A Journey of Over 100 Years
A Faithful Minister of Christ
We have known Mr. G.P. Taylor for 42 years. During the past 26 years, we were both in fellowship in the Deseronto Assembly. In his later years, our brother was well cared for by his daughter Joan and her husband Percy Ross. Although weak in body, he never lost his zeal for the Lord and his desire to be a faithful minister of Christ. He witnessed to all he met, great or small, of God’s saving grace, right to the end of his sojourn here. He was a unique man who was able to touch his hearers whether saint or sinner.
He Went Forth (3 John 7)
He was commended to the work of the Lord by the assembly in Hartford, Connecticut. Three years later he moved to Deseronto, Ontario, Canada, and has been in fellowship for 66 years in this assembly which he dearly loved. From here he sounded out the Word of the Lord.
He Loved to Worship (Psa 9:1)
Mr. Taylor’s last word of ministry to the assembly was given on March 25, 2007. His text was “I will praise the Lord with my whole heart.” He exhorted us to fix our thoughts and hearts on Christ and not to come to worship occupied with other things. He said, “Don’t be half-hearted in your worship. The Lord wants our whole heart.”
He Walked in the Truth (3 John 3)
Mr. Taylor read his Bible two or three times daily and meditated on it. He taught the truth and walked in the old paths. He was an able teacher in local assemblies and at conferences. He had two charts that he often used: “Egypt to Canaan,” and “The Church and Churches of God.” Mr. Taylor authored the practical book, “God’s Plan and God’s Place for His People.” He was known as a man who stood for the truth.
He Worked in the Gospel (2 Co 10:16)
He read and prayed with a world view. With his National Geographic he traveled the world! He loved to hear about new work in Canada and the U.S. and preached the gospel all over North America, with special blessing in Welland, Picton, Arnstein, and Peterborough. His tent went to new places: Tammworth, Newburgh, Brockville, Picton, and others.
He was a silent partner in children’s work started in our home in the early seventies. I enjoyed preaching with him in a short series of gospel meetings.
Some of his many children in the faith came to pay their respects at his funeral.
He Waitied for His Coming (I Th 1:10)
Mr. Taylor wanted to see his Savior face to face and looked forward to receiving his glorified body and being free of pain and restraint. His full-time service is over now. We believe that he was the oldest preacher ever to be on the Truth and Tidings list of commended workers, but he did not live long enough to realize his desire of living to hear the shout, “Come up hither” (Rev 4:1)
Whose Faith Follow (Heb 13:7)
Mr. Taylor sought to live out the convictions he had received from God’s Word and faithfully passed on to others. Here in Deseronto, we shall miss his wisdom and wit. Daily he prayed for each one of us. But most of all we shall miss our brother.