British Columbia
Burnaby: Gospel meetings were held in the South Burnaby Gospel Hall from February 16 through March 7. Tom Baker and Bryon Myers preached faithfully and there was blessing in a few souls coming to Christ.
Vancouver: During the first week of March, Scott MacLeod gave profitable teaching in Victoria Drive for the benefit of believers saved in recent gospel meetings. Believers from other assemblies took advantage of this opportunity.
Newfoundland and Labrador
L’Anse au Loup: Gospel meetings which began January 26 with Jon Procopio and John Meekin, ended March 2. Large numbers attended each night and some showed interest. Many who have attended gospel meetings for years still linger in their sins. Please continue to pray. David Hunt, with several brethren from Ontario and one from Iowa, traveled the Quebec north shore by snowmobile, distributing calendars and literature to the communities there. Some of these brethren visited the saints in L’Anse au Loup for a few nights.
Sandringham: Pray for gospel meetings that commenced on March 16 with Marvin Derksen and Larry Perkins.
Earlton: The assembly will have a gospel display at the Earlton Farm Show in mid-April. This is the largest farm show in northern Ontario.
Kitchener: The assembly recently held a community supper for visitors and Sunday school students. The gospel was presented and an encouraging number attended. At a teaching meeting on “How to Preach the Gospel,” Marvin Derksen and a local brother gave helpful advice on preparing and presenting the gospel message.
London: The saints enjoyed three and a half weeks of faithful gospel preaching by Brian Crawford and Eric Fowler. The Lord was pleased to save three of the Christian’s children.
Sarnia: In February, the assembly enjoyed a three-week series with Jim Bergsma and Larry Perkins. The meetings were well attended and the Lord blessed in salvation. It was encouraging on the last night of the series to witness six people baptized, including two younger men who were the result of Sunday school work.
Sudbury: During the winter months, the assembly appreciated visits from David Booth, Doug Yade, Brian Owen, and Stephen Vance. The believers have been encouraged to see the Lord working in salvation with growth to the assembly. A nice number came out to the community dinner and heard the gospel, resulting in a number of home Bible studies.
Thunder Bay: One week of well-attended children’s meetings in February were followed by a week of profitable ministry/gospel with Lorne Langfeld. The saints also enjoyed a weekend with Steve McCandless who gave a report on his visit to Pond Inlet. He continued on to northern Manitoba to join Steve Kember for visitation in northern villages.
Timmins: The assembly had Brian Owen for a week of ministry meetings in the first week of March.
Toronto: The Agincourt assembly, along with the Midland assembly, have recently commended Miss Christine Gagnon to the work of the Lord in Zambia. Please see Updates for contact information.
Langstaff: The assembly had an excellent three-week gospel series with Peter Ramsay from February 9 to March 2. Several dozen unsaved teenagers and adults attended, with many new contacts established, and quite a number coming for more than one night. While there is no knowledge of any trusting Christ, the believers continue to pray earnestly that souls will be saved. On the final night of the meetings, a baptism was held with one teenage boy obeying the Lord in baptism before a large crowd. The assembly enjoyed ministry from Peter Ramsay as well.
Wallaceburg: The believers were encouraged in January/February with three and a half weeks of gospel meetings with Eugene Badgley and Bert Snippe. Visitors came most nights and three professed salvation. Andrew Robertson took the Sunday school awards night in January and a number of parents attended and heard the gospel. The assembly had encouraging visits from Bill Metcalf and Jack Nesbitt on the last two Lord’s days of February.
Windsor: Two weeks of gospel meetings January 19 to February 7 were held in the Student Centre at the University of Windsor, followed by one week in the nearby Gospel Hall. Larry Perkins and Andrew Robertson presented the gospel to a number of students and other visitors each night. Light refreshments after each meeting afforded opportunity for some interesting and profitable conversations. A number of students continue to come to the Sunday evening gospel meetings and to midweek ESL classes. Pray for the seed faithfully sown.
Taylorside: David Booth and Jim Jarvis preached the gospel for three weeks, with blessing in salvation.
San Diego: Two weeks of gospel meetings were held with Marvin Derksen in English and Melvin Mendez in Spanish simultaneously, in separate rooms. The meetings were heartwarming, with a few unsaved in each night.
Tampa: The assembly is thankful for two weeks of gospel meetings in February with Gene Higgins; one man was saved. A young woman was recently received into assembly fellowship.
