Samuel Ridout, Lectures on the Epistle to the Hebrews (New York: Loizeaux Bros, 1903), 314 pp.
Reviewed by Nathan Pratt (Windsor, ON)
“I confess that words sound feeble before such transcendent themes as these. The heart seems weakly to grasp these amazing thoughts.” Mr. Ridout humbly offers his contribution to the study of Hebrews in this very readable and accessible book. Like Harry Ironside, Ridout writes in such a way that a young believer new to the study of the Scriptures can jump right in without being overwhelmed. And yet, there is theological meat here for the student accustomed to deep exegetical mining.
The book contains sixteen lectures in chapter format. Each chapter has an overarching theme stated at the beginning, accompanied by the section of Scripture to be expounded. Precious devotional meditations accompany Greek and Hebrew specifics as the author seeks to “call back the thoughts of His people to One who is worthy of all their attention, allegiance, and worship.”
Whether you’re in Hebrews as a part of your daily reading plan or you’re neck deep in the text, Ridout makes for a welcome companion that will warm and instruct the soul. “He is all that we have to tell one another of. But He is enough! Christ, Christ Himself, Christ alone! Oh, may He be everything to us; may we adore Him as He should be adored, here as well as in eternity.”