Our first memory of the Jones in Chile was dramatic; on our flight, October 1977, there had been a bomb scare en route, a return to Lima, and a five-hour delay in our arrival in Santiago. Mrs. Gladys Hanna was with us, and Evelyn Jones had joined us in Lima, so there was a large group awaiting; lonesome husbands (Richard Hanna and Dave Jones), other welcoming fellow missionaries, and believers, all weary with the long wait. Dave was one who made us welcome.
A year and a half later, we were still very new missionaries. Dave invited us to go up to San Felipe to help in two series of gospel meetings. It was a refreshing balm for our souls, and the beginning of years of fellowship. Evelyn was in Canada attending to their children’s education, and Dave had suffered the long periods of separation. His exercise was to return to Canada, not knowing when he would be back. We felt led of the Lord to stay on in San Felipe to work with the two assemblies as well as maintain “Palabras de Vida,” the daily radio broadcast. We stayed in their house for three years, with the added blessing of working closely with Margaret Ronald.
We returned to Chile in 1983, after our first furlough, with the intention of eventually moving to a completely new area, Rancagua. Early in 1984, we suffered a serious accident, and Dave was immediately on hand to handle the many legal and medical issues. This willingness, and capability to help, was characteristic of him.
We were blessed with his warm voice in the radio broadcasts and with his presence, as the work commenced and grew in new regions. He was a blessing in the handling of funds for literature, for the building of halls, for needy people, and for emergencies. His righteousness was transparent. He kept in contact with the elders in many small and distant assemblies, stretched out over the string bean topography of Chile, comforting them with his visits, teaching, and counsel. He constantly encouraged young brethren in the development of their gifts. When he lost his dear wife Evelyn in the tragic car accident, the Christians in the whole country were in tears, mourning his loss. It was a comfort for us all, as well as for him, when Margaret, an esteemed colleague for so many years, and then a loving wife, was able to care for him so tenderly in his sickness. Chile mourns his loss; we pray for sustaining grace from the Lord for his family and for the work here.