Fort McMurray: The annual Sunday school picnic was held on June 2 with the largest attendance of adults and children to date. A local brother gave the message.
British Columbia
Burnaby: Stan Wells was with the South Burnaby assembly from the end of May and all of June ministering the Word on Sunday mornings on the Dispensations, and on Tuesday nights on the Psalms. In 2012, four have been baptized, and six from the youth outreach have professed salvation. Also, the husband of a sister in the assembly, who had been opposed to the gospel for many years, recently professed to be saved.
Vancouver: Paul and Daphne Chapman visited the Victoria Drive and West Richmond assemblies on their way from their native Australia to resume their labors in Venezuela.
Surrey: The Cloverdale Rodeo was held over the Victoria Day long weekend where a gospel booth was set up. This has been an exercise for the past several years as a good opportunity for gospel outreach.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander Bay: The saints were encouraged by the very practical and much needed ministry given at the annual conference held over the Victoria Day weekend. There was a good number of visitors from various assemblies across the island. Speakers were Wallace Buckle, Noel Burden, Edward Dredge, Steve Joyce, Scott MacLeod, and David Swan. Mr. Bert Joyce gave help in the Bible study. Gospel meetings commenced following the conference with W. Buckle and N. Burden. Your prayers are coveted for this special gospel effort.
Seal Cove: Noel Burden was with the assembly for a Lord’s Day and Monday night ministry in May.
Clinton: The assembly recently enjoyed a missionary report and ministry from Kyle Wilson (Nicaragua), and was also thankful for the recent baptism of a young believer. Please pray for a gospel tent series to be held July 8-27, D.V., at Lions Park, south of Clinton on #4 Highway, each night at 7:30pm. There will be one week of children’s meetings in the tent, July 9-13. Speakers expected are Peter Ramsay and Mark Bachert. Also, please pray for the distribution of gospel literature at the Clinton Spring Fair in June.
Chico: The assembly greatly appreciated a visit by A. J. Higgins in May for a series of seven sessions covering valuable lessons on stages of Christian life. Local believers and visitors voiced their appreciation for practical and timely truth. The ministry was excellent as reflected in the attendance. The hall just reopened in time for the mini-conference after extensive remodeling. The saints were also encouraged by attendance at their recent open house. A large number of the construction workers who worked on the hall, as well as neighbors, were invited and the turnout was quite positive.
Saugus: Gene Higgins spent three weeks in the gospel using his chart on “The Impact of the Bible and Christianity on World History.” A good number were in attendance with some having interest. The assembly rejoiced to see one come to Christ, and are praying for others for whom they are exercised. There was a good number in attendance at the conference in June. A. J. Higgins, W. Seale, and J. Smith were responsible for the readings covering the book of Philippians. The ministry and the readings proved helpful to God’s people. The gospel was faithfully presented by W. Seale and J. Smith, and the meetings were opened in testimony by Allan Valvano (Livingston, NJ) and Gordon Ramsay (Newington, CT). W. Seale spoke to the children at Sunday school.
Battle Creek: The Christians appreciated a visit and ministry from Larry Buote in May.
Cass City: Jim Smith had helpful ministry meetings May 13-20 using the Egypt to Canaan chart. These meetings were well-attended by the Deckerville and Saginaw assemblies, and were an encouragement to all the saints. The assembly plans, Lord willing, to hold gospel tent meetings June 11-22 with Jack Nesbitt and Bruce Cottrill.
Deckerville: In the beginning of May, Bill Metcalf gave encouraging ministry to the saints here. At the end of May Larry Buote gave ministry on angels. The meetings were attended by neighboring assemblies.
Saginaw: Larry Buote and Bill Metcalf were present for the bimonthly ministry meeting June 3. The saints were refreshed.
Chihuahua: The saints were encouraged with the attendance of children and young people, as well as a few adults, in meetings he had in the outreach work of El Porvenir.
Ciudad del Carmen: Two weeks of gospel meetings were held in May on this island. A few unsaved listened with interest, including a woman who, years ago, murdered her own husband.
El Barril: While on a visit to Mexico, Ron Wahls (Garnavillo) visited many contacts in this town with his son Jason who has labored in the gospel here.
Ciudad Obregón: Duncan and Anna Beckett were with the believers for two weeks, giving appreciated help. During their time there, two new believers were baptized.
Hermosillo: Abisaí Vieyra and Jesse Klein had four weeks of gospel meetings in the north of the city, helped by other brethren as well. Children’s meetings were held for the first two weeks.
Iguala: Shad Kember and Milton Jaime (San Diego) visited here again in this new work in southern Mexico and had the joy of seeing God reach a few souls. There was also joy when another couple was baptized. There is still interest among several unsaved in this city. While in the area, they stopped in the city of Toluca, as well as in Ixtapalapa in Mexico City, to visit some contacts. Lord willing, our brother Kember plans to return to Iguala on June 26 accompanied by Marcus and Alison Cain.
