

British Columbia

Kamloops: The saints were greatly encouraged with the baptism of a young sister on February 20. She has been coming faithfully to the meetings and desires to go on for the Lord. A series of gospel meetings are planned beginning April 26 with Marvin Derksen and Peter Ramsay sharing in the preaching. We would appreciate prayer for this effort.

Vancouver: The assembly at Victoria Drive recently had the joy of baptizing two young sisters in the Lord in February. Please remember to pray for gospel meetings with John Fleck and Dan Shutt from April 19-24, spanning the Easter conference at the Burnaby South Secondary School in the Michael J. Fox Theatre.

Please remember in prayer our dear brother Bryan Funston who suffered another stroke recently.


Brandon: The assembly enjoyed two series of well-attended children’s meetings in recent months. The first was by Gary Sharp and the second by Pete Smith. Visits from Jack Gould and Andrew Bergsma were also appreciated.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Forteau: The Forteau and English Point assemblies finished four weeks of well-attended gospel meetings on February 25, with consistent support from the L’ance au Loup and Red Bay believers. Scott Macleod and Bryan Joyce joined the assembly and are thankful for the help of God throughout. During the meetings the assembly hosted a one-day conference with helpful ministry given by both brethren. Continue to pray that God in grace will save souls.

St. Johns:  The assembly purposes to have a gospel series with Marvin Derksen from March 6 to April 3. Prayer is valued for this effort in the gospel.

Nova Scotia

Weaver Settlement: The saints enjoyed five weeks of gospel meetings with David Hierlihy and Brody Thibodeau. Jonathan Procopio filled in for Brody in the fifth week. The Lord blessed in salvation.


Clinton: The saints were thankful for the encouraging attendance of parents and children at the annual Sunday School Treat. Gary Sharp presented a clear gospel message, followed by uplifting ministry on the Lord’s Day. The assembly also appreciated ministry given by Alex Dryburgh in January, with Mark Bachert sharing in the gospel. Recently, the saints are cheered by the consistent attendance of two visiting families.

Hamilton: The assembly had appreciated visits by Marvin Derksen and David Booth. Marvin had four ministry meetings on the “Anatomy of Spirituality” taking up the mind, the heart, the tongue, and the feet. David Booth had three meetings speaking on “The Believer’s Commitment.”

Sudbury: The saints enjoyed having Murray Pratt for their monthly ministry meeting in January. The assembly also had recent visits from Brian Owen and Bert Snippe and the ministry given was appreciated.


Arborfield: Peter Simms ministered with profit to the assembly here recently.

Taylorside: The saints appreciated a week of profitable ministry from Gaius Goff.



Alpena: The assembly enjoyed a visit by Louis Smith, who gave help with the meetings on a Lord’s Day in early February, just before his return trip to Siberia with Doug Yade and Allan Davidson. Please pray for the work in Siberia and for their preservation.


Phoenix: The assembly at Garfield St. enjoyed a visit from Robert McIlwaine at our ministry meeting on the last Lord’s Day of February, with an encouraging message from Psalm 23.

San Diego: The conference was larger this year. Helpful and encouraging ministry was given by T. Baker, M. Cain, J. Dennison, A. J. Higgins, W. Oliver, and D. Richards.


Byfield: Robert Surgenor gave a week of excellent ministry on the Person of Christ from the Gospel of John. Visits were also appreciated from Eric McCullough, Howard Barnes (England), and from Walter Gustafson for a Lord’s Day.


Cass City: Bruce Rodgers had three nights of encouraging ministry on the book of Romans.

Deckerville: The assembly had visits from Jim Beattie, Bruce Rodgers, and Bill Metcalf in January and February. The saints appreciated the uplifting and needed ministry.


Fridley: The saints from here and surrounding areas were encouraged by a February all-day meeting, with Joel Portman and Eric McCullough giving good ministry and speaking at the baptism of a 42-year-old man. He was received into fellowship two weeks later. Shortly after, one of this man’s cousins, a young lady of 19, expressed interest in fellowship and was received March 6.


Akron: Dr. David Vallance was with the assembly for the February area ministry meeting. He gave excellent teaching on the subjects of Separation and Satisfaction to the large number gathered.


Bryn Mawr: David Oliver and Paul Barnhardt commenced gospel meetings in the hall on February 3. Unfortunately, brother David had a fall from a ladder when hanging banners on the hall; he required surgery to repair a fracture in his left heel. Jack Coleman was willing to fill in on short notice to complete the two weeks of meetings. Brother Paul had canvassed the area over recent months and was able to get some local contacts to attend. The assembly was encouraged by the effort and the support of local assemblies.

Hatboro: David Oliver had two weeks of solemn gospel meetings here in early February.


