British Columbia
Abbotsford: Gospel meetings with William Skates and Frank Sona closed on June 7 after four weeks, with blessing in salvation. A young man was baptized on the last night, giving great joy to all. The ministry session on June 3 was well attended, with both challenging and encouraging ministry.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Corner Brook: Gospel meetings that began March 10 with Jim Jarvis and Bert Snippe ended March 31 with a continued interest and a good number of unsaved coming. While none confessed faith in Christ, the assembly looks to the Lord as they continue to maintain contact with those that attended.
Gander Bay: The annual conference held over the Victoria Day weekend went well, with Wallace Buckle, Noel Burden, Edward Dredge (Flowers Cove, NL), Eric Fowler, Brody Thibodeau, and several local brethren taking part. A nice number attended from the various assemblies across the island and Labrador to hear encouraging ministry. The gospel meeting was well attended on both Saturday and Sunday evenings. One young boy professed salvation after the Saturday evening gospel meeting. The assembly is currently undertaking some major renovations to the hall over the summer.
L’Anse au Loup: Eric Fowler visited the assembly for the Lord’s Day, May 12, following the Charlottetown, Labrador, conference the weekend before.
The saints enjoyed a week of encouraging ministry May 20-27 from John Meekin on the life of Elijah. The English Point assembly came May 26 for a combined Sunday evening gospel meeting.
Parsons Pond: The assembly held three weeks of gospel meetings with brothers David Swan and Jacob Quigley (Isle Madame, NS) that began April 7. They were encouraged to see unsaved out each night and continue to look to the Lord for blessing in salvation.
Brampton: The assembly has decided to reschedule their planned conference in November to October 19-20, D.V.
Clinton: The assembly is thankful for the good turnout from the area for their community dinners, where the gospel is faithfully preached. Prayer is requested that the seed may take root. They continue to have an open door to preach the gospel weekly in various retirement homes in the area. The assembly appreciated helpful ministry and interesting reports from Edmund Johnston concerning the work in the Ukraine, and from Dale Vitale. Prayer is also requested for the upcoming gospel meetings and a children’s effort planned for July 10-24 with the help of Dale Vitale.
Lambton Shores: Murray Pratt and Bert Snippe held three weeks of meetings that closed May 16 at the Lakeshore Gospel Hall. The assembly was encouraged by some professing faith in Christ.
Victoria Road: David Hunt and Gary Sharp purpose to help the assembly with gospel tent meetings scheduled July 7-19 in Glenarm, ON. Two teenagers from the Sunday School professed salvation during the winter and show evidence of spiritual life. A sister recently asked for reception after being absent from assembly fellowship for almost 20 years. The assembly is encouraged by both of these recent developments.
Phoenix: The Orangewood assembly was encouraged by a series of gospel meetings in May with Gene Higgins who took up the theme “Future Events.” As a result of these meetings, the Lord blessed in salvation. Shortly after the gospel series, the assembly hosted a weekend “mini-conference” during which Sandy Higgins presented an excellent five-part series from the book of Ruth on lessons in Leadership, Loyalty, Laboring, Lying at His feet, and Leaving a Legacy. The messages will be available at
Los Angeles: Correction to the June tidings: During the recent conference, the brother that gave his testimonial from the assembly in Westmoreland, CA, was Raul Armando Aguirre.
Terryville: The assembly concluded a two-week gospel series on May 31 with Eugene Higgins and David Oliver (Bryn Mawr, PA). The meetings were well supported by area assemblies, with unsaved attending nightly. Local brethren Donald Labbe and Steve Morin filled in to take David’s place when he took ill after the first week. The meetings were broadcast live on Facebook with several thousand views, many hearing the gospel for the first time. One man watching online made a confession of faith at the end of the meetings. The assembly continues to look to the Lord for His blessing on His Word.
Dunkerton: The assembly purposed to have Sunday night gospel meetings during the month of June in Dewar at the Dewar Community Building. The assembly is also rejoicing at the confession of faith in May by a high school student who has come to Sunday night gospel meetings.
