Fort McMurray: John and Linda Fitzpatrick were with the assembly September 8-10. John had three sessions of ministry and shared in the gospel. A brother was baptized on September 28, bringing joy to the saints. He was the object of much prayer for many years and trusted Christ three years ago.
British Columbia
Surrey: The Fleetwood assembly followed up last year’s gospel series with a three-week effort in September with Marvin Derksen and Peter Ramsay. There was some response from the community as a result of several thousand invitations sent out. Pray that the gospel, earnestly preached, will yield fruit in salvation.
Winnipeg: The assembly that gathered for 81 years at West End Gospel Hall is now gathering at a newly renovated building: Parkview Street Gospel Hall. Please see Updates for details.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander: Gaius Goff was here for ministry on September 3-4. The assembly is planning a six-week series of Monday night children’s meetings starting October 21 with local brethren. These short Monday night series held in the spring and fall of each year for the past few years have yielded good response.
Gander Bay: Bryan Funston, visiting with his wife Elizabeth, gave an encouraging message in September about the Lord’s work. Gaius and Linda Goff were here September 23-25. Our brother gave very profitable ministry on “Christian Ethics According to Scripture.”
Sandringham: Gaius Goff was here for ministry August 29. Bryan and Elizabeth Funston visited for the weekend of September 8. These visits were appreciated by the saints.
West Coast: The assemblies on the west coast of NL appreciated the ministry of Gaius Goff over the month of September. He has been faithful in bringing the Word of God from year to year. Jack Gould gave appreciated ministry in Corner Brook on September 15 while visiting with his uncle and aunt, Bert and Emily Joyce.
Barrie: Over the past year, the assembly has had a series of ministry meetings for 3-5 nights every couple of months. This has worked well with the help of Gerard Roy, Bert Snipe, Frank Sona, Steven Vance, and William Skates. Also, good help has been given by Larry Steers, Fred Krauss, Eric Fowler, Brian Owen, and Alvin Cook. Lorne Langfield had a booth at the Barrie Fair at the end of summer. The fair was held in a different location this year with smaller attendance, but invitations were distributed and valuable conversations held. Through the fall and winter months, a Tuesday youth outreach is held in a public school with very encouraging numbers of children and some parents attending.
Earlton: In late August, the assembly had a series of ministry meetings with Douglas Yade of Kirkland Lake who gave an interesting, practical perspective of assembly truth. In September, Alvin Cook had a booth at the New Liskeard Fair with many good conversations and contacts made.
Englehart: The Teens-n-Tweens monthly outreach in September saw almost 40 youths attend a dinner. Many are teenagers from the community who have no church affiliation but come to these monthly evening meetings.
Kirkland Lake: Norman Lorimer gave appreciated help in the ministry and gospel, and then visited Charlton, Earlton, and Englehart, giving encouraging ministry in each place.
Kitchener: The assembly had practical, encouraging, and challenging ministry at their half-day meeting in September. The speakers were David Vallance and Andrew Ussher. The topics were timely: Can Apologetics Help?; Developing Convictions and Faithful Conduct; and What Does it Mean to Have a Relationship with God?
The assembly recently had a week of children’s meetings. The gospel was clearly presented in a simple manner to 60-80 children nightly, along with some parents. Much effort was well rewarded. Pray for a gospel series in late October.
Ottawa: In early July, Shawn St. Clair spoke to 40 children who attended the week-long Upwards! children’s camp. This full-day camp included a variety of activities as well as two half-hour sessions of Bible teaching each day. Shawn also preached the gospel at a community outreach supper to which a number of visitors came, including some from a nearby homeless shelter. Frank Sona visited for three nights of appreciated ministry.
For the fourth year in a row, a Seed Sowers group visited Ottawa. With more than one million souls living in the area, it was impressive that these young people delivered close to 350,000 texts, tracts, and invitations to homes.
Sarnia: The assembly was encouraged in August when David Hierlihy and another brother conducted a three-week tent series. There was great attendance on the part the assembly and community, and five souls professed faith in Christ.
