


Fort McMurray: At last report, the assembly was still awaiting permits to start the construction on a new hall. The Wood Buffalo assembly has been meeting in a community center for some time.

British Columbia

Vancouver: Gospel meetings in the Fairview Gospel Hall with David McKinley and Larry Steers extended into the first week of June and are now in their fourth week. A number of families have been attending regularly. Several assemblies are planning outreaches for children throughout the summer in halls and parks in the area. The Gospel Tent at the Pacific National Exhibition will again be supported by the area assemblies during 16 days beginning August 22 until Labor Day. Prayer would be valued for these efforts.


Beachburg: Gospel tent meetings are planned from July 5-July 26 with Murray McLeod and Murray Pratt. Families are welcome to come and give support to this outreach. A number of brethren will be assisting in door-to-door visitation and gospel preaching. Please pray for the Lord’s blessing on the visitation and preaching of the gospel.

Brampton:  The assembly in Brampton is planning a week of children’s meetings with Brian Crawford, August 10 -14.  Please pray that the Lord would bless this effort.

Earlton: A man in his fifties whose daughter attended activities regularly for years came to know the Lord in May. He started coming to the Breaking of Bread and Sunday school for three weeks. As Alvin Cook and local brethren visited him he became convicted. His joy is evident as he attends meetings regularly and eagerly helps out with the children’s work.

Mississauga: The Applewood Height Gospel Hall would value your prayers for our fourth year to have a week of summer Bible camp. Gary Sharp is expected for the week to speak to the children July 6 – 10.

North Bay: The Nipissing Junction assembly rejoiced at the end of three weeks of gospel meetings. Gaius Goff, Stephen Vance, and Paul Ussher (Langstaff), saw souls saved and one believer receiving assurance. Please pray for these new converts.

Staffordsville: In May, the assembly had the privilege of receiving two young people into assembly fellowship; as well, three young sisters were baptized. The youth group continues to grow spiritually and numerically as 40 or more youth gather weekly for activities and a message emphasizing the need of salvation and living holy and pure Christian lives. Dave and Yvonne Patten continue to work extensively in the surrounding area with Mennonites and are encouraged by a number getting saved as a result of personal work. After conversion a number stay in their churches while others migrate to a more evangelical Mennonite church. Few are willing to be baptized and identified with the local assembly because of the fear of shunning by family and friends. Numerous weekly home Bible studies have grown and a number of youth have started to come to one of the Bible studies where two have professed salvation. Please pray for wisdom and strength as the work continues among these dear German people. Please pray for the Braun family who have been attending Sunday school for seven years. In January, they lost their eight-year-old boy with Mitochondrial Leigh’s Syndrome. He had a bright and clear testimony of salvation. In April, his six-year-old sister, Isabella, was diagnosed with the same incurable genetic disease. Please pray for the parents Henry and Eva who have been called to pass through this deep, dark valley.

Timmins: An older sister from the denominations has appreciated the Scriptural principles seen in the assembly and has come into the fellowship.

Welland: Robert Surgenor had three weeks of gospel meetings. Four young girls, contacts from the Oshawa Sunday school, attended and one teen-aged girl professed. Others attended with inconsistent interest.



Alpena: In mid-May, the believers from Alpena and Springdale assemblies appreciated three days of encouraging ministry from William Lavery, who spoke on the events after the Resurrection, expounding the Lord functioning as Teacher (Matthew), Evangelist (Mark), High Priest (Luke), and Shepherd (John). Harrys Rodriguez kindly translated for the Hispanic believers from Springdale.

Springdale: The annual conference in May was a blessing to the assembly. Paul Thiessen, Sidney Turkington (Battle Creek, MI), and A. J. Higgins (Barrington, NJ) gave very able and appreciated help in the ministry and gospel. Along with the Alpena assembly, they are enjoying monthly ministry meetings held on a Saturday afternoon, translated into Spanish for the Springdale believers. Bill Lavery recently visited and shared in this responsibility.


Marion: The new administrators of the Linn Manor Care Center fully endorse the Christian based daily functions. Grant Hagen continues in the shepherding ministry to saints and the gospel ministry to sinners at the home. He has been faithful in this exercise for 35 years.

Stout: In May, the young brethren held four nights of children’s meeting with Daniel Baker (Jackson, MI) speaking. These were very encouraging with good numbers of children attending and a few adults from the neighborhood.


Saugus: The Bible Reading conference on “The Scriptures – What Every Believer Needs to Know,” was appreciated and fairly well-attended. Joe James, Michael Penfold, and Dan Shutt were responsible for the ministry and the readings, and the help of Jonathan Procopio was appreciated. A comprehensive outline in booklet form was made available and the messages can be downloaded at www.walnutstgospelhall.com/audio-library/. The gospel was faithfully and solemnly presented by Michael Penfold, Jonathan Procopio, and Dan Shutt. Andrew Zuidema (Midland Park) spoke to the children in the Sunday school. The Lord gave help and we trust there will be blessing in salvation.