Garnavillo: Wm. Skates had a week of meetings using a chart on prophecy with some in from the community. The following week, Dan Shutt had five nights of children’s meetings with good attendance from the area. On February 16, a community supper preceded gospel meetings with Mark Bachert and Gaius Goff. Contacts have been made through Bible studies and children’s work.
Cass City: The assembly has planned gospel meetings with Matt Smith of Jackson and Dan Shutt commencing on April 6, 2014. Please pray for these meetings.
Fridley: The saints appreciated two weeks of sound, basic teaching. The first week covered baptism, reception, the seven assembly meetings, spiritual growth, and spiritual gift. The second week presented detail regarding the seven dispensations of God’s dealings with man up to the eternal state.
New Mexico
Albuquerque: The assembly appreciated ministry meetings in the last few months with Bill Lavery, Stan Wells, and John Fitzpatrick. The latter held meetings in four small towns in central and southern New Mexico where he has worked for several years.
Hickory: The assembly greatly enjoyed a weekend of ministry in January with Phil Coulson, who took up the “Doctrine of the Gospel” in a series of six ministry meetings. The following week, Brody Thibodeau and Frank Sona conducted a four-week gospel series with good interest. An 8-year-old boy, whose parents are in the assembly, professed faith in Christ as did a middle-aged man who attended for the first time. Pray for this man who is hindered from coming to the assembly meetings due to health problems.
Arlington: The saints were blessed from late January to early February with timely ministry from Stephen Baker of Liverpool, England on the early kings of Israel and associated lessons. Dan Shutt shared in the ministry February 16-17 at the Arlington Youth Conference concerning “Our Future.” Lives were touched and the Lord blessed in salvation.
Chihuahua: After five weeks of gospel meetings in the Valle de la Madrid hall, the saints are very encouraged that two older teenagers, who for years have attended the Sunday school, professed faith. Anderson Hernandez, who hopes to devote himself, with his family, to the work in Chihuahua, recently buried his father in Venezuela, a man who for many years was very opposed to the gospel, but on his deathbed confessed Christ as Savior.
Ciudad Obregon: The believers enjoyed a visit from Duncan and Anna Beckett. On February 3, three men were baptized after the gospel meeting shared by Duncan Beckett and Tim Woodford. Dr. Justin Pratt (Kirkland Lake, ON) also visited in February and held dental clinics. The saints also enjoyed his teaching.
Cotaxtla: Before the gospel series closed, John Nesbitt had the joy of hearing of a 50-year-old man who had trusted Christ, in addition to a young woman in university.
El Barril: A nice number of men and women are attending special nightly meetings that Jason Wahls is having on the book of Revelation.
Emiliano Zapata: David Alves, Jr. has been encouraged of late with excellent attendance here. Seeking to help in this work, as well as in Cancun (over 600 kilometers away), and works in between on a weekly basis, has been a challenge. Please pray for the soon arrival of Timothy and Amy Turkington of Venezuela.
Irapuato: Due to sustained interest and God’s arm outstretched in salvation, Ross Vanstone and Ricky Sawatsky extended the series of gospel meetings in this place. God has opened a door in the gospel. Our brethren are unable to remain here. Who will go?
Nogales: House meetings continue to be held twice a month in this large city on the Mexican side of the border. It was three months ago that Heriberto passed away after being electrocuted. His widow has since moved to Tucson, Arizona, where meetings have been held this year by John Dennison, Tim Woodford, and Marcus Cain.
Puerto Vallarta: Our esteemed sister, Felipa Gaytan, went home to heaven after a lengthy illness. Saved and baptized in Vancouver in 1987, God used her as the initial contact for a work that began in Mexico in 1988. Her son-in-law, David Seed, as well her grandson, Jonathan Seed, and several local brethren, preached the gospel to a good number of unsaved that attended the services held at the Coapinole hall.
Purisima: After reducing the number of weekly meetings in Irapuato, Ross Vanstone started preaching several nights a week in this town close by. Please pray for this new work.
San Luis Rio Colorado: The work in the border region of Arizona and Mexico continues with evidence of God working in the hearts of some. A location has been rented in Yuma where the gospel is preached weekly. The gospel is also being preached in an additional rented location in San Luis, Arizona (sister city to SLRC, Mexico where the assembly is located). The believers in this assembly are supporting these new works that have expanded from Mexico across the border. Your prayers are greatly valued for these news efforts in the gospel.