Straffordville: The assembly’s monthly fellowship supper was moved to the Village Park Pavilion for the summer months. The gospel meetings in the Straffordville Park were encouraging. Up to 25 visitors who would not normally come to the hall came to hear the gospel. The weekly Youth Outreach Program continues to attract 35-45 teens. In August, the assembly put up a tent at the Straffordville Annual Watermelon Festival, with good response. The young people also covered the village with invitations to Pathfinders; this commenced the beginning of September. The attendance has been most encouraging with about 130 the first night, including approximately 20 parents. Dave and Yvonne Patten continue three weekly Bible studies in various homes of former Mennonites where assembly teaching has resulted in additions to the assembly fellowship. Counseling opportunities have been an excellent method of making new contacts, many of them referrals from various Mennonite churches. Some of these have professed salvation.
Sudbury: The assembly appreciated a visit from Jim Beattie with three nights of ministry on the book of Ruth.
Thedford: For the third summer season, the two assemblies meeting in Grand Bend and Lake Shore convened tent meetings here. Marvin Derksen and Andrew Robertson joined in this series. A woman living in the town professed during the three weeks.
Welland: Lorne Langfeld and Brian Owen came in September to help in the gospel outreach work at the Niagara Regional Exhibition.
Venosta: Alvin Cook and Murray Pratt commenced gospel meetings here September 22.
Augusta: John Stubbs visited for a weekend of ministry, October 5, 6, and spoke on: The Assembling of Saints – the Rapture; The Assessing of the saints – the Judgment Seat; The Adorning of Saints – the Marriage Supper. His ministry was excellent and deeply appreciated.
Battle Creek: Recently the saints enjoyed an evening of ministry from David Richards of Vancouver, BC.
Ferndale: The assembly enjoyed a visit from Tom Lutley of Uruguay. Please pray for the ongoing work there, especially that God would preserve the assemblies from compromising NT assembly truths with ecumenical error. The saints appreciated the preaching of William Lavery and Frank Sona during the month of September. Lord willing, a week of ministry meetings in December is planned with Frank Sona on the book of Ruth.
Deckerville: Jim Beattie gave heartwarming and encouraging ministry on several Thursday nights. The meetings were well supported by surrounding assemblies. Bill Metcalf came for a Lord’s Day and gave appreciated ministry. David Richards came for a visit and gave encouraging ministry and a report on his work in Russia.
Jackson: Gospel meetings during the month of August with Jonathan Procopio and John Meekin were very well attended, with a number of visitors returning on a regular basis. Three are known to have trusted Christ and a number discovered they were not ready for heaven.
Saginaw: David Richards visited August on 28 with appreciated ministry. William Lavery visited the saints giving sound ministry on September 11. Bruce Cottrill and Jim Smith provided excellent ministry and gospel at the bi-monthly ministry meeting on October 6. The Cass City assembly held a baptism for a young brother following this meeting, drawing excellent attendance.
Omaha: Seven young believers recently were baptized in obedience to God’s Word. It was witnessed by a large crowd and brought great joy to the saints.
New Jersey
Midland Park: The assembly has been encouraged in having three young believers ask for baptism and one of them for fellowship in the assembly. The 72nd annual conference was held over the final weekend of September and was a blessing to many. Brethren present were helped in ministry and gospel, and some young believers spoke of receiving help from the ministry. The conference messages may be found at
Barrington: John Stubbs was with the assembly, Sept 30-Oct 4th, and had excellent ministry on “Portraits of the Perfect Servant” from the gospel of Mark.
Bryn Mawr: The assembly distributed gospel literature and Bibles at the annual Bryn Mawr Day in September. Children enjoyed coloring a gospel text on a T-shirt that they took home with them.
Cancun: Daniel Ortega (Mexico City) was able to give appreciated help in the work here. After he left, Tim Woodford arrived and began helpful ministry meetings on “The Person of the Holy Spirit.”
Ciudad del Carmen: The assembly was to receive a devoted, elderly sister to the fellowship, but the Lord called her home to heaven. Just a few days later, her 60-year-old son, severely handicapped from a near drowning experience he had when he was a boy, also passed away very suddenly. Please pray for other family members, recently saved, who have expressed an interest in baptism and assembly fellowship.
Chihuahua: A group of nine Venezuelan believers visited for several weeks to give much appreciated help. The conference was a source of much joy to all, and God blessed in salvation. John Dennison, Oscar Hernández (East LA), Shad Kember, Daniel Vargas (Venezuela), Jason Wahls, and Timothy Woodford helped in the meetings of the conference. While Alberto Cervini (Venezuela) spoke to the children, a woman trusted Christ as Savior. Following the conference, gospel meetings began in El Porvenir, and has been very encouraged with the attendance.
