Tribute: Bruce E. Cumming (2)

Bruce Cumming went to be with his Lord on January 7, 2014 at the age of 93. He and Rhoda served the Lord full time for 60 years. On Saturday, January 11, the monthly ministry meeting in Cumarebo was turned into a memorial service where 300 attended, with representation from 10 of the 14 assemblies in the state of Falcón. Several brethren took part, not a few weeping, remembering the humility, faithfulness, shepherd care, and tenderness that characterized the man, as well as his physical labor in the construction of nine halls. Many unsaved were in attendance.

Then, in Canada on January 14, after a morning graveside service where Gaius Goff gave a fitting message, the family and friends gathered, with most area assemblies represented, in the South Burnaby Gospel Hall to pay tribute and honor to a faithful warrior in the gospel. Cameron Cox guided the proceedings that included family tributes and a clear gospel message at the close.