Gospel: I Will: Be Thou Clean

How remarkable is the succinctness of the gospels in setting forth details of individuals who came to the Lord Jesus. Consider Mark 1:40: “And there came a leper to Him.” In a single expression, much is learned about this man. His condition is fully set forth with the mention of a single word, “leper.” The Word of God is equally clear in setting forth our condition, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). Stop and enter into the life of this leper. Specifically, think about the day of his discovery and about his day of deliverance.

Scripture doesn’t tell us about the day this man discovered he was a leper. Perhaps it was a day like every other with all the routines of life when he first noticed the signs of his condition. Perhaps he spent time attempting to convince himself he would be fine, only to be forced to face the truth that he was indeed a leper! As the despair of this truth weighed upon him, the consequences of his disease also flooded in upon him … he was unclean, defiled, and he would now need to be separated from his loved ones. He would be isolated to the outside place, never to enjoy that for which he had been created. Undoubtedly, this was a dark and desperate day in the experience of this man, the day he discovered and acknowledged he was a leper.

Have you ever had a day like this? A time when you understood, “I have a terrible condition; I am a sinner!” A time when, like the leper, the consequences of your condition loomed before you … “the wages of sin is death” (Rom 6:23); a moment of understanding that the God of eternity knows all the sins that you have committed against Him and that you are accountable to Him for each of these. This, indeed, is a day of discovery, a day of despair and darkness, a moment of understanding that you are lost!

Enter now into that dark experience in the life of the leper and see the man as he approaches the Lord Jesus Christ. The leper had heard of others who had been healed by Him, for when he approaches, he worships and attests to His power and ability to save, saying, “If Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean.” He acknowledged his need and he comes to the Savior in that need. What beautiful words he received that day from the Lord Jesus: ” ‘I will, be thou clean’ … and immediately the leprosy departed from him and he was cleansed” (Mark 1:41-42)! His despair was turned to rejoicing, his separation was over. He was cleansed!

This is the salvation God offers today to those who will come to Him in their need. Discover today the truth of God’s Word concerning your sin and its consequences and come like the leper to the Savior! “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). Appreciate the fullness of the work He completed at the cross: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1John 1:7).