Ixtapa: The conference at the beginning of May exceeded the expected attendance. James Dyck, Chucho Gomez (Zamora), Timothy Stevenson, Jonathan Seed, and Paul Thiessen shared in the ministry and gospel preaching. One sister obeyed the Lord in baptism.
Paraiso: David and Diego Alves visited this small Mayan village in May. They rejoiced to find that another young couple had trusted Christ as Savior. Please pray for gospel meetings with Timothy Stevenson to start on July 7, Lord willing.
San Luís Río Colorado: Abisaí Vieyra and Juan Briano (both from Hermosillo) spent a few days helping in the work, both in gospel and ministry.
Santiago: Along with his wife Emily, Jesse Klein spent ten days here helping in ministry, gospel preaching, and hall construction.
Veracruz: Over the weekend of May 25-27 the vital and sound Biblical teaching given on marriage and the family . The strong interest and the variety of contacts present at the meetings held in both the port of Veracruz and the town of Cotaxtla gave joy and encouragement.
N. Ireland
Armagh: John Fleck was with the assembly for a week of very helpful ministry in May.
Ballinmallard, Ballyclare, and Bellaghy: In each of these assemblies during May, David Gilliland had one week of ministry which was most instructive and helpful.
Ballymena: Frank Sona (USA) was with the Cambridge Avenue assembly for one night of ministry, and with the Glengormley assembly for three nights of ministry in April. His short visits were appreciated.
Belfast: John Rogers and Paul McCauley had encouraging gospel meetings in the Cregagh Street assembly and saw the Lord’s hand in blessing. Gospel meetings in the Ebenezer assembly with David Williamson and Paul Andrews were followed by meetings in Albertbridge where David Williamson was joined by K. Newell of Kilkeel. These three inner city assemblies were once large companies but are now reduced in numbers.
Broughshane: For seven weeks, Wesley Martin and Elton Fairfield (Japan) have had very well-attended meetings in a portable hall in association with this assembly. A number from the area have attended as well as the many young people connected to the believers. Blessing has been seen.
Castlewellan , Co. Down: The small assembly hired a public hall for three weeks of gospel meetings with David Gilliland and Stephen Gilfillen. They, and the assembly, were encouraged in seeing a number of local people present to hear the way of salvation.
Kingsmoss, Co. Antrim: Malcolm Radcliffe and Paul McCauley are to commence gospel meetings with the assembly at the end of May.
Strabane, Co. Tyrone: Gary Woods and David McAllister have been preaching the gospel a few miles from here.
Tivaconaway, Co. Londonderry: Sam Maze and Bobbie Eadie concluded nine weeks of gospel meeting and saw blessing.
Republic of Ireland
Bridgetown: The assembly was very encouraged in May to see two young brethren received into fellowship. Gilbert Stewart and David McAllister are planning to have gospel meetings in a community hall near Donegal town in June and July Lord willing.
Dublin: The Rathmines assembly held its annual conference May 5-6.The numbers attending have continued to increase and the ministry given was much appreciated. The speakers were Elton Fairfield (Japan), Jack Hay, Josh Jacobs, W. J. Nesbitt, Tom McNeill, and Robin McKeown. The gospel meeting on Lord’s Day was well-attended and the Lord gave help.
Westbank, BC
August 4-5, with Prayer Meeting on August 3 at 7:30pm in the Highway Gospel Hall, 2549 Hebert Road, Westbank. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (Ephesians 1), Ministry 2:30pm, Ministry/Gospel 7pm, Sing 9pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Sunday school 11:15am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7:15pm. Meals will be provided. Please contact in advance for accommodation. Corr: Glenn Griffin, 3344 Elliott Road, Westbank, BC V4T 1P2. Tel: 250 768-3343; E-mail:
Fort McMurray, AB
August 24-26. All meetings will be held in the Seniors Activity Centre starting Friday at 7:30pm. Expected speakers are Stan Wells, Bryon Meyers, Marvin Derksen, and Jack Gould. Corr: Sam Payne, E-mail:
Akron, OH
September 1-2, in Copley High School, 3797 Ridgewood Road, Copley. Friday: Prayer 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 2705 Smith Rd.; Tel: 330 867-3818. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 1pm (for young believers on the subject of “Choices”). Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am. Accom: David Metcalf, 3228 Blake Rd., Wadsworth, OH 44281; Tel: 330 334-9691; E-mail: Corr: Kenneth Webb, P.O. Box 13350, Akron, OH 44334; Tel: 330 666-9466; E-mail:
Arlington/Marysville, WA
September 1-3, the 100th Labor Day Conference in the Arlington Gospel Hall, with prayer, Friday, August 31 at 7pm. The Bible Studies are on the Person of Christ. Saturday: Christ the Son; Sunday: Christ the Savior; Monday: Christ the Sympathizer. Dan Shutt, Mark Bachert, and others are expected. Accom: Phil Kazen, Tel: 360 659-4611; or Jim Klein, Tel: 360 435-6611.