El Barril: At the Chihuahua conference, Jason Wahls, helped by John Dennison, began a special series of gospel meetings. One woman has professed faith in Christ. Attendance has been very encouraging.
Iguala: Two professed faith early in the special series held by Duncan Beckett and Abisai Vieyra. Please pray for the landlords of the Becketts, as they have attended nightly for over a week and show interest.
Tepic: The assembly here and in Santiago Ixcuintla appreciated the visit of Marcus Cain, who was in the area for several days. Two young men obeyed the Lord in baptism in Tepic during brother Cain’s visit.
Zamora: After the passing of a dear widow in assembly fellowship, the assembly took advantage of the interest expressed by some unsaved, and had nine nights of gospel meetings. (The erroneous religious custom here is to have nine nights of prayer for the release of the departed soul from purgatory.)
Zapopan: Jonathan Seed and Paul Thiessen rented a building on the south side of the Guadalajara area, and began preaching the gospel. A number of people responded to invitations given out in the area. There are some believers living here who are in fellowship in the Zapopan assembly that meets on the north side.
Ken and Doris Taylor, with a group of five young brethren, David McClelland (NS), Verlandieu Marcellus (NJ), Justin Brazeau (ON), and Daniel and Benjamin Barbour (NL), made a one week visit during mid-August to Cap Haitian, a city with a population of 190,000 in the north of Haiti, to distribute Seed Sower texts, gospel tracts, booklets, and New Testaments printed in French and Creole. They had the pleasure of speaking about the gospel and salvation with many people on the streets and holding open-air meetings in two public parks. There was an excellent reception of the texts and gospel literature in Cap Haitian and two adjoining villages, and a respectful hearing for the preaching of the Word. Verlandieu remained for a few days to travel across the country to renew contacts in the town of St. Michel de l’Attalaye. The Lord graciously undertook in every aspect of the visit including travel to and in the country, safety in the streets, and preservation from injury, mishap, and sickness. The prayers of the Lord’s people would be appreciated for blessing upon the good seed sown and direction for further gospel outreach in the country.
Republic of Ireland
Dublin: A good number of unsaved attended the gospel meetings conducted by Gene Higgins in September in the Rathmines Gospel Hall. Some showed consistent interest and some heard the gospel for the first time. Homes in the district received invitations and the believers appreciated help in this work from young believers from many parts of Ireland. Midway through the short series, one sister obeyed the Lord in baptism and a large crowd attended, including an elderly Roman Catholic priest. The assembly also appreciated an extended visit from an Indian evangelist, George Matthew, with some blessing. Please pray for continued blessing as the seed is sown in this district.
Special Notice
T&T purposes to publish a list of 2014 conferences in the December issue; this will include dates only in order to facilitate long-range planning for individuals and assemblies. Assembly correspondents are asked to notify the news editor (see inside cover) to confirm the conference dates by November 4th. Detailed conference notices will continue to be published on a monthly basis when submitted. It is recommended that these be received two to three months in advance of the conference by the 4th of the month.
Sudbury, ON
December 14-15, in the Gospel Hall, 215 Alder Street. Saturday: Ministry 2 to 5pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 11:30am, Ministry 2 to 5pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Corr: Walter Foreshew, Tel: 705 855-3996. Accom: Don Carlyle, Tel: 705 983-2428.
Pennsauken, NJ
January 4–5, in Haddonfield Middle School, Lincoln and Chestnut Aves., Haddonfield, NJ. Prayer Meeting, Friday, January 3, 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 6530 Caroline Ave. at Rte. 38 near Rte. 70, Pennsauken; Tel: 856 662-1201. Corr: David A. Curran, 326 Windsor Ave., Haddonfield, NJ 08033-1142; Tel. 856 429-4443; E-mail:
Conferences Previously Published:
Newington, CT – November 2-3
Alpena, AR – November 2-3
London, ON – November 2-3
Saskatoon, SK – November 2-3
St. John’s, NL – November 1-3
Blues Mills, NS – November 9-10
Bryn Mawr, PA – November 9-10
Oil Springs, ON – November 9-10
Oshawa, ON – November 9
Brampton, ON – November 16-17
Maberly, ON – November 30
Phoenix, AZ – November 28-December 1
Saugus, MA – December 7-8
Change of Address
Winnipeg: Parkview Street Gospel Hall, at 234 Parkview Street, Winnipeg, MB R3J 1S3 (formerly West End Gospel Hall). Meeting times are unchanged.