Xalapa: Timothy Stevenson has ended five weeks of gospel meetings. Several new contacts were made in this large city, and our brother heard of two women trusting Christ as Savior. John Nesbitt was also present at the baptism of a young man.
Zapopan: Jonathan Seed and Paul Thiessen continue to be encouraged with the work at the north and south ends of the large city of Zapopan, adjacent to Guadalajara. Some new believers are asking to be baptized.
N. Ireland
Ballyshiel: Recent meetings in the hall with J. Rogers and I. Gordon saw encouraging numbers attend.
Ballyvaddy: The new Glenarm Gospel Hall was opened March 1 with a ministry meeting, and the assembly expects to commence gospel meetings in April.
Ballywatermoy: S. Gilfillen and W. Fenton purposed to commence in the gospel in March.
Bushmills: S. Gilfillen and A. Caldwell were encouraged with blessing in the recent gospel meetings held in the hall in this small village on the north coast.
Dromore: W. Boyd had two weeks of Bible readings. The Lough Road assembly opened their new gospel hall with two Saturday ministry meetings in January and a week of gospel meetings in February.
Drumacanver: T. Meekin and J. Bingham are continuing in the hall with good local interest.
Drumaness: Gospel meetings were held in the hall with B. Currie and J. Palmer preaching, with support from neighboring assemblies.
Dundonald: P. McCauley and D. Williamson held a short series of meetings in the hall during February.
Harryville: Stan Wells had a week of Bible readings here.
Kilmore, Co Tyrone: W. Martin and J. Fleck commenced a gospel series in February in the hall.
Larne: R. Reynolds and P. Kaestner are expected in Craigyhill for a short gospel series commencing March 24, DV.
Lurgan: M. Turkington and C. Beresford have commenced in the gospel hall the last week of February.
Martinstown: E. Fairfield and D. Straghan had four weeks of well-attended gospel meetings in a disused car showroom in this rural area. The area had been visited by brother Fairfield prior to the meetings.
Newtownards: Gospel meetings commenced in February in a portable hall beside the West Winds Estate with A. Davidson and S. Nelson responsible.
Newtownbreda: M. Radcliffe and A. Steele concluded meetings in the gospel hall after a number of weeks. A number from the area attended and the gospel was faithfully preached.
Republic of Ireland
Bridgetown, Co Donegal: Noel Brown spoke at the baptism of a young brother on March 1. The assembly was encouraged by this and a well-filled gospel hall.
Rathmines, Dublin: The monthly Saturday afternoon gospel meeting, which has been held in the gospel hall for a year, was moved to a new venue in February – an old single room schoolhouse in a different part of Dublin. The first meeting was conducted by Robert Armstrong (Tanzania) with a large number attending, over 85 in all. Please pray for this new work.
Writing this in early March, it is hard to imagine how political, military, and financial events will turn out. We pray for all men so that religious liberty might be preserved. Ukrainian assembly believers are being called up for military service and many of the believers are anxious as to what Mr. Putin will do. It is a very trying time for the believers in L’viv and Lutsk and, therefore, Rhoda and I are staying in Lutsk to support them. On Lord’s Day March 2, some of the L’viv believers visited us in Lutsk; the following weekend (9th March) all from L’viv assembly visited. In Lutsk we are using the present events to reach out with the gospel. Along with a brother from the assembly, we drive around the town and stop with the pro-European vigilantes who are working hand in hand with the police and we hand out gospel tracts. These vigilantes look fierce with their balaclavas, chains, and baseball bats but we have found them very receptive to the tracts. They stand at the barricades 24/7 so they have plenty of time to read. Financially, Ukraine has been mismanaged for over 20 years with widespread corruption. The believers are poor and, with the government withholding wages and the banks withholding money, things are tough. Rhoda and I count it a privilege, not only to provide food bags for all in the Lutsk and L’viv assemblies, but also to help out in providing money gifts and medicines where necessary. Poverty is real with some having absolutely no money whatsoever to pay their rents or to buy food. One of our elders, in a family of three, had only five potatoes left in his home. His wife badly needs a hysterectomy but has no money to enter the hospital. “But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?” We deeply appreciate your prayers for Ukraine at this time. Your remembrance of us in the work of God means so much to us.
