Another year comes swiftly to a close,
In passing leaves us many joys and woes,
The joy of knowing God is in control,
That nothing happens that He does not know,
Even some “woes” that unexpected came,
That brought the tears that caused some inner pain.
We cannot understand life’s complex ways,
In valleys deep His mighty grace displayed,
Teaching us that we’re not here to dwell,
Just passing, homeward bound, where all is well,
Where affliction’s night will never, never come,
For us “the joy” in that eternal home.
The Lord of all is boundless in His love,
His mercy flows down from the Throne above,
Bringing us peace amid the battle-strife,
Whether in sickness, sorrow, death or life,
What wondrous grace is ours along life’s path,
That cheers the broken heart right to the last!
One day! How soon? This must be very near,
When trumpet-voice will sound both loud and clear,
To call away from earth the pilgrim band,
All battles ended in Immanuel’s land,
We’ll then look back on all the years gone by,
Life’s questions answered then know the reason “why.”
Cheer up dear saints the race will soon be run,
Trials will end; we’ll shine bright as the sun,
The darksome night now past our tears all dried,
All partings gone for aye, we’ve reached the glory-side;
Up there our songs shall rise to Christ our Lord,
The One Who died to bring us unto God.
With undimmed eyes we’ll see Him face to face,
And there behold the wonders of His grace,
As far and wide hosts will surround the Lamb,
All bought with precious blood, heaven’s happy band,
What ecstasy will burst on streets of gold,
We shall exclaim; “the half hath not been told!”