Question & Answer Forum

What is the meaning of “rest” and “stand in thy lot” (Daniel 12:13)?

Daniel 12:7 states that the Great Tribulation will last 3% years or 1260 days. Verses 11 and 12 add 30 and 45 days to make 1290 and 1335 days. Mr. H. S. Paisley in “This Daniel” suggests that the added days are required after the descent of the Lord to earth to judge the nations and set up the Kingdom.

Undoubtedly, “the end of the days” (verse 13) refers to the end of the tribulation. Daniel is promised that although he will “rest” and his body will “sleep in the dust of the earth” (verse 2), he will “awake” “to everlasting life,” and will “stand in [his] lot,” that is, he will share in the glory of the kingdom of the true Prince of Peace.

Some teach that “stand in his lot” is resurrection, and that church saints will be raptured when the Lord comes to the air and Old Testament and tribulation saints will be raised at the end of the tribulation days. Whatever view is held on this subject, it is clear that all who have died and all who have been raptured without dying will join together in the city where the Lamb is the Light (Revelation 21:23, Hebrews 12:22-24).

N. Crawford

How do the covenants of the Bible relate to future events?

God’s “Old Covenant” with Israel was conditional (Exodus 19:5) and broken (Jeremiah 31:32). God has, however, confirmed at least five unconditional covenants which will determine the course of earth’s history. The Noahic Covenant (Genesis 6:18; 9:1-11) assures that government and its responsibility for justice is entrusted to man. The Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 15:18; 17:2-9; 22:16-18) assures a Seed (Christ: Galatians 3:16) Who will have everlasting possession of the Land and bring blessing to the nations. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7:12-16; 23:5; 1 Chronicles 17:11-14) assures David’s throne to his Son (Christ: Hebrews 1:5). The New (Everlasting) Covenant (Jeremiah 31:33-34; Ezekiel 16:60; 37:2 6 ) assures Israel and Judah of a new heart conforming to God’s law. That reborn nation assures that the conditions of the Palestinian Covenant (Deuteronomy 29:1-30:10) will be met, thus unconditionally assuring the re-gathering of that once disobedient nation from “all the nations, whither the Lord thy God hath scattered thee,” which has not yet been fulfilled.

God’s immutable covenants assure Christ’s reign over a literal kingdom in Israel, peopled by a re-gathered and spiritually transformed nation, and bringing justice and blessing to the world.

D. Oliver

Could those now familiar with the gospel be saved after the Rapture?

God has always reserved the right to establish deadlines in His offer of salvation: death, despite the uplifted serpent (Numbers 21); the falling of judgment after God closed the door of Noah’s ark; a closed door when the Son of Man returns to earth (Matthew 25:10; Luke 13:25). Similarly, the Scriptures point to a deadline enforced when the Savior returns for His Church. 2 Thessalonians 2:10 describes the deceivableness of unrighteousness operating in “them that perish” (same word as “lost” in II Corinthians 4:3). Note two important phrases: “that they might be saved”; “that they might be condemned.” Failing to receive the love of the truth and be saved, they will believe the lie and be condemned. Such strong language underlines the danger of making sweeping statements about some not included in the passage. Failing to “believe” or “receive” the truth indicates a conscious failure to repent and receive the Gospel -more than merely living where Bibles are available or gospel meetings are accessible. However, publically implying that some in a Gospel audience might find salvation after the Lord returns is infinitely more dangerous. The evangelist’s responsibility is to urge his audience to “Seek … the Lord while He may be found.”

E. Higgins

Please explain Romans 11:26, “All Israel shall be saved.”

This statement occurs in the dispensational section of Romans (chapters 9-11) where Israel, mentioned 12 times, is the main subject. Chapter 9 shows God’s sovereignty in Israel’s past election. Chapter 10 reveals God’s righteousness in Israel’s present rejection, because of refusing the gospel and their Messiah. Chapter 11 unveils God’s wisdom and faithful ness in Israel’s future restoration. God cast off Israel nationally, not individually and finally (11:2). Paul was an Israelite, in the remnant called out to form part of the church with believing Gentiles “according to the election of grace” (11:5). “Blindness in part is happened to Israel…” (11:25). The unbelieving in Israel have been blinded. Those Jews who have believed the gospel have the veil taken from their minds. In like manner, “All Israel shall be saved” nationally, not individually. All believers in Israel who repent and accept the Lord Jesus as their Messiah will inherit the kingdom. Unbelievers in the nation will be destroyed at the second advent of Christ (Zechariah 13:8, 9). The setting aside of Israel was according to divine purpose (Hosea 3:4, 5; Acts 15:14-18), but only “until the fulness of the Gentiles (believers gathered from the Gentiles during this church age, the many days,” Hosea 3:4) be come in.”

J. Abernathy