Timothy & Rhoda Sloan
Antioch, IA
April 6, at the Antioch Gospel Hall, 18929 Vail Ave, Clarksville, IA. Ministry 10am, Breaking of Bread 11am, Sunday School 1:15pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Corr: John Wessels, 25284 Sinclair Ave., Allison, IA 50602; Cell: 319 269-3493; E-mail:
Fredericton, NB
April 25-27, Annual Conference, “Teaching from 2 Timothy,” in the Nashwaaksis Middle School, 324 Fulton Ave., Fredericton. Speakers are Matthew Cain, John Meekin, and Peter Ramsay. Friday: Prayer 7:30pm (Gospel Hall, 109 McAdam Ave.) Saturday: First Meeting 10:30am (Character Study – Timothy) Sunday: Lord’s Supper 9:30am, Ministry 2pm. Corr: Robert Griffin, E-mail:, Tel: (h) 506 472-5512, (c) 506 470-1435. Accom: Jonathan Howard, E-mail:, Tel: (h) 506 457-2547, (c) 506 440-1102 [voice or text].
Thornhill, ON
May 9-11, Langstaff Missionary Conference, at the Langstaff Gospel Hall, 1350 Langstaff Rd., Thornhill. Friday: 7:30pm; Saturday: 10am, 1:30pm and 7pm; Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, 2pm. The following brethren to share in the responsibility for the conference meetings: Stephen Harper (Malawi), Dr. Clark Logan (Botswana), John Nesbitt (Mexico), Stephen Redpath (Venezuela), Earl Ritchie (ministry on financial support for the Lord’s work), David Weir (Romania). Accom: Irving & Sheryl Payne at 905 773-3822 or Download conference flyer, previous years’ booklets, or audio messages, at
Ottawa, ON
May 17-18, in the Richelieu – Vanier Community Centre, 300 Des Pères-Blancs, Ottawa; Tel: 613 580-2424 (new location with 250 seat capacity). Friday, May 16: Prayer meeting 7:30pm at the Gospel Hall. Saturday: Bible Reading 9am; Prayer/Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Open Sunday school 1pm, Prayer/Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Subject of Bible readings: Isaiah 52:13 through Isaiah 53:12. To help with meal planning and accommodation, please contact in advance Colin Meaklim, Tel: 613 730-7410; E-mail:
Prince Edward Island
May 17-18, the annual Island conference at Bluefield High School in Hampshire. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Bible Study 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 1pm, Prayer/Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Accom: Neil Thompson, Tel: 902 892-7216, E-mail: Corr: Glen McKenna, Tel: 902 836-3073; or Brian MacDonald, Tel: 902 566-3831.
Goodwood, ON
May 24, the Eleventh Annual Conference, in the Gospel Hall, 304 Hwy 47. Meetings: Ministry 1-5pm (two 15 minute breaks), Supper 5pm, Gospel 6pm. Contact Percy Woods, Tel: 905 640-7967; or Bob Diebel, Tel: 705 357-0261, E-mail:
Grants Pass, OR
May 24-25, with Prayer Meeting Friday, May 23 at 7:30pm. Breakfasts 7:30am, Bible Readings 8:15 (1 Corinthians 2). Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 1611 SW ‘G’ Street. Accom: Steve Lamb, Tel: 541 476-1515. Corr: Don Gratias, Tel: 541 479-4521; Cell: 541 450-4364; E-mail:
Hickory and Denver, NC
May 23-25, in the Hickory Gospel Hall, 253 17th Ave NE. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30pm. Saturday: First meeting at 10:30am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am. Meals will be served between meetings. For information or accommodations: Philip Moore, Tel: 828 238-1520. E-mail:
Bancroft, ON
May 31, in the Lakeview Gospel Hall, 644 Maxwell Settlement Rd. Bible Reading 10am, Ministry 2 and 7pm. Corr: Mark Freymond, Tel: 613 332-4317.