Hitesville: In May, the assembly was encouraged by a 22-year-old man with assembly connections professing to be saved the morning after their Sunday night gospel meeting.
Byfield: The assembly enjoyed five ministry meetings over three days with Dan Shutt in early May. Dan spoke on the “Great Commission,” covering both the scriptural mandate and the practical aspects of this work. The ministry was well received, and the meetings were well attended by surrounding assemblies, some coming from a distance. The assembly requests prayer for all who attended to carry out this important mandate.
Saugus: The assembly appreciated the visit by Alan Summers (UK) for a week of ministry in May from 1 John. They were also encouraged by the many believers from local assemblies in attendance.
In early June, the Bible Readings Conference on the book of Titus was well attended, with a good number of younger believers present. Sandy Higgins, Michael Penfold and David Vallance gave much help in expounding the truths and principles found in this epistle. The gospel was solemnly presented on both evenings, shared by Mark Procopio (Brazil) and Jonathan Seed (Mexico). Gareth Sharp (Kitchener, ON) spoke to an attentive audience during the Sunday School.
The annual week of VBS meetings is scheduled for July 15-19, D.V., and they are looking to the Lord for a favorable response to the invitations.
The assembly also plans to have gospel meetings July 28-August 10, D.V., with Gene Higgins. Prayer is requested for several unsaved who regularly attend the Sunday gospel meeting.
Lansing: A Seed Sowers distribution is scheduled to take place the week of July 7, coinciding with a two-week series of gospel meetings in a rented building. Joseph Baker (Jackson, MI), Jonathan Seed, and Dan Shutt are expected to share the preaching responsibilities.
Saginaw: The Saginaw and surrounding assemblies appreciated helpful ministry at their June bi-monthly ministry meeting from Bruce Cottrill, and an encouraging word from Aaron Shutt (Jackson, MI). The ministry exalted Christ and the gospel was faithfully preached.
Fridley: Jerry Jennings gave two profitable nights of wholesome ministry on the rich lessons taken from two women: Ruth from the Old Testament, and Anna in Luke 2.
New Jersey
Midland Park: The assembly requests prayer for gospel tent meetings planned July 8-21 (except Saturdays) at the Eastern Christian Middle School athletic field, 518 Sicomac Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ. Expected speakers are M. Hebert (Joliet, IL) and David T. Zuidema (Midland Park).
Pennsauken: The assembly was encouraged by the Lord’s hand in blessing the gospel. A man in his 20s professed in March. The Lord graciously reached an unsaved husband and father in April and the effect on his life has been evident. A woman visiting from Mexico made a profession in May while reading the “Safety, Certainty, and Enjoyment” tract. The assembly is anticipating a tent series in June, with Tom Baker, Marvin Derksen, and Peter Ramsay helping with the planned four weeks of meetings. Prayer is requested for the Lord to continue to work in grace among the unsaved family members and contacts of the Christians who have been attending the weekly gospel meetings.
New Mexico
Albuquerque: Three weeks of gospel meetings with Brian Crawford and Brandon Doll came to a close on May 19. The meetings were characterized by good attendance from the unsaved, excellent preaching, and faithful support by the Lord’s people. The saints were blessed by godly, searching ministry and by the preaching of Christ in the gospel.
Bryn Mawr: The assembly was thankful for the two weeks of interesting and searching gospel meetings with Gene Higgins and David Oliver in May. They believe the Lord was dealing with some who attended, and request prayer that He will continue to work with souls for His glory. The assembly also appreciated the support in attendance of believers from assemblies in the area.
Tacoma: The assembly purposed gospel meetings June 9-23 with John Fitzpatrick and Alan Smith in the hall.
Brodhead: Bill Lavery visited the assembly for the Lord’s Day, June 2, and gave ministry June 3-6.
Jacksonport: Gospel meetings started on May 8 with Jerry Jennings and local brethren.
