Go Ye Into All the World

In the month of December 2012, a series of tent meetings commenced with David Alves, Jr., Timothy Stevenson, and Jonathan Seed, among others. With the help of Christians from the USA, Canada, and Ireland, a large distribution of seed sower texts was held.

The Lord led these brethren and their wives to an area of the city where a number of people were earnestly searching for the truth. The response from the area where the tent was set up was most encouraging, and thus the work began. During those special tent meetings, several were saved. When the tent was taken down, they started gathering in a rented house, and this is where we still meet.

David Alves, Jr. and his family traveled to Cancun almost every week from their home city of Ciudad del Carmen (close to 1360 km round trip) to have ministry meetings for the believers on Wednesday and Thursday nights. This effort for the Lord continued for nearly 15 months. Also during this period of time, different brethren and their wives came to help in the work, including Duncan and Anna Beckett, Abisai and Carmen Vieyra, Timothy Woodford, Marcus Cain and Shawn St. Clair, among others. In March of 2013, Dave Smith visited Cancun with his small replica of Noah’s Ark. His visit was very much used for contacting people in different parts of the city and encouraging the believers here. In July of 2013, a number of the believers were baptized at a local beach. The majority of these believers continue to attend, and other new contacts have been made as the Lord continues to show His grace toward the work here.

Cancun means “snakes nest.” While there are many snakes in this area of the country, it is also of spiritual significance. One of the many man-made gods that the Mayan culture worshipped was Kukulkan, which means “feathered serpent.” Even today it is evident in this city that the old serpent is still at work, as the Scripture says, “… which deceiveth the whole world” (Rev 12:9). It is a fairly new city, founded approximately 45 years ago with the purpose of attracting tourists. The fast growth in population has resulted in the presence of many denominations, religions, and false doctrines as well. So the enemy has been sowing here for over 40 years, as is evidenced by the abundance of religious buildings that are found all over the city. It is no surprise that people here are blinded and confused about the doctrines taught in the Bible, and the saddest part is that many have not realized it yet. One of the greatest needs is for the Word of God to continue to be sown. We must wait on God to give the increase. We share the apostle Paul’s words: “And who is sufficient for these things?” (2Cor 2:16).

There is also a need for more workers, with opportunities for help on a temporary basis as well as long term. There are a steadily increasing number of people who are waiting to hear the clear message of the gospel and the sound teaching of God’s Word. This need is not only obvious in Cancun, but also in at least seven small to midsized cities located within a four hour radius of Cancun. “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?” (Rom 10:14-15). “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” (Isa 6:8). We remember the words of the Lord Jesus: “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest” (Matt 9:38).

We have been privileged to become a part of the work here in Cancun, with a weekly children’s Bible class, personal visitation, and door-to-door distribution, as well as the regularly scheduled meetings of prayer, Bible study, ministry, and gospel preaching.

We were also able to visit a small town called Paraiso, in the state of Yucatan, each Saturday last year for about seven months. There is a small group of believers there. We participated in a Bible class, and were able to help in the gospel preaching and in ministry.

There is another town called Nicolas Bravo, approximately four hours south of Cancun, where there is an open door for the gospel message. This town is visited on a monthly basis, in a joint effort with David and Penelope Alves. The contacts in this town are family members of believers from Cancun who have moved south.

Our desire is that the Lord will continue to give us wisdom, patience, guidance, and help to serve Him faithfully until His return. It is always a great encouragement to know that believers are remembering the work in prayer. It is uplifting, comforting, and gives strength to carry on. We value your prayers for the work here.