The week prior to our conference, Gene Higgins spoke in the gospel and also at the rehab center the following evening.


Battle Creek: Jim Smith and other local brethren from Jackson recently concluded a gospel series at the end of May. The assembly was greatly encouraged by those that came out from invitations, open-door Saturdays, and advertisements. Please pray for the working of the Holy Spirit with those that heard the gospel message.

Saginaw: The Saginaw assembly enjoyed visits from Ken Taylor and William Metcalf for the June 6th ministry meeting. Brother Taylor continued in ministry for two nights and a third night in the Cass City assembly. The ministry of the Word and the attendance from area assemblies was encouraging.


Fridley: On June 14, three adults obeyed the Lord in baptism. This came as a result of the gospel work carried on by Robert Orr and Jerry Jennings in the St. Cloud/Sauk Rapids area. More meetings are proposed there in mid-July as a room in the City Government Center has been secured. Eric McCullough and Bill Lavery purpose meetings beginning July 26.


Crandon: On June 1, Robert Surgenor commenced a series of meetings on basic assembly principles for the benefit of this newly-formed assembly.


Ontario: Murray McCandless and Brandon Doll concluded eight weeks of gospel meetings on May 3. God blessed in the salvation of children of believers and a young married couple with no connection to the assembly.


Quintana Roo

Cancun: From May 1-3, there was a small conference with believers attending from Ciudad del Carmen and Paraiso. John Nesbitt, David Alves, Jr., Timothy Turkington, and Daniel Ortega (Ciudad Netzahualcoyotl) shared in the Bible readings on the book of Philippians, as well as gospel and ministry. It was an encouraging time for those involved in the new work here.


Iguala: Although the response to the gospel in the meetings held in March was not as desired, Abisai Vieyra and Duncan Beckett have been encouraged to see God work in the salvation of a few young people since the meetings ended. They appreciated help given recently by David Beckett and Lucas McKnight (Sussex, NB) as well as Louis Feinberg (Orangewood, AZ), both in Iguala and the two outreach works outside of the city held each Monday.

San Luis Potosi

El Barril: The believers in the new assembly here enjoyed the brief visit of Marcus Cain and his family. He gave ministry from 1 Peter on trials in the Christian life as well as 1 Thessalonians on our coming Savior. Jason Wahls and Jairo Gracia (Hermosillo) commence gospel meetings in late June, with a special burden for the unsaved spouses of several believers.


Guadalajara: Paul Thiessen gave practical and useful ministry in the hall located in the south of the city, on the subject of raising children. The attendance was very encouraging, as was the baptism of two believers on the last night of the meetings.

Puerto Vallarta: The assembly in El Coapinole enjoyed Paul and Barb Thiessen’s visit in May, when Paul spoke for three nights on the local assembly and the value believers ought to place on it. The assembly in El Palmar de Ixtapa held their conference the first weekend in May, and appreciated the help of Abisai Vieyra and several local brethren in ministry and gospel.


Nogales: The gospel meetings held following the small Seed Sower distribution finished on May 10. The response to the invitations was not overly encouraging, but meetings continue each Wednesday with a number of unsaved attending.


Chihuahua: Anderson Hernandez and another brother are in the fifth week of gospel meetings in the Valle de la Madrid hall with several attending and showing interest since the commencement of the series. The assembly has also started a weekly Sunday night gospel meeting in the hall in El Porvenir where an outreach work has been ongoing for several years, mainly with the children.

Nuevo Leon

Monterrey: Anderson and Maria Eugenia Hernandez traveled to this metropolis of over four million souls early in May, accompanied by Nelson Ovalles (Puerto Cabello, Venezuela). House meetings were held in the evenings in the home of believers from El Barril who moved here a year ago, and gospel literature was handed out in different parts of the city during the day. Please pray for this very needy city.

Republic of Ireland

Dublin: The Rathmines annual conference was held at the beginning of May. The numbers attending and the helpful ministry continue to encourage. The speakers were B. Currie, E. Fairfield, E. Higgins, J. Jacob, D. McAllister, D. McKillen, T. McNeill, and W. J. Nesbitt. E. Higgins continued the following week with ministry and gospel. His visit was very much appreciated by the assembly.


Fort McMurray, AB

August 29-30, the Wood Buffalo Gospel Hall annual conference, with prayer meeting on Friday, August 28, at 7:30pm. All meetings in the Seniors Centre. First meeting on Saturday is at 10am. Contact: Rob Routhier, Tel: 780 791-6903, or Wade Bauld, Tel: 780 743-1024.

