

British Columbia

Kamloops: The assembly enjoyed ministry from Dave Richards during September. A lady was saved the last week of September and obeyed the Lord in baptism at the end of October.

Langley: Sandy Higgins had a very helpful series from October 7-11 on Relationships – Godward, in the marriage, in family life, in the assembly, and within the leadership. The series can be accessed at www.langleygospelhall.com.

Vancouver:The 100th Thanksgiving conference was held with attendance from a wide area. A number of brethren shared in ministry, gospel, or missionary reports. The Bible readings, led by Jack Hay and Michael Penfold, brought a study of John’s epistles to completion that commenced a year ago. The saints of the Carleton, Fairview, South Burnaby, and Victoria Drive assemblies enjoyed the ministry of Jack Hay preceding the conference, and Michael Penfold and Jim Smith ministered to profit in Carleton, Fairview, South Burnaby, and Victoria Drive in the week following the conference. In Victoria Drive, two professed in regular Sunday gospel meetings prior to the conference. A four-week series of gospel meetings commenced there on October 20. God blessed in salvation in the first week and others are showing interest as the meetings continue.

Newfoundland and Labrador

English Point: Gaius Goff held a week of ministry meetings September 29-October 4, then was in Red Bay for Sunday, October 6 and three nights of ministry; then he went on to Charlottetown, LB for the next weekend.

Lorne Langfeld was in English Point for a week of children meetings October 6-11. Some parents also attended and heard the gospel. On the final night awards were presented and refreshments were served.

Gander: A six-week series of Monday night children’s meetings began on October 21 with local brethren giving lessons on palaces and royalty in the Bible. There were 24 children out for the first night, most of them having attended the previous series. These short Monday night series in the spring and fall have been held for the past few years with good response.

L’Anse au Loup: The conference was well attended, with encouraging ministry and gospel shared by Eric Fowler, Gaius Goff, David Hierlihy, Lorne Langfeld, Murray McCandless, Pete Smith, and Brody Thibodeau. Though unable to take part, the presence of Mr. Bert Joyce was appreciated and he was thrilled to be able to visit the assembly again. David Hierlihy and Brody Thibodeau stayed for two nights of ministry after the conference. The Christians of L’Anse au Loup and English Point helped Eric Fowler prepare 2014 calendars and literature for distribution along parts of the coast following the meetings.

Sandringham: Gaius Goff was expected for ministry meetings October 28-29.

Nova Scotia

Pugwash: The saints here, and from nearby assemblies, enjoyed three nights of ministry from October 7-9 on “The Interest the Godhead has in me to be in Assembly Fellowship.” The time spent together was helpful and appreciated.


Clinton: The Christians were encouraged by good attendance and helpful, varied ministry given at both summer and fall conferences. A good number of children attended a week of children’s meetings in the fall when the Word was faithfully spoken. We are thankful to God for the believers who obeyed the Lord in baptism this summer and for those recently added to the fellowship. Please pray for the treat planned for December.

Earlton: Gary Sharp is expected for a week of children’s meetings in late November.

Engleheart: In late October, the four area assemblies gathered at a swimming pool to witness the baptism of two teenagers, one from Englehart and one from Earlton.

Hamilton: Thirteen nights of well-attended gospel meetings by Gene Higgins were a blessing to the assembly. There were a good number of unsaved contacts of the believers who listened nightly to the faithful preaching of the gospel. We still look to the Lord for blessing in salvation.

Kirkland Lake: John Meekin is expected for a week of ministry on “The Seven Churches of Asia” in early January.

Kitchener: The assembly was encouraged when a young girl professed salvation during two weeks of gospel meetings with Larry Perkins and Dan Shutt. At the first meeting over 100 people (with a good number unsaved) attended and enjoyed a community supper.  Each night the gospel was preached faithfully and clearly. 

Toronto: On the first Lord’s Day in November, the saints at Rexdale enjoyed a visit by Brian Owen and were greatly encouraged with the baptism of six young people.

