The Apostle Paul penned these words to the believers in Corinth when they forced from him a vindication of his apostleship. Much was at stake – the truth of God itself – and Paul reluctantly spoke of himself. He passed through the world a stranger, a corpse in light of Calvary (Gal 6:14), a contestant straining for the finish line (2 Tim 4:7).
While none of us would take these words to ourselves, there has been a legion of spiritual heroes who have “served their generation” and moved through this world as unknown. It is a tremendous comfort to know that all labor done for the Lord, though unrecognized or unknown on earth, will be recognized publicly at the Bema.
But an appreciation of coming reward and acknowledgment should not hinder our recognition of those who have served unheralded perhaps by others. The end of an old year and the beginning of a new remind us of those whose labors are so essential to the production of a magazine, yet whose names are not always known by others.
The monthly layout and organization has been undertaken by Phil Rockey whose advice and expertise have helped to produce the volume you have in your hands. Invaluable design work has been done by Donald Draper and has increased the attractiveness of the magazine. Proofreading, a tedious and challenging work, is done monthly by Rita Dennison and Gene Higgins. Their skill has greatly reduced the errors which inadvertently crop up in any publication. Tidings continue to be handled by Phil Broadhead. This constitutes one of the most read sections of Truth and Tidings. The same can be said for the Q and A Forum which David Oliver contributes for us. His balanced answers have been appreciated by all our readers.
Our brother, Mr. Norman Crawford, continues to be available for advice, counsel, and guidance. His experience, wisdom, and spiritual character are a tremendous stay to us and we are so thankful that his name continues to appear on the magazine, despite the limitations caused by health. Subscriptions and treasurer’s work are handled by Paul Glenney and his wife Lynda. We owe them a great debt of thanks for a difficult task which is done with such skill. We appreciate the many years that Elwood Russell has handled the UK subscriptions for us. Finally, Paul and Tal Wielenga have undertaken to oversee the mailing of the magazine. This has been a great asset to us.
It is a great comfort to the editors to be able to turn to a staff which provides timely and helpful suggestions. Bre. Bert Reilly, Albert Hull, Peter Ramsay, Marvin Derksen, Gene Higgins, and John Dennison constitute this group of men. Some of the names listed above may be well known; others may be less well known. All contribute and all are deeply appreciated for their help. We covet your continued prayer for the usefulness of the magazine as we enter another year.