Edmonton: The assembly convened a conference October 15-16 and enjoyed ministry from John Fitzpatrick, Mike Knox, Dave Richards, James Ronald and Alan Smith. Numbers were small as it was not widely advertised, but it gave them valuable experience hosting a conference again.
British Columbia
Richmond: Stephen Grant (UK) was with the West Richmond assembly November 2-5 for ministry on “Marriage Matters.” The meetings were in person and livestreamed, and were a blessing to the saints.
Vancouver: The 109th Thanksgiving Conference was held October 8-9 in the South Burnaby Gospel Hall. Speakers who shared in the ministry were Willians Alcala (Australia), Tom Baker, Marvin Derksen and Craig Saword (El Salvador). Brethren Alcala and Saword gave missionary reports. Craig Saword and Marvin Derksen preached the gospel. Willians Alcala gave ministry following the conference in the Victoria Drive Gospel Hall on The New Testament Assembly, followed by a week of ministry on Nehemiah with Joy Muringathery (India).
L’Anse au Loup: The L’Anse au Loup/Labrador conference weekend October 15-16 was a very encouraging time. After being cancelled for two years, it was a great blessing to resume in-person meetings. Tim Burton (Summerside, PE), David Hierlihy and Murray McCandless each took part in ministry and in the gospel, with a testimony shared during each gospel meeting. Pray for the many unsaved who heard the gospel.
Nova Scotia
Clementsvale: The assembly commenced gospel meetings with Tim Burton (Summerside, PE) and John Meekin on October 30. Local brother David McClelland spoke with Tim until John arrived November 2. Meetings were in person and livestreamed.
Deseronto: Following their recent renovations, the assembly mailed 2200 John 3:16 postcards in their area. The invitation offered a chat, a visit or a free Bible or New Testament, and an invitation to their open Sunday School. They are also mailing 2023 IBH calendars. Prayer is requested and valued that the testimony will continue there as it has since the late 1800s.
Kirkfield: The Victoria Road assembly held their first conference in three years on October 1 and was encouraged by the near-capacity attendance, with 14 different assemblies represented, some from as far as five hours away! The Lord supplied a good mix of doctrinal and practical ministry regarding the assembly and spiritual development. The fellowship was excellent and the saints appreciated the scheduled half-hour hymn sing right after lunch in the 2-2:30pm “sleepy slot.” The assembly is thankful for the Lord’s rich blessing.
Wallaceburg: The believers were encouraged with a good number of visitors at their gospel booth during the local antique motor and boat show in August. Much gospel literature was distributed and good conversations occurred. Jim Jarvis and Bert Snippe gave profitable ministry and preached the gospel at a baptism on August 7. Bert Snippe and Joe Barkhouse (Sarnia, ON) were also with the assembly for a baptism on August 21, sharing in ministry and the gospel. Both baptisms had good attendance. The assembly was encouraged at the annual Brigden Fair during the October 7-10 Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend. Many visited the gospel booth, taking texts, gospel literature and calendars. Good conversations about salvation topics took place.
York: In October, the Fairbank assembly was visited by Blair Martin (Scotland), who gave appreciated ministry on the believers’ Great High Priest from Hebrews 4. His visit to Ontario included other speaking engagements in the south and the east of the province.
Phoenix: The Orangewood assembly continues their series of short Saturday night devotionals via Zoom on the “Person and Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ” to help believers prepare for worship on the Lord’s Day. Brethren taking part to date include local brother Andrew Feinberg (October 8,15), Timothy Stevenson (October 22), Tom Hoy (October 29) and Duncan Beckett (November 5).
Cedar Falls: Gospel meetings with John Meekin and Brody Thibodeau closed on October 30 after four weeks.
Dunkerton: Paul Barnhardt was with the assembly November 16-18 for ministry.
Hitesville: The assembly purposed to commence gospel meetings November 13 with Brandon Doll and Brody Thibodeau.
Marion: The assembly conducted children’s meetings October 24-30 with Harry Rodriguez. The theme was “What Can We Learn From Seven Fools in the Bible?” The meetings were also livestreamed via Zoom.
Cass City: Dan Shutt visited the assembly on the Lord’s Day, October 30. The ministry was encouraging to the saints.
New Jersey
Parsippany: The assembly meeting in the Livingston Gospel Hall, formerly located at 405 E. Mt. Pleasant Ave., Livingston, NJ 07039, has relocated. They trust that there will be much glory for God in the activities at this new location in Parsippany (see “Change of Address” section below).
Pennsauken: The assembly was encouraged by the baptism of a young man in September. In October, they had the joy of receiving a man in his 40s into the fellowship. His wife has been a part of the local assembly for several years. Please pray for a gospel series planned December 11-16 with Gene Higgins.
North Carolina
Hickory: The assembly held gospel meetings October 16-28 in the hall, with Dale Vitale and local brethren from Hickory and Denver helping.
Mount Sterling: William Skates gave ministry on the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, using some visual illustrations, three nights a week for several weeks. Meetings commenced October 25 for three nights, then resumed November 1 for three nights, followed by an additional meeting on November 9.
