Book Review: A Simple Guide to Bible Study by Jack Hay

coverJack Hay, A Simple Guide to Bible Study (Kilmarnock, Scotland: John Ritchie Ltd., 2020), 48 pp.

Reviewed by Peter Higgins

Imagine you’ve organized a time of discussion between some eager Bible students and a venerable Bible teacher concerning Bible study. The evening proceeds fruitfully with intelligent questions and insightful, edifying responses. You lie in bed that night reviewing the event with joy and gratefulness for the profitable time spent together, and then, the thought occurs, “Why didn’t I transcribe the discussion for the benefit of others?” When you read A Simple Guide to Bible Study, you awake to the reality that this instruction has indeed been recorded.

Brother Hay has taken the time to anticipate the many questions that might arise within the mind of a newly saved or newly motivated believer contemplating the benefit of embarking on a life of Bible study. In reading this, the experienced Bible student will be challenged to reevaluate the healthy habits they have set for Bible study. The older believer seeking to shepherd younger believers will find this a very helpful tool to encourage development. This book also draws an interesting connection between the Old and New Testaments; just as Moses directed Joshua to be a man marked by meditation on the Word of God, so Paul gave Timothy the same instruction. How wonderful if this small guide could be used to mentor a new generation of Bible scholars! The book is available for purchase at, and