You probably don’t turn instinctively to 2 Chronicles when you need comfort, encouragement, or guidance, yet its pages and the lives it relates are filled with divine principles which can do all of the above and much more. Peppered throughout its 36 chapters are instance after instance of gems of truth which transcend time and culture in their applicability and value to all.
The life of King Asa provides three such truths. He was a great grandson of Solomon and father to Jehoshaphat.
When he and Israel were about to go out to battle against the superior forces of the Ethiopians, Asa cried unto the Lord and said, “It is nothing with Thee to help, whether with many or with them that have no power; help us O Lord our God … let not man prevail against Thee” (2Chron 14:11). He rightly saw the battle as the Lord’s. The great lesson for us here is that God is ABLE to meet every emergency and every need; He is not limited by our resources!
As a result of the trust expressed in Him, God wrought a great victory. On his return from the battle, Asa was met by one of the prophets, Azariah. From him came an additional truth: “The Lord is with you … If ye seek Him He will be found of you … Be strong therefore and let not your hands be weak; for your work shall be rewarded” (2Chron 15:2-7). Lesson number 2: God is AVAILABLE. It is wonderful for us to remember that God is able; but that would be of little consolation were He not available to us in our day-to-day lives, with their problems, perplexities, and struggles. Home life, business life, assembly life, and whatever other face you place on life, can be problematic. We need One Who is both able and available.
The final chapter which details Asa’s life is 2 Chronicles 16; and the picture is not as good. A life which had been pleasing to God suddenly turned south. Instead of the faith he expressed in early days, he depended on Syria in his battle with Baasha, king of Israel. As a result, Hanani the prophet was sent with a message: “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him” (ch 16:9). Not only able and available, but this God is also ACTIVE for us. How gracious of God that amidst the failure of Asa, He provides us with a principle of tremendous encouragement. The imagery is almost as though God is peering down from heaven to see whom He can work with and help. God is anxious to show Himself strong to those who are willing to rely upon Him.
Asa’s God is able, available, and active. Asa’s God is our God; He is the same, unchanging, faithful, and consistent.