Westbank, BC

August 1-2, with Prayer Meeting on July 31 at 7:30pm in the Highway Gospel Hall, 2549 Hebert Road, Westbank. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (1 Cor 15), Ministry 2:30pm, Ministry/Gospel 7pm, Sing 9pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Sunday School 11:15am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7:15pm. Meals will be provided. Please contact in advance for accommodation. Corr: Glenn Griffin, 3344 Elliott Road, Westbank, BC, V4T 1P2; Tel: 250 768-3343; E-mail griffarm@telus.net.

Arlington/Marysville, WA

September 4-7, Labor Day Conference in the Arlington Gospel Hall. Friday: Prayer meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: meetings at 8:45am, 10:15am, 2pm, 7pm, 8:30pm. Sunday: meetings at 9:30am, 11:20am, 2:30pm, 7pm, 8:30pm. Monday: meetings at 8:45am and 10:15am. Breakfast (8am), lunch and supper served each day. Gaius Goff, Stephen Vance, and Kyle Wilson are expected to share in the ministry. Accom: Jim Klein, Tel: 360 435-6611, E-mail: kleinklan123@hotmail.com; or Phil Kazen, Tel: 360 659-4166, E-mail: ps.kazen@yahoo.com.

Beetown, WI

September 7, Labor Day all-day meeting in the Lancaster Senior High school auditorium, 806 E Elm St, Lancaster, WI. Meetings begin at 10am. Corr: Marvin Studnicka, 697 Pigeon Creek Drive, Lancaster, WI 53813; Tel: 608 723-7156.

Kansas City, MO

September 5-6, in the Gospel Hall, with prayer meeting on Friday, September 4, at 7pm.  Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Sunday: Bible reading (Revelation 1:1-20), Breaking of Bread 11am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. For advance arrangement of accommodations, contact correspondent Leroy Scott, 597 NW AA Hwy, Kingsville, MO 64061; Tel: 816 739-1686; E-mail: alanesther@embarqmail.com. Address of Hall is 4603 E. Linwood Blvd, Kansas City, MO.

Hitesville, IA

September 19-20, with prayer meeting Friday, September 18, at 7:30pm. All meetings will be at the Hitesville Gospel Hall, 17527 – 260th Street, Aplington, IA (about 6 miles north of Aplington). Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:15pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 1:45pm. Contact: Dr. Larry L. Brandt, P.O. Box 683, Parkersburg, IA 50665. Tel: 319 346-1084, Gospel Hall 319 347-2333.

Akron, Ohio

September 5, and September 6, in Copley High School, 3797 Ridgewood Road, Copley. Sat. ministry at 10:00 AM. At 1:00 PM. ministry on “My call to full time Christian service.” Breaking of Bread at 10:00 AM Lord’s Day. Prayer meeting Friday at 7:30 PM in the Gospel Hall, 2705 Smith Road, phone: (330) 867-3818.  Accom: Eric Prough, E-mail: akrongospel@gmail.com.  Corr. Kenneth Webb, PO Box 13350, Akron, OH 44334, phone: (330) 606-1460, E-mail: kwebb330@aol.com.

Conferences Previously Published:

Sioux City, IA – July 18-19

Clinton, ON – July 25-26


Change of Correspondent

San Diego, CA: Ken Baker, P.O. Box 461646 Escondido, CA 92046. E-mail: kenbakersd@gmail.com; Tel: 760 315-6622.


As announced in the June issue, full obituaries may now be viewed at www.truthandtidings.com in the on-line version of this issue.

S. W. Wanford (Shirley) Guest of Nineveh, NS, November 13, 2014

Mary Flett of Taylorside, SK, November 14, 2014

Allen F. Peterman of Highlands Ranch, CO, February 5, 2015

Leona Ward of Oil Springs, ON, February 20, 2015

Arnold Raynor of Enmore, PE, March 6, 2015

Edith Jeffries (nee Potter) of Portage la Prairie, MB, March 10, 2015

Jeanette Mackenzie of O’Leary, PE, March 10, 2015

Gertrude Dittberner of Ashfield, MB, April 7, 2015

Evelyn Jassie of Manchester, CT, April 19, 2015

Minor C. Hawk of Claremont, CA, April 29, 2015

Ethel Taylor of Taylorside, SK, April 29, 2015

Mildred Hayes of Cedar Falls, IA, April 30, 2015

Donald Cumming of San Diego, CA, May 3, 2015

Cornelia Kopp of Black River Falls, WI, May 7, 2015

Marion Joyce of Unionville, ON, May 14, 2015