Beetown, WI
September 3, Labor Day all-day meeting in the Lancaster Senior High auditorium, 806 E. Elm St, Lancaster, WI. Meetings begin at 10am. Corr: Marvin Studnicka, 1026 Ridge Ave., Lancaster, WI 53813. Tel: 608 723-7156.
Kansas City, MO
September 1-2, in the Gospel Hall, 4603 E. Linwood Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64128, Tel: 816 924-6346. Friday, August 31: Prayer meeting 7pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 9:30am (1Timothy 4:1-16), Breaking of Bread 11am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Corr: Leroy Scott, 597 NW AA Hwy, Kingsville, MO 64061, Tel: 816 739-1686.
Sault Ste. Marie, MI/ON
September 7-9, in the Gospel Hall, 475 Wellington St. East, Sault Ste. Marie, ON. Friday: Prayer meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Meetings 10am, 1:30pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: 10:15am, 1:30pm, 3:30pm , 7pm. Bible readings 1:30pm both days (John 16 and 17). Contact: David West, Tel: 705 945-9245, E-mail: Hall Tel: 705 949-1101.
Clinton, ON
September 29-30 Annual Fall Conference to be held at the Gospel Hall, 143 Joseph St., Clinton, ON, with Prayer Meeting, Friday, September 28 at 7pm. Saturday: Ministry beginning at 10:30am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am. For information or accommodation: Larry Schade, Tel: 519 348-9408, E-mail:; or Keith Bachert, Tel: 519 526-7135, E-mail:
Conference Reminders:
Kamloops, BC – June 30-July 1
Pugwash Junction, NS – June 30-July 1
Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Earlton, Charlton, ON – June 30-July1
Sioux City, IA – July 15
Clinton, ON – July 21
Change in Meeting Times
Kansas City, MO: Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30-10:30am, Ministry 10:45-11:30am, Sunday School 11:30-12 noon, Gospel 6-7pm. Wednesday: Prayer/Bible Reading 7-8pm.
Frances Helen Grob of Akron, OH, on December 19, 2011, age 86. She was predeceased by her husband Richard in 2006. Our beloved sister was born in Cleveland to believing parents and heard the gospel from her youth. God spoke to her at the age of eight and she was led to the Savior through Isaiah 53:10 – “Thou shalt make His soul an offering for sin.” She married Richard in 1946 and they were blessed with three sons. Fran was in fellowship in Addison Road and Monticello Gospel Hall before moving to Akron. She loved the Lord and was diligent in witnessing to friends and neighbors. The last year she resided at Rest Haven Homes in Grand Rapids, MI where she received excellent care. The service was shared by two sons, David and DonaldDonald; Kenneth Webb spoke words of comfort and preached the gospel.
Rosemary Robinson of Applewood Heights, ON, on April 13, age 62. After a two-year struggle with cancer, she passed peacefully into the presence of the Lord from Mississauga Hospital. Born in Arnstein, ON, she came to Toronto where her parents were in fellowship in the Mimico assembly. She was saved at 16 following the Sunday night gospel meeting of the Toronto conference in 1966, came into fellowship in Mimico, and later married Donald Robinson. Together they served the assembly where Don became a valued overseer; their home was open for hospitality to the Lord’s people. In the past four years, health problems limited the activity of each of them and the assembly sorely missed them. The funeral was taken by Bruce Peat, Sterling Payne, and Paul Robinson who spoke words of comfort and salvation. The large number in attendance was a testimony to the respect in which she was held. Please pray for Donald, children David (Althea), Heather (Justin), Cheryl, grandchildren Emily, Madeleine, Natalie, and her mother, Doreen Hutchins. All keenly feel the loss.
J. D. Bowman of Hickory, NC, on May 9, age 92. J. D. first heard the clear gospel in 1951 when Oswald MacLeod pitched a tent on the lot next to J. D.’s house in Hickory. He and his wife, Mary Lou, were saved in 1957 during a gospel series held by Mr. MacLeod and Lorne McBain. Both were baptized soon after and received into fellowship in Hickory. J. D. worked in furniture manufacturing, and was also an avid gardener, often bringing produce from his garden for the believers to enjoy. They were faithful to the Hickory assembly, consistently attending all the assembly meetings up until their health prevented them from coming out. Mary Lou was taken home in 2010 after 68 years of marriage. J. D. was cared for by his daughters in his home until his passing. He is survived by a sister, two daughters, one grandson, three great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren. The funeral service was taken by John Setzer and Fred Dancy; the gospel was faithfully preached.
Edith Vivian Black of Pennsauken, NJ, on May 18 at 86 years of age. She was born in Camden, NJ on September 15, 1925 and saved as a young girl and was received into the fellowship of the Camden assembly. She was quiet and unassuming and in later years was in fellowship in Pennsauken. She is survived by her brothers-in-law as well as a niece and nephew. Her funeral was taken by David Curran, Don Draper, and Gene Higgins.