Arlington: The saints were blessed as over 300 young people from Canada and the US listened to profitable ministry from Matthew Cain and Peter Ramsay over the President’s Day weekend. It was very encouraging to witness so many seeking to be steadfast and obedient to the will of God in these times, when the allure of the world is trying to take away our love for the Best of Masters: Our Great I Am! Also, please pray for our young couple, Jesse and Emily Klein, who, upon hearing the Call of the Lord, will step out in faith to bring the gospel to places in Mexico full-time DV. The saints in Arlington are encouraged by their willingness to trust the Lord in all their ways.


Ciudad Obregon: Duncan Beckett has rejoiced with his brethren here in seeing a few more souls confess Christ as Savior.

El Paraiso: J. Chovan and A. Dyck, of the Leamington, ON assembly, enjoyed fellowship with David Alves Jr. in a work that has begun as a result of contact with a migrant worker. Several adults heard the gospel in this rural Maya town on the Yucatán Peninsula.

El Barril: J. Wahls has appreciated the help of Joel Thiessen and Alberto Salomon (both of Zapopan), and T. Woodford in the ongoing meetings here that have gone on for nine weeks.

Los Reyes: The Zamora brethren enjoyed the company of P. Thiessen in a meeting in which the gospel was preached. Afterwards seven believers obeyed the Lord in baptism in this town where there is no assembly as yet.

San Juan: Local brethren have commenced the construction of a new hall.

San Luis: After eight weeks, the gospel series has shifted to selected evenings to also focus on visiting and teaching the new Christians.

Santiago: The assembly enjoyed three nights of ministry given by Carlos Gallegos (Coapinole). With the help of other brethren, J. Dyck is busy with the construction of the new hall.

New Zealand

A brother writes: “On February 22, an earthquake of magnitude 6.3 occurred very close to Christchurch resulting in extensive damage and multiple fatalities. It follows nearly six months after the 7.1 magnitude 2010 Canterbury earthquake that caused significant damage to the region, but no direct fatalities. As of March 1, 2011, at least 154 people are confirmed dead in the quake and more than 50 still reported as missing, making the earthquake one of the deadliest natural disasters recorded in New Zealand. Around 5,000 houses throughout the city and 60% of the buildings in the CBD have been condemned as unsafe for occupation.

So far as we are aware, there have been no believers in the Christchurch assemblies who have suffered physical injury or loss of life. However, there are many who have severe damage to their homes and property and await assessment as to the state of their houses. As well as the physical loss, many are affected by the emotional stress that has been on them since September 4, 2010, with almost 5,000 aftershocks, as well as the latest earthquake. Only two assemblies in the city area were able to meet to remember the Lord last Lord’s Day, and current information indicates that it could be some time before the central city assembly in Durham Street will be able to access the hall to hold meetings.

The earthquake has also caused a number of businesses to close down partly or completely; some believers may be affected by this. The believers in Christchurch would appreciate the prayers of the saints at this time.

Pray with us that the city and the country will be awakened to the temporary, passing nature of things and turn to God in their need, “for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2Cor 4:18).

As a city lies in damage and debris, how encouraging for us to remember “here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come” (Heb 13:14). Peter could write of “an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you” (1Peter 3:4).”

(A subsequent update indicates the death toll has now risen to 160 and projected to be nearer 240 when all bodies have been recovered. A March 2nd news report indicates that there have been 217 aftershocks with more than 25% of them being more than magnitude 4. There is also now an awareness of an elderly sister who suffered fractures of a shoulder, wrist, and knee as a result of being thrown about in her apartment.)

Northern Ireland

Armagh: J. Fleck and M. Turkington continue in the gospel here.

Ballynahinch: B. Currie and J. Palmer commenced gospel meetings February 27 in a portable hall.

Ballymena: J. Rogers and L. Craig were to commence in a portable hall on the Woodside Road in association with the Harryville assembly.

Banbridge: The gospel meetings in the Gospel Hall concluded March 4. Very large numbers attended and a middle-aged man professed to be saved. D. Gilliland and M. Radcliffe shared in this series.

Belfast: D. McGarvey and P. McAuley are to commence meetings March 20 in the Parkgate Gospel Hall, DV.

Clough: G. Woods and R. Reynolds started gospel meetings March 6.

Crosskeys: N. Fleck and T. Wright (both of Brazil) are expected to start a gospel series March 27 in a portable hall between Randlestown and Crosskeys. The three local assemblies, Ballybollan, Clonkeen, and Crosskeys, have combined to support this effort.

Newtownbreda: W. Martin and S. Gilfillen continue to preach the gospel in hall, and have seen a number in from the area to hear the message of life.

Newmills, Co Tyrone: S. Maze and R. Eadie are preaching in the Gospel Hall here.