Wallaceburg: The saints were encouraged with the Lord’s goodness at the annual all-day meeting October 27 with profitable ministry and gospel from E. Badgley, B. Cottrill, F. Krauss, B. Metcalf, D. Petterson, and B. Snippe. Nate Kember, Jim Bergsma, and Bill DeBlock shared in the testimony meeting.


Venosta: This is in addition to the report in the last issue of meetings in this area. The numbers were not large, but the interest of several adults certainly calls for further meetings. Alvin Cook and Murray Pratt are thankful for some positive results from visitation work. One lady was preparing to go to a ninth funeral in a period of eight days. As a result, she had questions regarding life after death. One of the men who showed some interest in the gospel brought a priest to see the believers who organized the meetings. While he listened, four adults told how the Lord saved them. He prayed with them before leaving and asked God to bless their missionary endeavor. The Christians were obviously surprised at his favorable reaction. This area was settled by Irish people who immigrated to Canada because of the potato famine; hence the majority speak English fluently.


Taylorside: Five young believers were baptized recently, bringing joy to the saints.



Anchorage: The conference was well attended with a number of visitors. Dave Booth and Bryon Meyers gave excellent, timely, and appreciated ministry. Two teenage boys were baptized during the Sunday evening gospel meeting. Dave continued for a few nights of ministry in Anchorage and Bryon was in Wasilla.


Alpena: On October 27, invitations were distributed throughout this small community followed by a week of gospel meetings with Bill Lavery and Jerry Jennings who preached a clear gospel nightly. It was encouraging to see a few attend in response to the invitations. A special thanks is extended to the Hispanic believers from the new assembly in Springdale who made the hour long drive to support the meetings.


Phoenix: A three-week gospel series concluded October 20 in Palo Verde, AZ (about 45 miles west of Phoenix) with John Fitzpatrick and Matt Vanderhart (Orangewood) preaching.  Some interest was seen. The Orangewood assembly commenced a gospel series on October 27 with Murray McCandless preaching nightly.


Terryville: The annual October conference meetings were shared by Paul Barnhardt, Marvin Derksen, Walter Gustafson, Eugene Higgins, and Robert Surgenor. A large number of young people attended. Robert Surgenor had ministry meetings following the conference. The assembly was encouraged when a young man was received into assembly fellowship a few weeks prior to the conference.


Manchester: The assembly enjoyed ministry by Jim Smith in July on Romans 7-12, Joel Portman on Ephesians 1-3, and Scott McCleod on the subject of election. The conference in October was blessed with the presence of eight of the Lord’s servants and excellent ministry was given. It began with “What manner of man is this?” and ended with encouragement to continue on.


Saugus: The assembly was privileged to have John Stubbs for a week of ministry, using his chart on the Garments of the High Priest. The ministry instilled a greater appreciation for our Great High Priest.


Livonia: The Stark Road Gospel Hall annual conference was well attended. Phil Coulson, John Dennison, Andrew Robertson, and Andrew Ussher gave timely and profitable ministry.

New Jersey

Barrington: John Stubbs was with the assembly September 30-October 4 for very helpful ministry on the Perfect Servant in Mark’s Gospel.

Midland Park: Walter Gustafson visited the assembly for a Lord’s Day in October. The saints were happy to baptize three young believers and to receive one, a sister, into assembly fellowship in October, and a brother in November. Shad and Debi Kember, from Mexico, were with the assembly on the first Lord’s Day in November when their son was baptized.


Tacoma: The recent gospel series that ended on October 4 with B. Lavery and D. Shutt was an encouragement to the saints and a blessing in salvation.


Cancun: Marcus Cain spent 10 days with the believers in this new work and gave appreciated devotional ministry on the life of Joseph and other topics. After that, Abisai Vieyra also visited here for 10 days and gave helpful ministry from the book of Philippians. Please pray for Timothy and Amy Turkington (daughter Sophia), of Barbula, Venezuela, who have begun the necessary and rather complicated process of getting government permission to come to Cancun to labor full time in the gospel.

