Warren Wiersbe, 50 People Every Christian Should Know: Learning from Spiritual Giants of the Faith (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2009), 400 pp.
Reviewed by Nathan Pratt
This book is a precious treasure trove. Contained within are short bio-sketches that will encourage and inspire us in our walk with the Lord. Wiersbe writes to us with warmth and wonder as he recounts the lives of faithful men and women like D. L. Moody, C. H. Spurgeon, Amy Carmichael, Fanny Crosby, and H. A. Ironside. Lesser-known figures are also present in this collection. It is a treat to make their acquaintance as we witness them faithfully labouring in obscurity, impacting and influencing some of the more well-known figures in Christian history. At the end of each biography, Wiersbe points the reader in the direction of more extensive and scholarly pieces. He even includes a recommended reading list at the back of the book for further study. I appreciate his doing this. It’s like he serves up the appetizer and then shows us where the main course is. I heartily recommend this valuable volume to you. Each biography is short and can easily be read in 5 minutes – perfect with breakfast or right before you go to bed. May this book warm and challenge your heart, and may you be blessed by spending time with 50 People Every Christian Should Know.