Tully: S. Wells and J. Rogers saw the portable hall outside Ballymena full most nights and were encouraged with a number saved. The gospel meetings concluded after 7 ½ weeks.


Culver City, CA

April 23-24, Annual Easter Conference with Prayer Meeting on Friday, April 22 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (John 15), Gospel 2pm, Ministry 3pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Gospel 2pm, Ministry 3pm. Accommodations will be joyfully provided for saints coming from a distance. Corr: Martin Baghramian, Tel: 310 541-7694.

Kapuskasing, ON

April 22-24, the 29th Annual Conference. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 154 Mill Street. All other meetings in the Kapuskasing Education Center, 61 Devonshire Street. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Ministry/Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Sunday school 1pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Contact: Michel Larocque Email: mtvs@personainternet.com.

Toronto, ON

April 22-24. REVISED NOTICE – Easter Conference location has been altered, due to sale of former location. Meetings on Friday and Saturday in Le Parc, 8432 Leslie St., Thornhill at 10am, 1:30, 3:45, 7 and 8:45pm. On Lord’s Day, Breaking of Bread and gospel meetings will be in convening assemblies with afternoon Ministry Meetings at Langstaff Gospel Hall at 2:15 and 4pm. Thursday Prayer Meeting and correspondents as previously announced (refer to February issue).

Peterborough, ON

May 7, in the Gospel Hall, 592 Park St. N. Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Contact Alan Hale, Tel: 705 745-1007; E-mail: chale2@cogeco.ca.

Tylertown, MS

May 7-8. Saturday: Prayer and Ministry 2-5pm. Supper will be served at the hall. Lord’s Day: Ministry 10am, Lord’s Supper 11am, and Ministry 2-5pm. Lunch and supper will be served. For accommodations: Ben Lohrbach, Tel: 228 396-8876; or Keith Young, Tel: 601 268-6802.

Cumberland, MD

May 21-22 (PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE FROM LAST ISSUE), with Prayer Meeting Friday, May 20 at 7:30pm in the Cumberland Gospel Hall, 700 E. First St. All other meetings at South Penn Elementary School, 500 E. Second St.). Saturday: First meeting 10am. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am. Accommodations, directions or local hotel numbers for those wishing to make their own arrangements, contact Harold Harrison, Tel: 301 689-2432; or Tim Harrison, Tel: 301 689-0152, email sonnyh60@aol.com.

Ottawa, ON

May 21-22, in the Gospel Hall, 1087 North River Road, with Prayer Meeting on Friday (20th) at 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Study 9am, Prayer/Ministry 10:30am and 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Study 9am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Open Sunday school 1pm, Prayer/Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Bible Study subjects: Marriage and Family Life – Ephesians 5 & 6. Corr: M. Cottrill, Tel: 613 225-4708; E-mail: mervyncottrill@yahoo.ca.

Prince Edward Island

May 21- 22, at Bluefield High School, Hampshire, PE. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am and 2:15pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school 1:15pm, Prayer/Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Corr: Glen McKenna, 41 Andrews Dr., Kensington RR6, PE, COB 1M0; Tel 902 836-3073; or Brian MacDonald, 25 MacRae Dr., Cornwall, PE, C0A 1H0; Tel: 902 566-3831. Accom: Neil Thompson, Tel: 902 892-7216, or E-mail: neilthompson@pei.sympatico.ca.

Byfield MA

May 27-29, 127th annual conference with Prayer Meeting, Friday, May 27 at 8pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am, 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Sunday school 12:15pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Corr: John H. Short, 145 Main Street, Byfield, MA 01922; Tel: 978 465-2207; E-mail: johnhshort@comcast.net.

Denver/Hickory, NC

May 27-29, at the Hickory Gospel Hall, 253 17th Avenue NE, Hickory, NC; Tel 828 324-2118. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10:30am and 1:45 pm, Gospel 4:15 pm, Sing 6:30 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 am (Denver and Hickory), Sunday school 11:30am Hickory (11:15am Denver), Prayer/Ministry 1:45pm, Gospel 6pm (Denver and Hickory). Accommodations: Philip Moore, Tel: 828 324-1532, or Kurt Petterson, Tel: 704 489-2314.

Bancroft, ON

June 4, with Bible Reading 10am, Ministry 2 and 7pm. All meetings in the Lakeview Gospel Hall, 644 Maxwell Settlement Rd. Corr: Mark Freymond, RR#1 Bancroft, ON, K0L 1C0. Tel: 613 332-4317.