Ontario: The assembly held two full days of weekend ministry meetings October 22-23 with Jack Gould on the subject of “The Assembly.” The meetings were in person and livestreamed via Zoom. It was very timely teaching for the days in which we live.
Nuevo León
Monterrey: Miguel Mosquera gave important teaching October 10-14 about significant future events. The believers were encouraged by this ministry.
Guasave: Marcus and Alison Cain visited for a mid-week meeting in October. He shared a message from Psalm 23, and the attendance was very encouraging.
Tepic: Marcus and Alison Cain were with the assembly for meetings on Sunday and Monday, October 9-10. He gave several messages from the Psalms.
Santiago Ixcuintla: The assembly appreciated evening ministry by Marcus October 11-12 from Hebrews 11-12.
Irapuato: A series for the children was held in October with excellent interest and attendance, encouraging the believers greatly.
Oacalco: The first bi-monthly day of ministry was held on October 15, finishing with a gospel meeting. It was of great encouragement to see believers from Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, Xalapa, Veracruz and Iguala. Samuel Chesney and Timothy Stevenson shared in the responsibility of teaching the Word of God.
Xalapa: Two months ago, Rosita heard the gospel at a wake in a village near Xalapa. She then invited the believers to preach the Word in her home in Xalapa, and several meetings were held there. Sadly, she unexpectedly passed away, and the funeral was held in that same nearby village, with the opportunity of preaching the gospel again. Since her funeral, the believers are preaching in this mountain village called La Joya. Although the attendance is not very large, the interest is very good.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: The assembly appreciated a visit from Andrew and Emma-Joy Swan (Halifax, NS) in October. Andrew helped in both the preaching of the gospel and the ministry of the Word.
Pennsauken, NJ
January 6-8 (Note NEW location), with prayer meeting on Friday, January 6, at 7:30pm in the gospel hall. All conference meetings January 7-8 are at the Pennsauken Campus of Camden County Technical School on 6008 Browning Rd. First meeting on Saturday starts at 10am. David Petterson, Peter Ramsay and Dan Shutt have been invited to share in the conference. For information, please visit or contact Peter Higgins, Tel: 609-605-0698; Email:
DeLand, FL
February 3-5, in the gospel hall, 109 E. Rosehill Ave. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 4pm, Bible Reading (The Rapture) 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Bible Reading (The Judgment Seat of Christ) 2pm, Ministry 4pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord willing, there will be a few Spanish meetings and four nights of ministry following the conference, Tuesday through Friday. For your safety, a few reasonable pandemic precautions will be in effect at the conference. Corr: Fred King, 215 Lake Talmadge Rd., DeLand, FL 32724; Tel: (386) 943-4000.
Conferences Previously Published:
Tampa, FL – January 14-15
Bicester, UK – February 23-26
Change of Address
Frank and Norma Sona: 1122 Hwy 57, Parkersburg, IA 50665; Email:; Tel: 469-406-7765
Marcus and Alison Cain: 108-79 Radcliffe Drive, Halifax, NS B3M 4P1
Parsippany Gospel Hall (formerly Livingston): 205 Vail Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Change of Address of Correspondent
Ontario, WI: Kent Hendrickson, Email:
Parsippany, NJ: Jason Bruno, 309 North Road, Chester, NJ 07930; Email:; Tel: 862-254-7710
Change in Meeting Times
Tampa, FL: North Tampa Gospel Hall, Breaking of Bread 9:30-10:45am; Ministry/Sunday school 11:25am-12pm; Gospel Meeting 12:15-12:45pm.
David Bagnall of Vancouver, BC, on July 8, 2022, age 91. At the age of 14, after the sudden passing of his mother, he was awakened to his own need of salvation and trusted Christ through the words of John 5:24. Baptized and received into the fellowship of the Fairview assembly, his life was devoted to the strengthening and upbuilding of the saints until his homecall. With an open home, a gracious interest in everyone, and a love for the gospel and the truths of the Word of God, he has left an example and testimony of unwavering godly faithfulness. In addition to his wife, Elenor, of 68 years, David is dearly missed by his four children Margaret Copp, Heather (John) Dyck, Graham, Alison (Seth) McKinley, 16 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren. Prayer is appreciated for those in the family connection who are still unsaved.
Jean Dempster of Cedar Falls, IA, on October 22, 2022, age 93. She was saved May 16, 1945, at the age of 16, while reading John 5:24. Jean was in fellowship for many years with the believers that meet in the assembly in Cedar Falls. She was “an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in love, in spirit, in faith and in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12). “Her children arise up and call her blessed” (Proverbs 31:28). Jean is survived by three sons, five daughters, 24 grandchildren and 44 great-grandchildren. She was known to pray every day by name for her large family. Jean had the joy of seeing all her children and a number of her grandchildren saved. Ken Alberts, Cecil Dempster (her son) and Russ Nesbit shared in the funeral service. Al Christopherson spoke at the grave.