Saugus, MA
May31-June 1, in the Gospel Hall, 213 Walnut St., Friday, May 30: Prayer meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am and 2pm, Gospel 4:45pm. Sunday: Remembrance Meeting 10am, Sunday School 11:45am, Bible Reading 2pm, Study review 4:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Outlines for the Readings will be posted at on April 15. Accom: David Lusk, E-mail: Corr: Tony Grillo, Tel: 781 248-8900, E-mail:
Burgessville, ON
June 7, in the Burgessville Gospel Hall, 610 Main St. N. Meetings begin at 10 am. Steve Kember, Scott McLeod, and Gary Sharp are the expected speakers, Lord willing. There will be a sing after the gospel meeting. Corr: Luke Winkles, E-mail:
Conferences Previously Published:
Stout, IA – April 12-13
Manchester, CT – April 12-13
Culver City, CA – April 18-20
Toronto, ON – April 18-20
Cedar Falls/Waterloo, IA – April 19-20
Kapuskasing, ON – April 18-20
Nineveh, NS – April 19-20
Vancouver, BC – April 18-20
McKeesport, PA – April 26-27
Waukesha, WI – April 26-27
Newmarket, ON – May 4,
Cumberland, MD – May 17-18
Addition to Address Book of Commended Workers
Christina Gagnon: Chitokoloki Mission Hospital Box 50, Chitokoloki, Zambezi, Zambia. E-mail:
Mary Hope Griffin (nee Broadhead) of Westbank, BC, on September 21, 2013, aged 91, after a brief hospitalization. Born on the family homestead near Maidstone, SK in 1921, she trusted Christ as a young girl. After being baptized, she met with a few other believers in the home of her grandparents. After moving from the prairies with her family to Westbank in 1939, she completed high school and worked in Vancouver for a time before marrying John (Jack) Griffin in 1944. Together, they raised 16 children among whom were two sets of twins only one year apart. She was bereaved of her husband in 1979 while two of the children were still at home. She was marked by patient endurance and gentle grace. This godly, humble, quiet woman was the mark of stability and her far-flung family, a strength to assembly testimony wherever they are found, rise up to call her blessed. She is survived by all her children, 50 grandchildren, 82 grandchildren, and four sisters. She is predeceased by two grandchildren, Katie and Victoria Smith, and her eldest sister, Olive Brundage.
Ruth Helen Coates of Victoria Road, ON, on November 16, 2013, age 56, after a lengthy illness. Our dear sister was born November 14, 1957 and saved at the age of 13 on May 7, 1971. She is survived by her husband David and son Troy, her father Mackay Smart, two brothers, and a sister. She was predeceased by her mother Jean Smart. Ruth was in happy fellowship with the Victoria Road Assembly and very faithful to all the meetings. She was known as a woman of prayer. She will be missed. Lorne Langfeld carried out Ruth’s wish to have a gospel message delivered at the funeral.
Myrtle M. Whiteman of Purgitsville, WV, on December 3, 2013, age 94. Myrtle was saved on October 15, 1972 in meetings by Robert Surgenor at Purgitsville. She was in fellowship at the New Creek Gospel Hall in West Virginia. She is survived by a son, Howard, and daughter-in-law, Carolyn, who also share that blessed hope. The service at the funeral home was taken by Robert Surgenor.
Larry Gull of Garnavillo, IA, on December 25, 2013, age 80. Larry was born north of Garnavillo in a house where cottage meetings were held by Oliver Smith in the 20s. His parents divorced in 1938 and his grandmother was saved in the great harvest of souls that year. He was taken out of a church Sunday school and brought to the assembly classes and gospel meetings. Larry was saved on December 6, 1942 reading Luke 19:10 during meetings by Lorne McBain and Herbert Dobson, and was baptized near West Union in 1946 with some of the first believers there. He was in fellowship in Garnavillo until his home-call except for his military years. He faithfully supported gospel work. In 1956, he married Nancy Taylor of Hartford, CT; together their home was a place of Christian hospitality for local believers and missionaries. He leaves his wife, Nancy, two sons, Kevin and Timothy, their wives, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren, some of whom are unsaved. Many unsaved were at the large funeral where the eulogy was given by John Kregel, the gospel by Jonathan Hunt, and the committal by Jim Frazier.
William Coates of Newmarket, ON, on January 15, age 87. Bill was born in a tiny log cabin in Holt, ON, and born again at the age of 19. In 1952, he married Laura Joyce and they made their home in Queensville, ON, and were deeply involved in the planting of the assembly in Newmarket in 1962. As one of the original elders, he carried much responsibility in his service for the Lord. They were marked by their hospitality, liberality, care of the believers, and unwavering interest in children’s work. His last seven years were spent in Bethany Lodge where he was lovingly cared for by family & staff. He is survived by his wife Laura, son Stan (Judi), and daughters Susan (Len), and Patricia (Keith), 15 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren. The large funeral was taken by George Telfer, with memories and reflections shared by family members.
Charlotte Roney of Salem, OR, on January 31, age 93. She was predeceased by her husband, Howard, in May 2000, and eldest son Haddon in 1953. She was born in Evanston, IL and was saved October 1934 during children’s meetings through the story of Jacob’s dream of a ladder, seeing that Christ dying on the cross for her sins was her ladder to heaven. She was baptized January 1935 and received into fellowship at the Evanston Gospel Hall. She was in assembly fellowship for over 78 years, the last 36 years being in the assembly at Salem. She leaves a brother and his wife, a son, a daughter and her husband, four grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. The graveside service was taken by her two grandsons, Ben and Joe Kaestner, with Maurice Scandrett giving a word in the gospel.