Saugus, MA

June 4-5, Bible Reading and Ministry conference. Friday (June 3): Prayer Meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Reading and Ministry 10am, Reading, Ministry and Gospel 1:30pm. Sunday: Remembrance Meeting 10am, Sunday school 11:45am, Reading and Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Readings and ministry will be on the subject of Stewardship. Outlines of the three sessions will be posted at www.walnutstreetgospelhall.com by May 1. Corr: Anthony Grillo, 46 Grey Lane, Lynnfield, MA 01940; E-mail: tonygrillo@netzero.net, Tel: 781248-8900. Accom: David Lusk, E-mail: luskdanda@yahoo.com, Tel: 781 942-7006.

North Bay, ON

June 11-12, in Nipissing Junction Gospel Hall, 1340 Lakeshore Drive. Friday (10th): Prayer Meeting 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 9am (Examples for us from the life of Christ). Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Bible Reading 11:30am (Examples for us from the life of Paul). Corr: C. Black, 63 Massey Drive, North Bay, ON P1A 3Y3, Tel: 705 494-1284. Accom: Terry Hurd, Tel: 705 752-2058.

Portage la Prairie, MN

June 10-12, beginning with prayer Thursday, June 9, 7:30pm in the First Street Gospel Hall, 102 First Street NW. All other meetings will be in the William Glesby Centre, 11 – 2nd Street NE for three full days of ministry, Bible readings (1Peter 1 & 2), missionary reports, gospel, and the Breaking of Bread. General inquiries: Philip Ronald, Tel: 204 857-9339, E-mail: pronald@xplornet.com. Accommodations: Malcolm Stanley, Tel: 204 857-9074, E-mail: mj@thestanleyshouse.com. The conference is sponsored jointly by the assemblies meeting at First Street Gospel Hall and Fifth Avenue Gospel Hall.

Conference Reminders:

Clarksville, IA – April 3

Stout, IA – April 9-10

Waterloo, IA – April 16-17

Manchester, CT – April 22-24

Nineveh, NS – April 23-24

Toronto, ON – April 22-24

Vancouver, BC – April 22-24

Fredericton, NB – April 29-May 1

McKeesport, PA – April 29-May 1

Newbury, ON – April 30

Newmarket, ON – May 1

Change of Address

Elton and Ruth Fairfield: E-mail address is ruthfairfield@afo.net.


Mrs. Mary Lou Bowman of Hickory, NC, on September 6, 2010, age 75. Our beloved sister went home to be with her Lord after battling cancer. Throughout her illness she was an example to all as she faithfully attended the assembly meetings with no complaints and a cheerful attitude. She was saved in 1957, and faithfully attended the meetings at the Hickory Gospel Hall. She will be missed by the Hickory assembly believers and her husband J. D. Bowman.

Gordon Hicks of Sudbury, ON, passed away on November 9, 2010 at the age of 96. Gordon was saved in May 1941 at the age of 27 in Dunchurch, Ontario. He was baptized in Peterborough, Ontario in the mid 70’s, and received into fellowship. Gordon retired to Sudbury in 1979 and continued in fellowship there until his passing. He was a godly man and respected elder, who had a genuine care for the saints. He was a loving husband to his predeceased wife Tillie, and is survived by their four children. The gospel was preached both at the funeral service and also at the graveside. He will be greatly missed by his family, neighbors, and many friends.

Kenneth Leonard Coleman of Glen Ewen, SK, on January 12, age 91. He was born in 1919 in Glen Ewen and lived his whole life there. Born again July 3, 1932, he was soon received into assembly fellowship which he enjoyed until his passing. He farmed for many years and then ran a harness and tarp repair shop. He was predeceased by his first wife Helen and a baby daughter. Three other daughters graced that marriage. His second marriage to Vivian Nordin gave him many more quality years. He appreciated his two extended families. His favorite verse was, “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift” (2Cor 9:15). His funeral was taken by Randy Logue and David Carson, both from Glen Ewen.

Janet Hagen of Willmar, MN, on February 16, age 75, due to complications of acute leukemia. Our dear sister was saved on September 27, 1955 while reading a “God’s Way of Salvation” to an unsaved friend. She was among those who formed the assembly here in 1957. Her life was marked by faithfulness and hospitality. She accepted her health problems with patience and spoke to others of her hope and assurance of salvation. Her husband, Ronald, survives along with a son, Michael (Laura), and four grandchildren. A large number were present for her funeral which was conducted by Robert Orr.

Donald Smith of Manchester, IA, on February 26, 2011, age 93. Our beloved brother was saved in March, 1950 during gospel meetings being held by brethren Dobson and DeBuhr. He was a faithful brother to his Lord and to the assembly here for many years. The last few months he was a resident of Linn Manor Care Center at Marion, IA. His wife, Clara, preceded him in death in 1986, and a son in 2001. He is survived by a son and a daughter along with their families. Six sisters also survive. Robert Orr spoke at the funeral and Allen Christopherson at the grave.