Gordon Williams, Box 1132, Beaverlodge, AB, TOH OCO
Change of Correspondent
Coal Creek Gospel Hall, Baldwin City, KS, David L. Olmstead, 1702 N. 466 Rd., Baldwin City, KS, 66006, phone (785) 594-6628
Park St. Gospel Hall, Peterborough, ON, Arthur R. Morrison, RR 2, Hastings, ON, K0L 1Y0, phone (705) 696-2580
Change of Telephone Number
John Dennison, (313) 397-1450
With Christ
Mrs. Lena Champ of Guelph, Ontario on July 29, age 87. Our dear sister was saved at age 16 while living with an uncle in Winnipeg. The early years of life were not easy for our sister who lost both parents by age 10. She and her late husband George were in the Guelph assembly for many years. Mrs. Champ will be remembered for her faithfulness to the assembly and as a devoted Sunday School teacher. Failing health since 1992 curtailed her attendance at meetings. Her husband predeceased her in May, 1996 and her younger son in 1966, age 22. She leaves behind an older son Donald.
Smith McGrath of Langstaff, ON on September 25, age 77. Our highly esteemed brother was born in Belfast, N. Ireland and came to Canada when he was nine. Smith was saved on March 24, 1936 during meetings at the old Central hall in Toronto. After a short time at West Toronto, in 1939 he became a foundation member of the Bracondale assembly (later Langstaff) where he remained until his homecall. Smith was a faithful elder and an able teacher who had an outstanding ability to encourage young men. The packed funeral home was an indication of the esteem in which he was held.
Alburtis (Birdie) Keller of Brodhead, Wisconsin on September 28, age 72, after a long illness. Our beloved sister was saved on October 13, 1951 after a visit by Paul Elliott. She was in the assembly the past 45 years. Mrs. Keller was a faithful and respected sister who experienced many trials in her life. Prayer is requested for her seven children and their families, some not yet saved. Mike Wenger and Robert Orr took the funeral service.
Mrs. Julia Ann (jewel) McLeod of London, Ontario on October 9, age 85. Our beloved sister was born in Manchester, England and came to Canada with her parents in 1915. She was saved at the age of 18. Jewel and her husband Bob have been in assembly fellowship in Highbury for over 35 years. The last few years she was restricted from attendance due to ill health. She passed away on their 60th wedding anniversary. Mrs. McLeod is survived by 11 children, 19 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Angus Abram and Wade Steers shared the funeral.
Bert Breckveldt of Arlington, Washington on October 11, age 88. Our dear brother was saved in January, 1931 during a fruitful series of gospel meetings by Albert Joyce and Herb Harris in Arlington. He and his wife Alma were part of the Everson, WA assembly before moving back to Arlington in 1945 where they have been in happy fellowship for over 50 years. Pray for his widow and some grandchildren not yet saved. The large funeral was shared by Don and Doug Kazen.
Charles Johnson of San Diego, CA on October 20, age 77. Our dear brother was born in Whittier, CA and was saved in 1946. He was received into fellowship at the Jefferson Street assembly in Los Angeles. In January, 1949, he married Hannah Long and they moved to San Diego in 1950 where they have been in happy fellowship ever since. Our brother appreciated the assembly and the truth of God. He is survived by his wife, three daughters and their families.
John E. McGeachy of Cass City, MI on October 29, age 95. Our dear brother and his wife Mary were saved in 1939 in gospel meetings at Kinde. They were in happy fellowship in the assembly there as long as it continued. Then they were in fellowship at Cass City until his homecall. Mrs. McGeachy went to heaven in 1978. Our brother had a deep exercise to support gospel work and was a wise counselor to many younger believers. He leaves two sons and a daughter who lovingly cared for her father for many years. Norman Crawford took the very large funeral.
Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust (Canada and U.S.A.)
A Reminder Regarding Year End Gifts If you wish your receipt from the Gospel Trust to be dated 1997, your letter to us must be postmarked 1997 by the Post Office.
Government regulations stipulate that we cannot date a receipt prior to the postmarked date. This means that when letters are postmarked 1998, the receipts must also be dated 1998.
Please mail your letters to us early. Both the Canadian and U.S. Trusts will issue receipts dated 1997 for all funds which we receive which are postmarked on or before December 31, 1997.