Iguala: Abisai and Carmen Vieyra, recently commended from the Hermosillo assembly, have been a huge encouragement and help to the work in Iguala. Abisai and Duncan Beckett recently finished a five-week series of gospel meetings where they witnessed God moving in salvation. In the month of November they were expecting a visit from Marcus Cain for a week of ministry meetings and a possible baptism at the end of the month.

El Barril: On the closing night of the series of gospel meetings, John Dennison and Jason Wahls were encouraged to see 70 present. About half of them were unsaved adults and teens who heard the gospel and witnessed the baptism of one man and two women.

Guasave: Shad Kember had four days of meetings here in October, with good interest.

Hermosillo: On the last weekend of October, A. J. Higgins gave nine messages of appreciated ministry on the Person of Christ in the Gospels. Thirty believers from Obregon were here for the three sessions on Saturday. Early in October, the believers enjoyed the visit of John Dennison for a Lord’s Day. One lady heard “He that hath ears hears to hear, let him hear” during the first message. Having searched for salvation for a number of years, she paid close attention, and during the second message came to understand that Christ’s death was on her behalf.

Nogales: Tim Woodford and John Dennison visited in mid-October for two house meetings. A man, Heriberto, was electrocuted a the previous month, and while in the hospital in Hermosillo, was attended by a young brother who is studying nursing. He had the opportunity to share the gospel with him and tell him about the gospel meetings in Nogales. A meeting was also held the first Monday in November.

Obregon: Shad Kember commenced gospel meetings in October, helped by local brethren. In the first week, God blessed in the salvation of a young man who had been attending for a while. Tim Woodford also helped for a week.

Veracruz: John Nesbitt wrote: “We are thankful for continued interest in Sunday gospel meetings in Veracruz. On October 27 it was a particular joy to see our daughter, Moriah, come into assembly fellowship. Then, on November 3, the hall was packed with 100 people, including friends, parents, teachers, and contacts at the gospel meeting and baptism of our son David. We pray God will bless the gospel that was preached for His glory.”

Xalapa: Timothy and Jenna Stevenson continue to see new people come in to hear the gospel preached three times a week in a rented building, and have appreciated visits from the Nesbitt family.

Zapopan: Jonathan Seed and Paul Thiessen, helped some nights by Ricky Sawatsky, ended seven weeks of nightly meetings in a rented building on the south side of this large city adjacent to Guadalajara. They were very encouraged with attendance, and rejoiced to hear of at least three who professed faith in Christ.

N. Ireland

Ballyclare: W. Martin and E. Fairfield concluded seven weeks of gospel meetings in the gospel hall which were very well supported by the assembly and surrounding assemblies. A number were saved and a baptism was planned for mid-November.

Ballymoney: M. Radcliffe and A. Steele had an encouraging series of gospel meetings in the Ballymoney Town Hall during the month of October.

Bangor: L. Craig and P. McCauley commenced a gospel series November 3 in the new Ebenezer Gospel Hall.

Bleary: J. Rogers and T. Armstrong were with the assembly for four weeks of meetings in the gospel hall. Many heard the gospel clearly and plainly presented. There was a sense of the Lord’s help.

Coleraine: B. Currie and J. Palmer have started a gospel series in the gospel hall.

Dromore: C. Beresford and M. Hunter have been preaching the gospel in the Dromore Gospel Hall. The area has been extensively visited using old Sunday school records, and many contacts have been made.

Kilkeel: N. Fleck and A. Wilson are preaching the gospel with help. A number connected to the believers are attending.

Lisachrin: E. Fairfield and M. McKillen are with the assembly here for a gospel series.

Plantation, Lisburn: J. Fleck and S. Gilfillan had seven weeks of gospel meetings with the assembly here. There were good numbers and help to preach. Pray for blessing.

Portavogie: D. Gilliland and J. Rogers commenced gospel meetings in the New Road Gospel Hall. This assembly was formed 100 years ago.

Republic of Ireland

Dublin: Robert Plant visited the assembly in October for the special Saturday gospel meeting, and also for the Sunday school and gospel on Lord’s Day. Please pray for the unsaved who attended these meetings.