Carmen and Zapata: In May, Jack and Ruth Gould visited both assemblies and the believers expressed appreciation for the teaching given. While in Zapata, they also visited David and Penelope Alves.
Chiapa de Corzo: In May, Jack and Ruth Gould were invited to the assembly for a Lord’s Day. The believers recently built themselves a new building in which to meet. There is a hunger for assembly truth and these saints sat and listened to teaching with temperatures reaching 46 degrees C.
Ciudad Obregón: Shad Kember was in the fifth week of gospel meetings at the beginning of June. Not only has there been good interest, but the Lord has graciously blessed in salvation. Local men have helped.
Nuevo León
Monterrey: Anderson Hernández and Miguel Mosquera continue with a series on the Tabernacle and Egypt to Canaan each Lord’s Day. On May 12, they were encouraged to see a good number of mothers in with their children in honour of Mother’s Day, when a message for the occasion was shared.
Guadalupe: Weekly house meetings continue in this city, with good interest. This is a work carried on by those in the El Barril assembly.
San Luis Potosí
El Barril: The inauguration of the new hall was held May 17-19. Shad Kember, Miguel Mosquera, Paul Thiessen, Ron Wahls (Garnavillo, IA) and Timothy Woodford were present to share in the responsibilities of the Word of God. A good number of unsaved also attended, several for the first time.
Irapuato: Bible studies commenced in May in the homes of different believers, with others attending as well. The desire and prayer of Ricky and Erika Thiessen is that this will take the gospel to other neighbourhoods of this needy city.
La Purísima: At the beginning of May, Paul Thiessen gave five nights of teaching on local assembly principles. The believers in this new assembly appreciated the ministry.
Puerto Vallarta: The assembly in El Coapinole enjoyed a visit from Timothy Woodford in mid-May. He had a series of teachings on evidences of new life in the believer. On May 12, he had a special gospel message in honour of Mother’s Day, and the believers were encouraged to see a good number of children and their mothers present.
State Of Mexico
Nezahualcóyotl: The believers rejoiced when four sisters and one brother were recently baptized. More than twenty unsaved (relatives of those being baptized) were present to hear the gospel preached that day.
Puebla: Timothy Stevenson visited this city to preach for the first time in the house of a woman named María. She invited friends and family in to hear the gospel, and fourteen were present.
Veracruz: John Nesbitt commenced a series of teachings on marriage in mid-May. The believers are encouraged that new people arrive weekly to hear the gospel, commenting that they received the Seed Sowers text and invitation in December 2018.
Quintana Roo
Cancún: In recognition of the Day of the Child and Mother’s Day, two special meetings were held in May with excellent attendance, including fourteen mothers who heard the Word of God.
From Frank Sona: Until recently, there was a small assembly testimony on the island of Aruba. Sadly, this has ended. Some have moved away, some have left for other gatherings, and there have been other oppositional influences. Over the past several years, I have labored there several times, and another door has now opened to return with a young couple from Vancouver that is quite exercised. Neal and Veronica Thomson visited Aruba on their honeymoon and went visiting door to door with the gospel at that time. Several contacts were made, and they then contacted me, knowing my previous history there. One elderly lady Neal had initially contacted was very open. I followed up with a subsequent visit, and she told me we could use her home for future gospel meetings. She was more than willing to invite family and neighbors. A wonderful inroad was made by the hand of the Lord! A couple that was formerly in the assembly there sold their house and was moving back to Germany. While initially disappointed to hear of their return, as I had hoped there might have been restoration for them as well as use of their house, I was amazed to discover the new buyer is also a Christian. He contacted me, stating he had listed the house as an Airbnb but on hearing of our exercise, he was delighted, for a discounted Airbnb price, to block off the house and rent to us for the entire month of September and into October. This is a direct answer to prayer, and another door we did not have to open, relieving much pressure and time. Savaneta, the area we are exercised about, is also in the same area as the house. So D.V., we are both returning for the month of September and into October. We greatly value prayer for this island that has little to no gospel work being done, and that God would bless and guide us.