Eleonor Mosquera – Calle Prof. Angel Arreola 82, Colonia Valle Dorado, 83175 Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
Abisai and Carmen Vieyra – Andador Tixtla # 6, Col. Vicente Guerrero 200, 40050 Iguala, Guerrero, Mexico. Tel: + 52 (733) 332 03 03; E-mail:
Change of Correspondent
Charlottetown: Brian MacDonald, 25 MacRae Dr., Cornwall, PE, C0A1H0. Tel: 902 566-3831; E-mail:
Change of Address of Correspondent
Lakeshore Gospel Hall: Russell Fuller, 8731 Freeman St., Lambton Shores, ON, N0N 1J7.
Willis Edgar Switzer, Clinton, ON, on August 13, in his 85th year. He was saved at Bayfield, ON in 1955 and later saw the truth of being gathered with the Lord’s people; he was in fellowship first at Guelph, and then at Clinton. Although diagnosed with pancreatic cancer almost two years earlier, he loved to be present at the Breaking of Bread until hospitalized during his last six weeks. He was an esteemed, quiet, godly elder in the assembly at Joseph Street for almost 50 years. He had an excellent testimony in the Bayfield farming community. Pray for his lonely widow, Winnifred, a true helpmeet who remains confined to a retirement home in Goderich, ON. The large funeral, with many of their farm neighbors present, was held at the Gospel Hall. Larry Steers and Alex Dryburg, with faithful, fitting messages, shared the funeral service and graveside committal.
Constance (Connie) Weatherbee of Pugwash Junction, NS, on August 22, age 95. Our sister was saved on June 13, 1934 as a girl of 16 years through the truth of Isaiah 53:5 during gospel meetings held by the late David Kirk and David Leitham. She was faithful to the assembly and the work of the Lord. Connie, who never married, was the last surviving member of her immediate family. She was predeceased by her only brother, Kenneth, one and a half years ago. The funeral and burial services were shared by David Hunt and Brody Thibodeau.
Pearl Scott, of Freetown, PE, on August 26, age 86 years. Widow of the late Raymond Scott, she was born on October 19, 1926 and was born again in 1955. In 1974, Pearl moved home to the Island, and since then was in the fellowship of the Freetown assembly. She was a kind, quiet, and godly sister who was very faithful to God’s assembly and in regular attendance at the meetings as long as health permitted. Though in failing health for a number of years, the Lord called her Home quite suddenly. She is survived by two daughters, one son, two grandchildren, their spouses, and five great-grandchildren, some of whom are in assembly fellowship. The funeral service was shared by Scott MacLeod and Murray McCandless; Scott MacLeod also spoke at the grave. Please pray for her family as they mourn the loss of a dear mother.
Jemima Kersey of Lambton Shores, ON, on September 15, age 91, beloved wife of the late Hugh John Kersey (1998) passed peacefully into the presence of her Lord. She continued steadfastly at Lake Shore Gospel Hall until failing health prevented regular attendance. Her hearty, cheerful laughter will be missed. She is survived by three daughters and two sons and their families. Prayer for some of the extended family would be appreciated. The funeral service was taken by Wm Metcalf, a long-time friend of the family, with Larry Schade speaking words of comfort at the graveside.
Hugh T. Ardis of N. Ireland, on September 18, in his 99th year. He was saved at 41 through John 3:16 while digging turf in a bog, about three days after his wife, May, was saved. He had a constant interest in the gospel, possessing an exceptional ability to engage in gospel dialogue with people from every walk of life. He was predeceased by his wife 31 years ago and leaves his family of eight sons, three daughters, 47 grandchildren, and 44 great-grandchildren. He was a faithful supporter of assembly activities while physically able, in Newtownhamilton, Co. Armagh, where he was in fellowship since shortly after his conversion. He was lovingly cared for by his son, Goodlet (Deirdre) for the last 13 years. A large number attended the funeral at his son Goodlet’s home. The service was taken by Jim Black, with Bertie Rogers praying; at the graveside, W. J. Nesbitt delivered a clear gospel message and Joe Preston concluded in prayer.