Longford: The annual prize giving was held in October when Tom Meekin gave a fitting message to the children, some of whom attended for the first time. The assembly plans, God willing, to have Robert Plant for a short series of children’s meetings in November. Please pray for blessing.


Monrovia-Downey. CA

January 3-5, 2014, at the Monrovia Gospel Hall. Prayer Meeting at 7:30pm on Friday, January 3. Meetings all day on Saturday, and on Sunday afternoon. The conference will be primarily in a Bible reading format focused on the book of 1 Peter. Contact is Reuben Thropay, Tel: 626 826-8777; or E-mail: rcjx4thropay@verizon.net.

Conferences Previously Published

Saugus, MA – December 7-8

Sudbury, ON – December 14-15

Pennsauken, NJ – January 4-5

Change of Address

Neal and Alice Thomson, c/o 7189 – 10th Avenue, Burnaby, BC, V3N 2R6.

Jim and Edythe Currie, #427, 21616 – 52nd Avenue, Langley, BC, V0N 1H1.


Jean Farnsworth of Huntsville, ON, on April 18, 2013, age 86. Jean was saved as a young married woman in 1951 in the Huntsville Gospel Hall during a time of revival in that area. Together with her husband, Gordon, they enjoyed fellowship in that assembly for 60 years. They were extremely hospitable, entertaining many Christians in their home on the Muskoka River. She was devoted to the assembly and taught Sunday school for many years. After the death of her husband in 2009, she moved to Elim Homes and was in fellowship in the Waubaushene assembly for the last three years of her life. She leaves 4 daughters and sons-in-law, 12 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren. The funeral was taken by her grandson, Stephen Fletcher, and shared by family members.

Pearl Hierlihy Parker of Hebron, PE, on May 27, age 86. Saved at 12, Pearl was in happy fellowship at the Springfield West assembly, O’Leary. Unfeigned care for others and a quiet demeanor described her character and personality. No stranger to sorrow, her first husband, Foster, died tragically in a farm accident in 1980. They had 3 sons and 5 daughters, better known as “Pearl’s girls,” 26 grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren, and 3 great-great-grandchildren. She then enjoyed a second marriage to Sidney Parker until his homecall in 1992. Pearl’s priority was the assembly until failing health prevented her from attending. The large funeral service was shared by grandson, Darrell Raynor, and Peter Ramsay and Robert McIlwaine, with words of comfort at the graveside by James McClelland.

Vera Patrick of Garnavillo, IA, on June 29, age 87, after suffering for many years from the effects of diabetes. She was a faithful sister in the assembly and the wife of Gene Patrick for 65 years; he survives her in the fellowship at Garnavillo. She was saved on November 11, 1946 in meetings held by the late H. Dobson and L. McBain. Joel Portman spoke at her funeral and at the graveside.

Lillian Jean Burrows of Pennsauken, NJ, on October 8, after a lengthy time of patient suffering borne. She was born July 15, 1941, and saved on January 4, 1954 at a conference in Haddon Heights, NJ, after hearing Mr. Sam Rae preach on the dying malefactor of Luke 23. The words of Romans 10:9, which Mr. Rae quoted, were a great help to her. Her life was marked by a deep concern for the salvation of others, particularly her nieces and nephews, many of whom are now saved. She was known for her compassion, faithfulness, and genuine character. Don Draper, Verlandieu Marcellus, and Gene Higgins took the funeral service. She will be greatly missed in the Pennsauken assembly where she fellowshipped for more than 50 years.

Martin Prins of Sarnia, ON, on September 27, age 85. Martin was born into a very religious family in the Netherlands and immigrated to Canada in 1948. It was in Sarnia that he heard for the first time that a person can know for sure they will be in heaven. He began attending gospel meetings held by Norman Crawford and Lorne McBain and was saved through John 3:16 on February 12, 1949, while holding a bag of feed in his hands at the mill. He was in assembly fellowship for many years and was marked by a continued appreciation of the Lord Jesus. He suffered greatly with Parkinson’s in the last years of his life. His wife of 55 years, Mary, and all of his family miss him very much and look forward to that glad reunion day. The funeral service was shared by his sons and the graveside service was taken by Max McLean.