Clinton, ON
July 27, annual summer conference held at the farm facilities of Marvin and Wendy Bachert, 43892 Walton Rd., Walton, ON. Supper served Friday, July 26, at 5:30pm. Saturday: Following an 8:15am breakfast, the conference sessions begin at 9:30am. All ages are welcome. Expected speakers: Peter Ramsay and Dale Vitale. For further information and family camping, contact Marvin and Wendy Bachert, Email:; Tel: 519-887-9791.
Westbank, BC
August 3-4, 37th Annual Conference, with prayer meeting on August 2 at 7:30pm in the Highway Gospel Hall, 2549 Hebert Road, Westbank. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (Galatians 5), Ministry 2:30pm, Ministry/Gospel 7pm, Sing 9pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Sunday School 11:15am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7:15pm, Sing 9pm. Lunch and supper will be provided. Please contact in advance for accommodation. Corr: Glenn Griffin, 3344 Elliott Road, Westbank, BC V4T 1P2; Tel: 250-768-3343; Email:
Akron, OH
August 31-September 1, with prayer meeting on Friday, August 30, at 7:30pm in the gospel hall, 2705 Smith Road. All other meetings are at the Copley High School, 3797 Ridgewood Road, Copley. Saturday: Ministry 10am, 1pm (The Word of God: Relying on the Word of God, Studying the Word of God, and Presenting the Word of God), 3:30pm, Gospel 6pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 12:15pm, Ministry 1:30pm, Gospel 6pm. Accom: Eric Prough, Email:
Hampton, IA
August 31-September 1, annual Missionary Conference with Prayer meeting on Friday night, August 30 at 7pm in the Hampton Gospel Hall, 9 – 3rd Street SE. Saturday: Report and Ministry 10am. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am. Report and ministry in the afternoon. Speakers at this Missionary Conference will be Byrnell Foreshew (Panama), Stephen Harper (Malawi), and Paul Thiessen (Mexico). Lunch and supper served each day. Accom: Layne Walvatne, Tel: 563-518-1102.
Kansas City, MO
August 31-September 1, with prayer meeting on Friday, August 30, at 7pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 9:30am (The Lord’s Supper in 1 Corinthians 11:17-34), Breaking of Bread 10:45am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. All meetings are in the gospel hall, 4603 E. Linwood Blvd., Kansas City. Corr: Leroy Scott, 597 NW AA Hwy., Kingsville, MO 64061, Tel: 816-739-1686; Email: Please contact in advance for accommodations.
Beetown, WI
September 2 (Labor Day), all-day meeting in the Lancaster Senior High School auditorium, 806 E. Elm St., Lancaster, WI. Meetings begin at 10am. Corr. Marvin Studnicka, 697 Pigeon Creek Drive, Lancaster, WI 53813, Tel: 608-723-7156.
Alpena, AR
September 7-8, in the Alpena Gospel Hall, 401 Lane Street, Alpena. Saturday: Bible reading 12:30pm (I John 5), Ministry 2:15pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 11:30am, Ministry 1:30pm. For accommodations and directions: Fred Stevenson, Email:; Tel: 573-201-1282, or Tim Trowbridge, Tel: 870-423-8484.
Brampton, ON
The planned conference in November has been rescheduled to October 19-20, D.V.