Howard Hooper of Deckerville, MI, on Feb.5, 2014, age 82, after a short illness. Saved at the age of 17 during meetings with Norman Crawford, he was in happy fellowship at the Mills Rd. Gospel Hall, attending and contributing to the assembly meetings until his illness prevented him. He leaves behind his beloved wife of 47 years, Delores, seven children and spouses, 19 grandchildren, and 31 great-grandchildren. The gospel was clearly preached by William Metcalf at the well-attended funeral, with Stu Thompson speaking at the graveside. Howard will be greatly missed by his family and the assembly.
Philip Boyles of San Diego, CA, on February 10, age 107. He lived the last year of his life in Phoenix AZ, unable to attend assembly meetings there because of failing health. He first heard the gospel from the Crossett family of Magherafelt, N. Ireland, while en route to Australia by ship, and was saved in 1931 and associated with assemblies in Australia and New Zealand. He was also well known in many of the assemblies in Ireland and Wales that he loved to visit. Philip brought his family to California in 1954, and was in fellowship in the Jefferson Street assembly (now Culver City) and also in Long Beach, CA. He loved the Word of the Lord, and his grandsons and others at his funeral testified to his example to them of faithful continuance in the truth of Scripture. Martin Baghramian spoke a clear gospel message. Pray for family members yet unsaved. He is survived by three daughters, one granddaughter, four grandsons, and seven great-grandchildren.
Chester W. Ludos of Jackson, MI, on February 15, age 91. Chet was raised under the sound of the gospel, but at age 20, just days after being married and getting his WW2 draft notice, he was faced with the fact that he would surely be in a lost eternity if killed in combat. While in the army he began to read his Bible and pray, but to no avail. Thinking that God had passed him by and all seemed hopeless, it was then, while singing “I will sing of my Redeemer,” that Chet trusted Christ on March 6, 1943. He was faithful to God and the assembly throughout his life and will be missed. The home of Chet and Lucille, his wife of 71 years, was always open to visiting saints. The funeral was taken by Matt Smith and the committal by Steve Shutt. Chet has three sons, four grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Please pray for unsaved friends and family.
C. F. Foster of Manchester, IA, on February 21, age 96, from the Good Neighbor Home. He was a man who dearly loved the assembly and gospel right to the very end. He was saved under the preaching of Willie Grierson on August 13, 1934 through Titus 1:2, “In hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised….” For 60 years he proved to be a valuable leader and shepherd. The words of Acts 6:3, “of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom” would summarize his life. We will not forget his heartfelt devotion in singing and praying. C. F. and wife Barbara, deceased in 2009 after 64 years of marriage, raised one daughter and six sons, as well as providing foster care for numerous children. Robert Orr and Al Christopherson shared in the large funeral service.
Milton Diveney, Jr. of Marion, IA, on Feb. 22, age 81, after a short illness, from his home in Conesville, IA. Known as “Junior,” he and his wife Barb, formerly of the Grandview assembly, transferred to Marion in 2002. He trusted Christ in 1961 through the words of Acts 16:31 under the preaching of the late Louis Brandt and Henry Wahls. Junior and Barb travelled the farthest to meeting but were often the first ones there. Junior was extremely helpful and no job was too small or insignificant. Through his sickness or other adverse circumstances, his answer to the question, “How do you stay so cheerful?” his answer was always, “It is the Lord” (John 21:7). He is survived by his wife Barbara, one son and two daughters, six grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, and four brothers. Al Christopherson took the funeral service.
Kenneth Tack, of Wellsburg, IA, on February 26, age 90. He was saved as a young man of 20, on February 1, 1944 through gospel meetings conducted by the late Oliver Smith. Kenneth was in fellowship with the assembly gathering at the Hitesville Gospel Hall for many years. Health reasons prevented him from attending the meetings the last five years while he resided in a care center. He shared a burden for the welfare of the assembly and the saints. Kenneth is survived by Beulah, his wife of 61 years. Also surviving are a son and daughter, their spouses, and three grandchildren. Russell Nesbit spoke at the service in the gospel hall, with Robert Orr sharing, and taking the committal service at the grave.