William Williams was saved in Scotland and immigrated to Canada where he came into contact with assembly believers. Having learned the truth of gathering in the Name of the Lord Jesus, he and his wife enjoyed fellowship in the Brock Avenue assembly in Toronto, Ontario. In 1910 the Toronto brethren commended them to the work of the Lord in Venezuela. By faith, our brother took hold of the great commission of Matthew 28:18-19. He claimed the “all power” promise of God; Christ would meet his needs. When he read “make disciples of all nations,” he determined that the Lord still sends individuals to difficult lands. He believed in “teaching them to observe all things”; that God even now saves and plants churches after the apostolic pattern. “I am with you always.” He believed that His presence is very real and dependable. With confidence in their God, they set out for a land marked by poverty, extreme unhealthy conditions, and continual revolutions.
Arriving in Venezuela he faced the language barrier and his only friend was the dictionary. After learning the language, Mr. Williams was stirred to reach out in pioneer work while he was still young. Leaving the cities behind, he traveled hundreds of miles on horseback with Christian literature and Bibles. Much of the travel was along poorly marked paths, in extreme heat, and amidst many dangers. The darkness, ignorance, and poverty that marked the people grieved him. The land was marked by 80% illegitimacy. The religious system was content to keep the people in their desperate condition and openly opposed the light of the gospel.
In time, other workers were added. It cheered Mr. Williams and his fellow-workers to see men and women saved, married, baptized, and received into the fellowship of the assembly. What a change, what a testimony, as state after state was reached with the gospel! Mr. Williams was an excellent record-keeper, and he kept detailed notes of his labors in the villages and towns. This was invaluable later in writing of the work of the Lord.
Our brother knew the history of the land of Venezuela but his interest lay in its future. He encouraged workers from both sides of the Atlantic and from Venezuela to give their lives to the spread of the gospel. The work progressed and flourished with hundreds of converts to Christ and testimonies raised to the Name of our God. His foresight has been rewarded as we live in changing times. William Williams claimed the promises of Matthew 28; we see how it characterized the work of God in Venezuela. All who have an interest in the work of God in that land will find The Pioneer Series – William Williams, is a must-read book.