Conferences Previously Published:
Sioux City, IA – July 20-21
Change of Address
Waianae Gospel Hall, 87-153 Maipalaoa Rd., Waianae, HI 96792
Change of Address of Correspondent
Amherst, NS: Brian Wood, 2573 Hwy. 6, Truemanville, NS B4H 3Y2, Tel: 902-614-9191; E-mail:
Carol Ruth (Baker) Dudgeon of Eastman, WI, on March 23, 2019, age 69. She was born April 7, 1949, in Hebron, NE, and born again on July 15, 1971. While in high school, Carol met Richard M. Dudgeon and they were married on June 14, 1969. Together they were received into the Mt. Sterling assembly where she enjoyed serving the Lord’s people. Carol spent hours each day praying for her family and friends. She had a great desire to be used by God as a light in this world. She worked very hard to raise 10 children in the mind of God. She is survived by her loving husband Richard, and children Juleea (Adrian) Arellano, Sarah (Jacob) Zontelli, Joshua (Lara), Seth (Stacey), John (Ruth Anne), Silas (Rebekah), Phebe McMichael, Matthew (Kaitlyn), Uriah (Ashley) and Emilee (Taylor) Fouts. Sons Matthew and Joshua officiated at the funeral and burial services, respectively.
John Brokaw of Jackson, MI, on May 15, 2019, age 80. After serving in the U.S. Air Force, he was saved at age 23 in Jackson on August 21, 1961, seeing himself as the “whosoever” of John 3:16. John married Carolyn Mullins in 1962 and was in fellowship in Jackson for 57 years. He was a faithful brother and always willing to help in any way possible, including constructing and maintaining the building where the saints met, coordinating large meals for conferences, or simply handing out hymn books with a friendly smile. Many lives were touched by John, as seen in the good number who attended the service conducted by Paul Wielenga of Jackson. Prayer is requested for attendees and family members who heard the gospel and are still unsaved.
Lionel Hatten of Hamilton, ON, on May 16, 2019, age 83. He first heard the gospel in Sunday School at age 11 after being invited by a neighbor. In September 1948, James Gunn and Tom Wilkie had a series of gospel meetings that Lionel attended, courtesy of his neighbour. On Friday night, September 24, he was saved after discovering for the first time the reason why the Savior died. Lionel was baptized and received into fellowship the next year. In 1954, Lionel moved to Toronto and was in fellowship in Highfield, Birchcliffe, and Unionville before moving to Hamilton in 1995. He was appreciated by the believers for his consistency of life and commitment to the Lord and His assembly. He served the Lord and the assembly as a beloved overseer. Words of comfort and the gospel were faithfully presented by Murray McLeod. Prayer is requested for his wife and children.
Arnold Stone of Lindsay, ON, on May 23, 2019, age 83. Saved at age 10, Arnold was in fellowship at Victoria Road, then Oshawa, Newmarket, Lindsay, and back in Victoria Road for the last 26 years. He was a quiet, cheerful, kind, encouraging and faithful brother who valued God’s assembly, had an interest in young believers, and enjoyed the Scriptures. In later years, poor health limited his assembly activity, and in the past three years, tongue cancer left him virtually unable to speak. Nevertheless, his face always displayed his inner joy amidst difficult times, and this was a testimony to the hospital staff. His wife of nearly 60 years, Yvonne, was a tireless caregiver throughout his sicknesses. He is survived by her, their three children, Tim (Norma), Phil (Valerie) and Bonnie-Sue (Mario), four grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Ken Nicholson and Lorne Langfeld gave touching messages at the funeral and graveside.
Paul Wessels of Allison, IA, on May 29, 2019, age 82. He was saved June 6, 1966, with Acts 16:31 enlightening his darkened soul. Until his last day here on earth, Paul delighted to tell others of the spot in the farm field where he was saved. He was in fellowship with the believers that gather in the Antioch Gospel Hall, where he will be greatly missed. He is survived by his wife Gertrude of 62 years, eight children (one of whom was saved several days before his homecall), 17 grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren. His son John, Robert Orr, and Russ Nesbit shared in the large funeral service.
Mary J. Henze of Grundy Center, IA, on May 30, 2019, age 90. She was saved July 22, 1954, during meetings by Oliver Smith and William Warke held in the Stout Gospel Hall. Romans 4:5, “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness,” was the verse she was reading when God saved her. She and her late husband Fred were in fellowship with the believers that meet in Stout. She is survived by her one son Gary (Bonnie), 11 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren, and six great-great-grandchildren. Russ Nesbit took the funeral service.