Howard Olson of San Diego, CA, on October 3, age 83, after a lengthy illness during which he was lovingly cared for by his wife, Joyce. Howard was born on April 2, 1930 and was saved in 1961 while serving in the US Navy. Howard and Joyce came to San Diego in 1967, a year after their marriage. He was in the assembly for 46 years and was a great supporter of gospel meetings as well as a most generous person. He is missed by his family and friends.

Donald A. Stewart of Toronto, ON, on October 9, age 86. He was patient and accepting of his condition over the last year and a half.  Don was saved at the age of 14, March 2, 1941 in Bolton, ON. For years he was an elder at the Eglinton Gospel Hall, sharing in the responsibilities of that assembly and in Sunday school and Bible study. He continued to be involved as an elder up until quite recently.  Don and Dorothy were a great team in entertaining the Lord’s people, young and old alike. Memories were shared by the family at the large funeral. Bryan Joyce and Stephen Vance spoke words of comfort at the graveside. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Dorothy, and his six children and their families.

Garland Simmonds of Toronto, ON, on October 15, age 87. Born and raised in rural Newfoundland, he initially heard the gospel in his early 50’s and professed salvation on September 26, 1981 at the age of 55. He was received into fellowship at Bloomfield Gospel Hall, and later moved to Toronto where he fellowshipped at Victoria Park Gospel Hall until his home-call. The funeral in Newfoundland was shared by Alex Stephenson and Garland’s son, Lionel, who also took the memorial service in Toronto. On both occasions the gospel was faithfully preached. He leaves behind his loving wife of 61 years, Mildred, and their 7 children, 13 grandchildren, and 6 great-grandchildren.

Grace Paulson of Fresno, CA, on October 20, age 85. She was saved early in life in Chicago, IL and gathered in assembly fellowship there before moving to Fresno in 1962. She was predeceased by her husband, Eugene, some years ago. She is survived by two sons, one daughter, and one granddaughter, for whom prayer is requested. The graveside service was taken by Robert Leerhoff.

Peggy Kalaski of Vancouver, BC, on October 21. Peggy was born in Poland in 1915 and immigrated to Canada in 1927, accompanied by her mother, Sofie, and brother, Peter. The family joined Peggy’s father who had immigrated earlier to establish a farm in Alberta. Peggy eventually moved to British Columbia where she established a home with her husband John. They were introduced to the gospel by many caring individuals including Mr. Cecil Copp. Peggy and John were baptized at Woodland Drive Gospel Hall and later attended South Main Gospel for many years. Peggy is survived by her son David, and grandchildren Karen, Ian, and Elizabeth.

Gloria Henrietta Hicks of Toronto, ON, on October 24, in her 61st year. Gloria was saved in 1969 and received into fellowship in Chapman Valley, ON. In the early 1980s, she moved to Toronto and was in fellowship in the Lansing assembly until her home-call. She was a quiet sister, but an encourager. The many practical things she did around the hall were noticed and appreciated. Her deep desire to see her family saved was evident and she will be greatly missed. She leaves behind her dear mother, age 95, sister Linda, and two brothers, Gerry and Bob, all of whom are believers. Please pray for one unsaved niece and other unsaved relatives. The funeral service in Chapman Valley was taken by Fred Krauss, Bruce Peat, and Michael Pears, with others sharing happy memories.

Isobel Telfer of Toronto, ON, on October 31, from Bethany Lodge, after a brief illness. She was saved over 70 years ago during meetings in the Highfield Road assembly. She later gathered with the saints at Eglinton for many years, active in the Sunday school and Ladies Missionary Class. In recent years while at Bethany, she met with the saints at Unionville. She leaves two sisters and a brother to mourn her passing.  A large number attended the service shared by family members. Sam Taufeek brought words of comfort from the Scriptures.